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15 answers

Your premise is flawed. It isn't race that is the issue, it's poverty.

2006-07-05 05:18:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Who ever said "Where there are ******* there are triggers” is so stupid. Whoever said they do not have fathers is also stupid. Don't get it twisted. You can't believe everything you see on television and hear on the news. There are more black families that include a mother, father, sister, brother, and grandparents than you know. The media only reports information that makes a community look bad, never when something good is going on.
Secondly, if you use the word "******" than that is what you are, a stupid person. No one ask why white kids kill their parents, why most if not all of the serial killers in the world are white or why there are more whites on public assistance than blacks. Check your facts!!! I hate when these types of questions come up because it brings out all of the ignorant people and they want to express their opinion and show what limited education they have.
Thirdly, if you really want to know why there is so much violence in black neighborhoods and in Africa, you have only to look at the cause. European imperialism. Check your own history. Prior to Europeans going to Africa, they had stable governments and were relatively wealthy. That all changed once the European powers came in and kidnapped the people, divided up the continent, and began to drain it of its mineral wealth. After 80 years of imperialistic rule, they then pulled out and left ethnic groups to fight for power. They gave one group more privileges that the others and this caused hatred and friction which in turn led to civil wars.
The next time you want to call some names or say something offensive about another ethnic group, you need to look at your ethnic groups history and how vicious and brutal they have been not only to those in their own culture, but those outside of it. Dumb ***!!!

2006-07-05 14:04:34 · answer #2 · answered by Asheeka B 1 · 0 0

Let's start with the US black neighborhoods part.
In a very peculiar way this is a, "which came first the chicken or the egg", type of question. But, as simply put as possible..
Black nieghborhoods date back to, "What were slave quarters, considered?" They were a totally seperate, segregated area's offering little more than what was neccessary to sustain the barest survival.
And, these area's were heavily policed.
Even the most trivial of behavior Infractions were delt with the severest of punishments. Beatings, often resulting in death or hangings were common place.
History, granted, on different levels, has proven itself to have continued this practise.
We reap what we sow.
It may be a coencidence but it appears that every police force,(look up the meaning of force) some times every pricinct, has an area, often reffered to as a "getto", as a form of job security.In that it can alway be counted on to provide arrest statistics.
And, not to unlike the time of slaves, the black man of today still has to live under the threat of it's police force inflicting unnessary force, and/or unjust, punishment.
Hey, pushed hard enough, even your pet will bite you.
To be fair, a getto is a small city with-in itself and has it's own politics and set of rules and many of it's inhabitants, angry, frustrated by hardship, inability and poverty are hard liners and difficult to deal with.
A getto, not all are exclusive to blacks,(but theirs has history) are almost always distinguishable by it's obvious poverty and skin color of it's inhabitants.
And just like everywhere else, the have and the have nots live there.
The struggle to have, often is territorial, sometimes for as little as a single block with-in that city, and is only gained or protected by (the threat of/ or) violence.
Africa is exactly the same but different and bigger.
I could go on and fill pages with this and not have even touched it, but hopefully this will at least give you a glimmer into your question.

2006-07-05 14:00:19 · answer #3 · answered by thomnjo2 3 · 0 0

I agree with Sunshine_today. Please research what I'm about to say before coming to a conclusion. In 1913 Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt passed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This Act instituted the Fed Reserve Bank that currently prints the US Dollar. This means the US Govt stopped printing it's own currency (for free) and started paying the private banks to print Us dollars at a cost. In addition, America is BROKE! Remember, every year the US has to borrow money from the Federal Reserve Bank to pay her bills at a rate of about 2 million dollar per day. That's why their is a growing US debt of 7 trillion dollars because we still owe the private bankers interest on loans and the printing of the US dollar. Are you able to pay for the necessities of life from your wages? No. That's because the US has become a fascist (the perfect union between corporation and government.) The goal is to make you an economic slave to the banks eliminating the middle class. Keep in mind, everyone is suppose to be equal (economically) in the New World Order.

2006-07-05 13:55:01 · answer #4 · answered by Marlon L 1 · 0 0

The color of a persons skin is not the issue. The truth is that we are products of our environment. They way that you are today, whether you realize it or not, is a result of what you saw and heard when you were little.

In countries and neighborhoods where violence abounds children grow up not knowing any other way. Sadly things will not change until there is massive change in the way those areas are governed, change must start at the top with better examples, education and opportunities. The problem is that the leaders of those areas are usually ones who have grown up in that environment and they know no other way.

If you were taken out of your comfortable life today and locked in a prison with hardened criminals and you were told that this was your life from now on, even though you were guilty of no crime, and that there was no hope of ever leaving that situation, would you behave the way you do now or would you change and adapt in order to survive? Would you become more violent in order to protect yourself? Would you be open and trusting or gaurded?

Now take a child who is born in the inner city or in a war torn country in Africa. He is surrounded by violence and told that there is no way out. What options does he have in order to survive?

Now take that same child and put him in a normal middle class neighborhood. Would he be the same person 20 years later as he would be if you left him in the violent environment? No. He would be a very different person.

The solution is not to condem but to seek ways to change the future prospects for a person. If you take away hope for a better life from any of us what is left but anger and violence?

2006-07-05 12:35:33 · answer #5 · answered by quickthinker 2 · 0 0

I know a tiny bit about Africa because it is fascinating.

Africa has been systematically raped by the rest of the world for anything of value, and has suffered under hundreds of years of tyrannical, corrupted rule both by its own people & outsiders.

Now it has tribal violence that worsens as conditions become more desperate (water drying up, drought, etc.) & tribes now have machine guns instead of more primitive (and less destructive) weapons.

In the cities, there is little opportunity & widespread unemployment & poverty. Many of the governments are completely corrupt & stifle economic development.

The problems in the U.S. are completely different. It isn't about race.

2006-07-05 12:24:18 · answer #6 · answered by wee 2 · 0 0

The violence is not only in Africa and in Black neighborhoods. It depends on how economically deprived people are. All around the world wherever there is discrimination, economical inequality, poverty, lack of education and for that matter, lack of basic necessities there is violence. On top of that they get hold of arms, so just think about it. It rage along with weapons, a deadly combination. They just become vulnerable and people take advantage of their plight. Its not only in African countries or black neighborhoods. Its a problem all around the world. Look around!

2006-07-05 12:12:07 · answer #7 · answered by viv 3 · 0 0

In Africa I don't know but in the U.S. blacks are brought up without a father. They are born out of wedlock and usually unplanned. They live in low income areas plagued with crime and it has an influence on them. They see the accomplilshments of the upper class kids and what they have which is usually because the kids came from hardworking families where as they came from families with no father figure and very little disipline. I have known many black women who have had trouble with their children when they became teenagers.

2006-07-05 12:10:19 · answer #8 · answered by reallyfedup 5 · 0 0

I dont really know. Probably in the US it is because of one person not liking another and they get into a fight which leads to gang war. Africa................................... no real answer for that.

2006-07-05 12:09:04 · answer #9 · answered by ZZ 3 · 0 0

I agree with viv
Good answer, I couldn't of said it any better.

2006-07-05 12:30:58 · answer #10 · answered by sharebear1967 3 · 0 0

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