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and college entrance requirements in the name of affirmative action?

I'm hispanic, and I was appalled to read that California courts have put a stay on the law that requires high school students to pass an exit exam before graduating.

The fact of the matter is that most schools are not teaching the kids, they just plain aren't. So until something better comes along, an exit exam is the only way to measure that kids are being educated throughout the state. And what is worse, these tests are based on 10th grade material, and still many can't pass it.

2006-07-05 04:03:39 · 25 answers · asked by scorpion 1 in Politics & Government Politics

Ever hear about asians kicking the crap out of hispanics and blacks and whites in education and business creation, and they do it with NO affirmative action? Pathetic excuse makers.

Stop using the worn out crutch. When a Korean comes to this country and within a couple of years has a business and their kids are kicking the crap out of yours in academics, guess what? You lost your little pathetic excuses.

2006-07-05 04:09:12 · update #1

25 answers

Absolutely NOT. Educational achievement should purely be on merit and I for one would not want to be tainted with anything that is seen as below standard. I take it you are not just scaremongering as usual?

Never thought I'd ever agree with you Scorpion but your additional details whilst inflammatory are true. Black Americans are full of excuses. The comfort zone is too big. Within the Black communities you will find more prosperity and endeavour by the West Indians, who do not have this comfort zone. They are industrious and do not take the fact they are in America for granted in the main. Excuses by the Black community for their lack of endeavour only serves those that wish to keep them down. Surely after 300 years, we must have identified a niche to work to by now, instead of willingly always accepting the victim mantle.

2006-07-05 04:09:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As a "Black," I am offended and I can't believe that you, being a minority yourself, posed this question specifically to "blacks." This issue doesn't only effect the "black" community. Go to any neighborhood that is home to mid-to-lower class families and you will find that the schools aren't that great. Often times there aren't enough books, adequate heating, or enough space for all of the students to learn. Furhtermore, the teachers aren't interested in the individual successes of their students. If the state government is just dismissing these "black/poor" schools from their budgets (and over-compensating schools that have adequate funding), chances are that these teachers get very little support from their P.T.A., administrators or the Board of Education. What serves as motivation, for the teachers, to really take an interest in their children? I can assure you that it isn't the pay check.

I don't agree that we should lower the standards. This further inhibits our "black" students from competing with others. Rather, the standard should be the same across the board, across the country. Special programs need to be implemented, by the state, for these schools where the performance is so low that it is disgusting.

Also, you really shouldn't down play affirmative action. It is wrong to admit someone to a university based solely on the color of their skin. On th converse, it is equally wrong to not admit someone who is qualified based solely on the color of their skin. Affirmative action came about because minority students (this includes conservative hispanics) were being denied university acceptance; and "white" students, with lower g.p.a.'s and lower SAT scores were being admitted. How is this fair in a country that is supposed to be based on equality? I went to Stanford. On orientation day, i'm speaking to some of my fellow class mates. Someone actually had the nerve to say to me, "Oh, you must have got here because of Affirmative Action." WHAT?!? I busted my *** in high school with AP, Honors courses, and extra-curriculars. My response was that I was valedictorian at my high school (which is true) and I was there based on my academic abilities (even more true). And, I cannot help but thank policies such as affirmative action that seek to level the playing field between minorities and the majority.

I know nothing about you, but as a hispanic, in this country, you should never, ever get confused and consider yourself part of the "majority." Chances are, unbeknownst to you, affirmative action has helped further your education.

2006-07-05 04:38:44 · answer #2 · answered by iPROMISE[♥] 2 · 0 0

Well isn't that the school districts fault. And the fact that a lot of these kids you are talking about grow up in poverty stricken communities where it's more about survival, rather than education. Untill the communities are drastically improved, as well as the curriculum and teaching staff/ facilities of these school districts, then sadly lowering standards is the only solution. It's a pitiful thing...

Also affirmative action (at least for colleges) does not mean that an unqualified black student will beat out a qualified white student. It's only when both students are equally as qualified, but the university happens to be lacking in its population's diversity. Then its beneficial to the university to choose the black student (will recieve grants from gov, look better on paper, and look more appeasing internationally). Its the same when choosing legacy over another equally qualified student or how much the family donated over another just as qualified student. Affirmative action works in many ways. People just get so riled up when like for once it actually favors black students. Society is starting to value diversity. Affirmative action also works for white students who apply to Historically Black Colleges/Universities. Many times they will be offered scholarships black kids are not, just for the diversity aspect. Proving that you will add some ethnic variety to a school is almost as good as saying that your daddy is a congressman or that your mom's foundation will generously add a new wing to the library. All politics...

2006-07-05 04:07:28 · answer #3 · answered by Belle Noir 3 · 0 0

I'm not black, but I wanted to answer any way. I detest affirmative action with everything I have. Standards in education should never be lowered, but only raised. One of the worst things that ever happened in the American education system was the Bell Curve. Let's dumb everything down so everyone can pass classes instead of making the kids who don't do so well actually learn something! America is the greatest nation in the world, and yet we let our children graduate high school without basic skills and knowledge. Something is wrong here, my friend, and I call that devil 'affirmative action'.

2006-07-05 08:10:04 · answer #4 · answered by Jessi B 3 · 0 0

I think that it has become easy to blame race,gender,environment and up bringing to cover the fact that the schools are not doing their jobs. I am a 24 year old black woman that was raised by a single mother and I have a absentee father and the neighborhoods that I grew up in where not the best because my mother was raising 3 children on what about $4.60 But I am a smart woman and I am educated because my mother made sure that none of her children feel into the belief that because of where we came from that we could not be. A lot of teachers have let me down in my life and a lot have been in my corner and I think that we need to get more teachers that will stand in the students corner and push them. Because if students can't pass a test to get out of High School than the school system is failing not the students. So maybe the school system should do testing on themselves to see if they know what theyy are doing

2006-07-05 04:18:54 · answer #5 · answered by spyder 3 · 0 0

I think you are blowing a lot of hot air!

Because they have affirmative action doesn't mean that they waive many requirements!

You certainly get affirmative action if daddy is a congressman or went to the school. They hold seats for them, and Bush isn't the smartest guy on the block either! What action would you call that anyway, affirmative for the rich? Why doesn't anyone ever mention them as they get a hell of a lot more seats than blacks from the inner city!

2006-07-05 04:10:47 · answer #6 · answered by cantcu 7 · 0 0

The term African Americans is more appropriate, and no the lowering does not make sense to me. I can't speak for everyone as we all do not think alike. As it is now, I don't think that the schools are teaching much seeing how some high school graduates are still reading on a third grade level. I think that the requirements should be raised and that they are not allow to graduate until the can read at at least a 10 grade level and have at least a 3.5 GPA, with no D's. That's just my opinion.

2006-07-05 04:09:15 · answer #7 · answered by anadah 3 · 0 0

Here's the deal. This president once referred to himself as the 'education president'. Considering how much he's cut from the education budget (it hasn't raised 33%, when you do the math it's dropped by almost 20%), and how he's issued unfunded mandates that has caused schools to shut down - what sort of education is he offering.
You're looking at the symptom, not the cause. Inner-city schools are in bad shape. Fix that, and you fix the problem.

btw- You being Hispanic, you'll be the next to get blamed.

2006-07-05 04:33:23 · answer #8 · answered by buzzzard 3 · 0 0

The standards should stay the same because things are only getting harder in the world and we dont need to have the kids of our future being less prepared for the world. Even with the advancements in technology making things easier, education is still key to a successful life and the advancement of the human race.

2006-07-05 04:08:33 · answer #9 · answered by bmwgodfatha 1 · 0 0

keep lowering the standards and in 50 or 60 years well have nothing but a bunch of college educated idiots with a 3rd grade mentality running everything from government to trash trucks, but not to worry, they will know how to use a computer. Would you people , black, white , brown or any other color get off this crazy race thing!!!

2006-07-05 04:14:36 · answer #10 · answered by don 6 · 0 0

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