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2006-07-05 03:39:15 · 17 answers · asked by Cranky Old Goat 5 in Business & Finance Corporations

I so agree Mary Jane; what goes around comes around many fold.
Be there Heaven or Hell, I wouldn't want to be Ken Lay.
And for all the others involved from Washington, DC down, I wonder.
I know he affected my Pension, and Houston is probably gonna Party Down this week.

2006-07-05 03:47:35 · update #1

Yahoo Business News.
In Colorado, just broke within hour.

2006-07-05 03:49:45 · update #2

Talk to my many friend's families who worked for Enron and lost their lives and life savings.
Wanna bet he was gonna roll over and drop the proverbial dime.
Just talked to Houston and they are laughing and waiting for more like news.

2006-07-05 04:32:20 · update #3

Wow, Brian, so insightful and bold enough to tell it like it is. Was begining to fear YA residents lost that skill, so I dropped far away several months ago.

2006-07-05 05:08:27 · update #4

It gets better

2006-07-05 05:26:24 · update #5

I loveit, I have found fellow conspiratists on YA again.

2006-07-05 14:25:04 · update #6

The savage beast lurking 'neath the skin of man. Nuh, thank God it is strong in some of us still, just heavily stifled by the New Christian Creed and their Patrons like Bush, Cheney, Santorum, Delay, and the like.
So many thoughtful answers, I am glad I posted it.

2006-07-09 10:36:53 · update #7

17 answers

Something else like KARMA?

I think when you do as much evil as ppl like him it catches up with you much sooner than later. Bye Ken I am sure all the families you screwed will NOT miss you.

2006-07-05 03:42:57 · answer #1 · answered by MaryJaneD 5 · 0 0

Could it have been suicide or something else? Hmm... I'll take the something else for 400, Alex! Excuse me if I offend anyone but when yahoo first posted this "breaking news", I didn't believe it and still don't. I live in Houston and I know a few people who have suffered because of the Enron fiasco. Never have I, nor anyone I know, heard anything regarding him having any serious medical problems. Now I know that the stress of him having to think about and prepare himself to move out of his multi-million dollar home to the small cell of the federal prison (oh no, not the federal prison with all of those other scary white collar criminals) may have caused some health problems but he looked okay to me. And now to top it all off, I hear that they are going to have him cremated and have his ashes dumped in Aspen. How freakin convenient!!!

Oh yeah, by the way, I can only imagine what Jeff Skilling is thinking right now, "that son of a b**** stole my idea"!!! LMAO

2006-07-06 03:24:53 · answer #2 · answered by Kayjunn 4 · 0 0

While it is a genuine possibility that the stress Ken Lay was under could have contributed to a fatal cardiac event, it isn't unthinkable that he committed suicide. After all, he was facing the humiliation and hardship of prison time. Perhaps he was obsessively worried about the treatment he might face in prison. If this was the case, however, he was quite mistaken. People in his class are typically assigned to plush minimum security prisons: perhaps he was frustrated in the knowledge that his prison's golf course would only have three instead of a full eighteen holes.

It is a tragedy that he escaped justice. He is the preeminent corporate criminal of our time, particularly if you ignore the records of many of those in the present administration. If there is to be any justice at all, the most important thing would be for the government to ensure that all the workers that Ken Lay stole from get the pensions they earned.

2006-07-05 04:53:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ken Lay was going to be a truth teller about Bu$h and his crime family. Belive me, Ken knew where the bodies are hidden. ( even more so now )

Cheney, (who has gay child) took some time off from ploting to start a war of empire with the peacefull nation of North Korea to place a plastic bag over his head and choke the life out of this man.

When will it end? you could be next!!!!

2006-07-11 08:36:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This has the stink of government cover-up all over it. do you know how easy it would be for any one to "simulate" the symptoms of a heart attack or stroke? any spook worth his salt could do it.
ol' kenny boy , as the bush administration called him I figure was about to name the big names. and people were getting nervous. if you do not think so just look at the list of v.i.p's who had dealings w/ him and or enron. once he was convicted he had outlived his usefulness.

2006-07-09 03:26:53 · answer #5 · answered by lostgoth13 2 · 0 0

Personally, until I see a dead body, I'm highly skeptical.

He's still got friends in high places with money who may owe him some favors. A facelift, a ticket out of the country, he'd be as good as new.

I call bull.

2006-07-05 05:19:58 · answer #6 · answered by rt 3 · 0 0

Are you sure a 90 lb crack addicted homeless man isn't heading for the great cremator instead of Ken Lay???

2006-07-08 14:33:38 · answer #7 · answered by Houstonian 3 · 0 0

Kayjunn's got it nailed. What a perfect solution to a messy situation. The Bush's would never let an insider and one of their own suffer like that in jail.

2006-07-06 04:37:12 · answer #8 · answered by Lance 1 · 0 0

Suicide? Yeah. he took a pill that gave him a heart attack intentionally.

Something else? Yeah, there is this obscure and tiny fly from the darkest jungles of South America that bites you and you instantly die from a heart attack. Nasty little insect.

2006-07-16 17:52:03 · answer #9 · answered by Thomas C 4 · 0 0

Ken Lay's Last Evasion
To Some, CEO Is Cheating Them One More Time

By Henry Allen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, July 6, 2006; C01

Ah, Kenneth Lay of Enron: America hardly knew you before your trial, but learned after your big-hammer jury conviction that you had left countless suckers broke, employees cheated and stockholders betrayed.

There were also the electricity customers swindled, along the lines of Mr. and Mrs. Front Porch USA, who wanted to leave a night light on without sending Enron their whole Social Security checks for the privilege.

Many people had looked forward to knowing more about Ken Lay, especially how he liked prison.

But now that he's died of a heart attack in the luxury of his Colorado getaway while awaiting sentencing for his crimes, none of his victims will be able to contemplate that he's locked away in a place that makes the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel look like Hawaii; that he might be spending long nights locked in a cell with a panting tattooed monster named Sumo, a man of strange and constant demands; and long days in the prison laundry or jute mill or license plate factory, gibbering with anguish as fire-eyed psychopaths stare at him for unblinking hours while they sharpen spoons into jailhouse stilettos.

He will not be ground into gray jailhouse paste by listening to the eardrum-scarring symphony of 131-decibel despair that is the Muzak of penitentiaries, by gagging on the dead prison air, by choking on the deader food, by watching the blue sky taunt him with freedom over the exercise yard, and by feeling his nervous system rent by the cruel grenades of memories -- explosions of nostalgia for the days when he knew he'd be swanning forever through the comfy laps and cool lawns of luxury and infinite possibility. Sweet Gulfstreams through sweet skies, the pools, the jewels, the Maybach limousines, a life in which he didn't just pimp his ride, he pimped the entire world as he knew it.

Actually, some folks who got the news, the particularly enlightened and civilized ones, are glad they won't have to know that Kenneth Lay is going through these agonies. They may even reflect that if they'd known him personally, they would have known a wonderful father, husband and friend. Isn't that what people always say about people like Ken Lay? And shouldn't people always try to think the best of everyone?

Yes, they should, but so many people may well have responded to the news of Lay's untimely death by feeling cheated, by saying that death wasn't good enough for him, by sensing a frustrated craving for revenge burning in their backbrains like a fire in a tire dump.

Is it possible that a micron below the surface of our liberal and enlightened beliefs lurks savagery? Was the French Enlightenment wrong about our essential goodness, and were the medieval churchmen right about our innate depravity?

We should consider these things in days to come, so that Ken Lay may not have died in vain.

Meanwhile, for those who are baffled by the strange and vicious outrage that greeted news of Lay's passing, at least among some people, there is a story, an old story, a very old joke in fact, that seeks to explain it.

It gets told with many variations, of which the following is one:

Three anthropologists are taken captive by a cruel and remote tribe.

Their chief comes to their hut and informs the anthropologists that they have a choice: death or chi-chi.

The first anthropologist says: "Chi-chi, of course."

There ensues three days of screams, moans, pleadings, whimpers, then silence.

The chief comes to the hut to speak with the second anthropologist. He picks chi-chi, too.

Three more days of shrieks and begging.

The chief comes to the third anthropologist.

"Which do you choose, death or chi-chi?"

"I've heard too much," says the anthropologist. "I'll take death."

"A very wise choice," says the chief, who then adds with a sad smile: "But first, chi-chi."

That's why some of us are disappointed to know of the death of Ken Lay. Depraved as we may be, what we really hoped was that crimes of his super-size sort might bring him just a little chi-chi.

2006-07-06 05:07:58 · answer #10 · answered by notyou311 7 · 0 0

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