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Do you feel that America is becoming a Dictatorship? Connect the dots... Am I just paranoid?
If we are so free here in America; Why is it that Yahoo censors us. Yahoo deletes certain answers&questio...
I answered a question a user posed about a revolution in America. My answer was a revolution can only take place through organization and a consensus among the majority. Yahoo feels like they can control the conversation. I understand we are not allowed to sale things. However, we should be able to express ourselves without bigbrother yahoo editing or removing our thoughts. Did yahoo release our records to the government? I guess we know who we can't trust. This is a perfect reason for us all to engage in the conversation that is taking place in Congress regarding Net Neutrality. We do not live in China. Yahoo can not censor us....... UNLESS they are in the pockets of the lobbyist as well as our representation. We the people must stand as one against this invasion.....................

2006-07-05 04:52:10 · 22 answers · asked by ronfschmidt 2 in News & Events Media & Journalism

22 answers

We have changed for the better, Clinton is out of office.

2006-07-12 15:13:16 · answer #1 · answered by CottonPatch 7 · 1 0

Thinks are worse by the day. As the nation darkens so does our future. We must work to cleanse the nation and then world so we can have a brighter Whiter world and future. Less poverty, disease, ignorance, crime and a cleaner environment and a less strained planet. If only we stopped subsidizing the non-White population explosion and instead stopped helping them. Without our aid and trade billions would perish in short order and billions more over time. Yet it is us that are endangered. Look up the definition of racial suicide in a good sized dictionary. You will see it fits since our deaths have outnumbered our births since 1965. If we do not take radical steps soon we are finished as a people and with our end comes the end of all civilization. Higher man will walk no more on this planet. It will be a planet of the savage apes untill they die off.

As for freedom. We are as free as we deserve to be. Freedom and liberty are always payed for in blood. Our people today are pitiful and weak. They are obedient happy slaves that fancy themselves to be free. As long as they obey and do only what they are supposed to do then they are "free". As for revolution - no that does not need a majority and never has. It is always a small group that actually rules. Most revolutions are engaged in by very small numbers. The stupid masses are asses and they do not matter much when it comes to revolutions. They will go where they are herded. The American revolution never had majority support. In fact it was estimated that they had no more than 10% (very high compared to most revolutions) support at their height. The masses will always go with the victors though. They only respect strength and power.

2006-07-05 19:06:52 · answer #2 · answered by Bill 2 · 0 0

There are several parts of your question that need to be addressed.

First - America has changed in the past decade, and in my opinion, for the worst.
I say this because we now live in fear.
That fear has led our so-called leaders to spend billions of dollars on so-called homeland security.
Our so-called leaders send our troops to bring democracy to Iraq...yet our own civil liberties are slowly being taken away.
Our children are growing up with little hope of overcoming the huge national debt, the continued pollution, poor health care and even poorer education.

Now - regarding Yahoo!
Hey...they OWN this site.
They have a right to do what they want to do.
We have a CHOICE as to stay here and post comments or find another place (like MSN) to spout out our views.
I do NOT consider what Yahoo! does as censorship.

However, I do feel that Yahoo! crossed the line when they become a lackey for our corrupt government.

As for China - get used to it.
America has already sold out to China.
Look at all the stuff we buy from them.
It won't be but a few years before we're all speaking Chinese!

2006-07-05 14:44:38 · answer #3 · answered by docscholl 6 · 0 0

YES-you are paranoid and obviously a product of our public school system.

You have no "YAHOO" bill of rights...however, you can speak your mind freely on the street or your OWN web portal. If enough people report you as OFFENSIVE you will be "censored" much the same way as your job might tell you to keep certain opinions to yourself.

No this country is NOT any more of a "dictatorship" than it was during other WARS. Just look at Roosevelts "internment camps" or Lincoln's suspension of "habeus corpus" so he could imprison THOUSANDS of US citizens and try them using TRIBUNALS not courts.

Each time the American people returned to a more FREE society after the THREAT posed to our COLLECTIVE survival was secured. We are in a WAR right now, keep whining about "rights" and we'll have more 9/11's but with NUKES. This AIN'T the 60's and it AIN'T VIETNAM...

I apparently have more faith in Americans than you do.

2006-07-05 12:05:39 · answer #4 · answered by R J 7 · 0 0

The U.S. has definitely gotten worse since 9/11-now America
is a country ruled by fear. Noble ideals went out the window when
the Patriot Act was passed. Even if we never hear from Osama
Bin Laden again by that one act he won a lasting victory.
As for Yahoo,you do sound a little paranoid but I have no doubt
that it is censored. We live in paranoid times.

2006-07-05 12:51:28 · answer #5 · answered by Alion 7 · 0 0

We aren't a dictatorship and aren't becoming one. You are just paranoid.

WE do have freedom of speech here. However there are limits to what you can say in the interest of civility. Exceed those limits are you get removed if reported. And in the interest of manners certain words or hatred and profanity are automatically censored. Do you really have a problem with that?

You need to take more Prozac. *LOL* ON the other hand if you are advocating the anarchy of terrorist I do hope they report to you to whoever. And for your information we've already been invaded. The invaders weren't trying to blow something up they just wanted to get in.

2006-07-17 12:07:42 · answer #6 · answered by namsaev 6 · 0 0

I think you might be somewhat paranoid, but America has gotten worse. The way some Americans act is an embarassment to me. The way I see some people act in the store I work at is so disgusting.
Yahoo does have the right to choose what can be said on their website, it has nothing to do with America.

2006-07-05 14:18:33 · answer #7 · answered by shea_8705 5 · 0 0

First you demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of the Constitution. Yahoo is a private concern and has every right to determine what can and cannot be posted on it's sites. If your worried about the constitution being compromised you should look at McCain- Fiengold. This inhibits speech that the constitution is supposed to protect. I predict that it will be ruled un-constitutional when it gets to the supreme court. I think you need to readjust your tin hat and get over your paranoid outlook.

2006-07-18 07:24:06 · answer #8 · answered by opie with an attitude 3 · 0 0

What has happened in America is that everyone is overly sensitive to everything these days.

Now it all has to be politically correct to speak your mind.

Also when I was growing up in the 60's and 70's , we never had to worry about playing outdoors or suing someone cause we scrapped our knees.

We were told don't get in a car with a stranger.. And with a scrapped knee our parents or teachers put a band aid on it and sent us on our way .

We also had a little more respect for our parents. A little swat on the butt always reminded us of this.

These days , a parent gives one little swat on a kids butt and right away DCYF is called in .

And the parents are sent to anger management .

America needs to lighten up a little .

Ok off my soap box for now

2006-07-05 12:15:32 · answer #9 · answered by mick987g 5 · 0 0

Yahoo is not America. Yahoo is a private business and can make their own rules. Who makes the rules in your house or business? That's why it pays to find out what the rules are before writing your posts.

You are worrying about your freedoms here. Where are their freedoms?

2006-07-10 19:03:05 · answer #10 · answered by purplewings123 5 · 0 0

I'd sure like to know what you've been smoking... it must be some really good sh*t... care to share?

AmeriKa is just perfect... for a country with an almost total lack of personal freedom... Geesch... I thought everyone knew that.!

2006-07-15 12:23:00 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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