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than the black president Clinton ever did?

Nation's Report Card published annually by the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics:

Nationally, in reading, only 13 percent of black fourth-graders and 11 percent of black eighth-graders score as proficient. Twenty-nine percent of black fourth-graders achieve a score of "basic," which is defined as having a partial knowledge and skills necessary to be proficient in the grade. Fifty-nine percent score below basic, not having any of the necessary knowledge and skills. It's the same story for black eighth-graders, with 40 percent scoring basic and 49 percent below basic.

In math, it's roughly the same story. For black fourth-graders, 12 percent score proficient, 47 percent score basic and 40 percent below basic. For black eighth-graders, 8 percent score proficient, while 33 percent score basic and 59 percent score below basic; however, 1 percent of black fourth-graders and eighth-graders achieved an a

2006-07-05 04:55:09 · 20 answers · asked by scorpion 1 in Politics & Government Politics

an advanced score in math.

Teachers and politicians respond to this tragic state of affairs by saying that more money is needed. The Washington, D.C., school budget is about the nation's highest at around $15,000 per pupil. Its student/teacher ratio, at 15.2 to 1, is lower than the nation's average.

2006-07-05 04:56:08 · update #1

LOL. It's Tourettes syndrom with Liberals. "Blame that son-of-a-Bush", even though he has raised the education budget at record levels that would make the black president Clinton blush. Come on commies, refute the stats.

2006-07-05 05:02:55 · update #2

20 answers

have you seen the whites score?

2006-07-05 04:57:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey! Not all teachers insist that more money will fix the problem; I don't! Catholic schools consistently have higher numbers than public schools in every area of comparison, even in poor neighborhoods with non-Catholic students, and those schools get almost no funding from the government. The problem is the lack of discipline and disciplinary actions toward those who disrupt as a way of life. The also don't get the services they need, and by law, deserve because the authorities pretend like there is no problem. Public schools in poor urban areas are just for show. They do the paperwork and they smile and pretend like everything is OK when, in fact, the students are doing worse and worse. Most of the voters in these areas are Democrats yet Democrats have done nothing for them for years, while generation after generation of poor minorities are thrown away and no one wants to hear it or do what needs to be done. Imagine the inventions, and cures and leaders that don't exist because they don't get the education they need and deserve.

2006-07-05 05:13:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's a known fact that while education spending has continually increased, test scores have decreased; precisely why I think we should continue to CUT education spending until some kind of turn around is seen in the system. Namely, breaking the fat-butt teachers unions and not building another damn school with prevailing wage BS.

This is the real reason teachers unions and Dems are afraid of school vouchers. They love to blame it on religion, but get real. They are afraid of them because it would cause competition and they might actually have to come up with some performance numbers, lest they lose their precious funding.

Schooling is becoming nearly as big of a bureaucracy as the government itself is.

2006-07-05 05:14:19 · answer #3 · answered by obviously_you'renotagolfer 5 · 0 0

Racial factors are the WRONG focus! Are we making the efforts necessary to overcome racial elements or not?! We cannot expect to work on the problems with a racial focus if racial elements are the problem to be overcome.

It's school ALL YEAR, and teaching trades, skills, and economics instead of sex ed or some other 'self estem' social arts in elementary school! Teachers should not be allowed to push away their teaching responsibilities by identifying THEIR STUDENTS as someone else's responsibility. Homework doesn't seem to exist like it use to, and yet teachers love to blame the parents for not creating a schooling environment at home. Like fast food, instant gradification, for students developed eelsewhere, from teachers gives them the excuses used for not REALLY teaching. IF study skills are not up to par, it remains the teacher's responsibility to ensure development of THEIR student.

The student may be the daughter or son of their parents ~ yet WITHOUT DOUBT they are the TEACHER'S 'STUDENT'! Teachers haven't been doing their actual jobs for far too long!

The roll parents have ALWAYS needed to play in educating their children has been providing a home, basic needs, and sending children to school with a focus on learning. A teacher's job includes developing students by teaching and engendering a desire to learn. If the teacher isn't doing that, it isn't the parents' fault!

From a federally financed level of obvious failure ~ If parents have to do the public teachers' or administrators' jobs for them ~ why pay for specific services NOT specifically provided on such a MASSIVE and expensive level?

The federal government was not EVER intended to enable FORCED levels or content of education. Overpaying for obviously failing federal experiments in education must stop. We don't need to be developing MORE people forcefully devaluated by educational elitism that keeps insisting we ALL conform to excessive educational goals. Our Junior high students now study what was college level language arts(english, reading, & writing) ~ Can they grow corn, tomatoes, green beans ~ raise a goat, sheep, pig, chicken, or cow? Big maybe! I could in the third grade! Do they know anything about making soap, jelly, CLOTHES ~ building a motor, electric appliance, house? Another BIG maybe! IF not, why not?!

Black students like ALL students, are either students ~ OR NOT! If not, teach them what they NEED to be taught instead of what elitist forces of government insists they should be taught. They can't read because they don't want to! Maybe they would rather sing, plant tomatoes and watch them grow ~ watermelon? Our schools are not teaching NEEDED life skills, so why bother with these stupid statistics for reading, or math skills MANY DON'T NEED or WANT?!

2006-07-05 06:13:35 · answer #4 · answered by friojc 2 · 0 0

its simple .
you put restrictions on how the money can be spent and if anything resembaling education pops up you simple force it to go away.
black kids know you do not need to read to flip burgers or dig ditches so why bother
ITS the white mans world with white mans laws and rules history is told leaving out the contributions of blacks creating extremely low self esteme issues in the youth as the see what happens to parents and family friends who strugglee only to be beat back by inflation racism and a system designed to create low educated workers who do not question anything but rather toil in the work-place for low wages .this is the place where people say it is there own fault they did not get an education and succeed.WELL how many jobs are there for ceo'saround 25,000
mickey deees buger king and other fast food corps have around 1,000 ,000 stores and one manager per other private businesses have around 20,000,000 owners so thats 22,000 000 bosses and the rest have to work that leaves 150 ,000,000 workers who are not going to be managers so those who do get ahead do so on merit then right .not so white boss 15 partime black workers non of whom will ever manage the store.
so do not preach of oppertunity that does not exist.
the nubers are so bad for minoritys they recieved prefferential treatment on contracts .
RICH white guys knew how to get around that ---have a women minotirty owner who owed her investors nearly everthing she would earn .so where is the oppertunity you speak of.
why bother when all it serves is to upset you at the racial and social inequality of minoritys.

2006-07-05 05:30:31 · answer #5 · answered by playtoofast 6 · 0 0

This question is foolishly contrived and nigh on hate-mongering. Quoting statistics alongside presenting a heavily weighted question, that would sound more fitting from Ann Coulter's gaping jaw than some random conservative mouthpiece, does not validate the conclusions that you are premising your question on. There are a number of factors that contribute to the decline of black children in our educational system, the least of which being an unconcerned conservative majority in congress. You should rewrite and address the reasoning that you have linked liberals (whom are known for their pro-equality stances and stressing the importance of education) and decreased education among black children before just starting random arguements.

2006-07-05 05:09:17 · answer #6 · answered by f1le_f0und 3 · 0 0

The failure is the result of both sides politicizing education instead of working to create an educational system that will actually provide the best education for all American pupils.

Our education system, like our healthcare system is broken. Democrats and Republicans alike have taken wrenches to them.

While your question provides some fantastic facts, you fall victim to the very same issue that is ruining education. You immediately place blame on one side.

If we don't get past placing blame, we'll never get to finding solutions.

2006-07-05 05:18:40 · answer #7 · answered by WBrian_28 5 · 0 0

Hollywood legend Joan Crawford used to play the same part over and over: the plucky shopgirl who rose against all the odds to make a success of herself.

Similarly, Liberals play the same old tune, over and over. They like to portray themselves as just scrappy defenders of the oppressed. However, Liberals only want a few minorities to succeed in order to justify the continuation of their programs and philosophy. If blacks and hispanics were actually succeeding in school, how could liberals justify ever-larger bloated programs and expenditures?

My dad went to grade school in a real one-room schoolhouse in rural Wisconsin. The money spent per child was probably just about the salary of the teacher divided by 50 students. In other words, a pittance. And yet, my dad learned everything required and was easily able to transfer to a prestigious high school in Chicago. Why? Because there was discipline in the classroom. You were required to do the work. There was no tolerance for disrespecting the teacher nor failure to do your homework each and every night.

I know a New York City public High School teacher who recently came here from Slovakia. He refers to his students as his "zoo kids". The stories he tells of the students' absolute disregard for rules, their contempt for any authority is shocking. The students don't want to learn, and the teacher can't force them to do anything.

I remember seeing a documentary about the Czech Republic. An American film maker was shooting some scenes in a high school there, and he asked the students to follow a general script he had prepared. He simply wanted the students to show contempt for the teacher, interrupt him, yell at him, and generally act rowdy and disrepectful. The students were perplexed. "Is this some sci-fi movie or something?" they asked. The Czech students could not conceive of real students acting like this.

If you want to understand the problem of public education, watch the movie, "The Boys of Baraka". At risk black students in Baltimore are sent to a special school in Kenya, Africa. The alternative is grim: statistically, they stand only a 24% chance of graduating. Seventy-six percent of blacks don't graduate from high school in Baltimore.

2006-07-05 05:46:21 · answer #8 · answered by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7 · 0 0

Did you say "allowed to fail?" I saw your previous questions, so I know you've got some beef, and I'm not judging it, but that sort of rhetoric's gonna win you no love.

As a former teacher, I'm too aware of the education system's problems, but some responsibility-taking is definately in order on the part of students and parents as well as government.

2006-07-05 05:01:43 · answer #9 · answered by ishotvoltron 5 · 0 0

Not you again!!

I thought it was Bush who's latest attempt went belly up!

Of course they score low in language. You I am afraid do not talk their language, nor do the tests they take!!

How many white students spelled Relief..Rolaids???

Hey, how did the whites do?

Clinton isn't black and you know it. Just another angry neocon!!

If you rich Republicans would start paying taxes, along with your corporate friends, education might not have to rely on lottery's.

2006-07-05 05:04:05 · answer #10 · answered by cantcu 7 · 0 0

You have your views, I agree with your motivation, yet you should not point out Liberals as the crutch. Focus instead on Demotrats. The party is the one letting them (you) down.

I have read a few books by Herman Cain, he has similar views ( a black man who didn't let the 60's daunt him).

2006-07-05 05:02:22 · answer #11 · answered by mymadsky 6 · 0 0

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