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After working in a corporate environment for several years, I've found that I've lost my ambition to advance, succeed or improve. I feel that this is mainly due to being beat down by the system during those years, where despite my best attempts to improve myself and my tasks, my attempts went unnoticed or drew only negative response. As a result, I've become cynical, apathetic and have no direction in life. I would like to leave the corporate world and start a business of my own, however with a lack of ambition, I fear that failure would be in order.

Any suggestions on how to regain a positive and ambitious outlook on life?

2006-07-05 02:41:32 · 18 answers · asked by Shadar 4 in Social Science Psychology

18 answers

What you love to do and know how to do equals what you should do

Your passion is what drives you to do whatever it is... If you're a successful surgeon who really likes to entertain but hates surgery, why continue being a surgeon?

The money.. but if all the money that you're earning isn't worth the drudgery of being a surgeon, you can opt to find happiness or get that paycheck unhappily.

LoL passion vs. paycheck or passion w/ a paycheck

your decision

2006-07-05 02:52:57 · answer #1 · answered by Clint P 2 · 2 0

Start your business as a hobby at first. Learn about the business and your product or service and do things that you love. Look anyone can make money, if you just want money go out and sell drugs its very profitable. But if you want to enjoy your life, do what you love. I have a job in an industry i love and money comes was a byproduct of success. So shoot to be successful and think of how your actions are positivly affecting others. Also do not be afraid to fail. If you read the bio of many great businessmen you will find out they have failed more times than they have triumphed. Just learn from your failures and understand that as long as your alive you always get another chance.

2006-07-05 02:56:00 · answer #2 · answered by Louis Z 1 · 0 0

okay, normally I would say see a shrink...but since I been in some what the same predicament I can say to you is surround yourself with positive people. Find a new career, something that you're good at and that has a low risk at failure. Remember money is more important than people like to think and you need it for survival. What won't kill you can only make you stronger...Also, take it upon yourself to prove everyone who doubted you wrong by becoming successful. Another thing, if you're not exercising then start a workout routine. It will make you feel more confident about yourself and it will help you think about your next move. Remember that there's always some one out there in a worse position than you...this usually helps me feel better. Think about the fact that you at least have your health or just think about things that you have accomplished. Good luck...

2006-07-05 02:55:56 · answer #3 · answered by infamuzrich 1 · 0 0

Start by learning what you really want out of life and what you really have a passion for. Develop a series of small goals for yourself to work on. Don't allow others to get you down. Be your own biggest fan. What ever you do, whether it gets recognized or not, reward yourself for the good work you do and don't always count on praise or acceptance from others.

In starting a business. Come us with a plan. Research your idea extensively and start slow. You will make mistake because like the rest of us, you are human. Learn from your mistakes and always seek to improve yourself.

Never give up. You will never be a failure in life as long as you are willing to keep trying. Good luck.

2006-07-05 03:02:51 · answer #4 · answered by truly 6 · 0 0

Try to get all of your bills paid off. Save enough money for emergencies, then find a small job that you think you would like doing. Try out several things, things you never even thought you would like. You may fall in love with one of them and start your own business. People starting cutting people off from themselves in the 80's and people do not connect at work, nor do they care to shoot down your every idea. Happiness and self esteem rule over money, though it's no fun to be poor and do without either. Search your heart and maybe even take a part time job on the weekend to explore different things. You need a much needed vacation and someone to love you very much.

2006-07-05 02:57:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Hey Shadar

Seems to me you're burn out! You tried and think you failed when in fact you may not, still what matters here is how YOU feel, not anyone else.

You need to take abreak. I know it's easier said than done but you can do it. Try to relax a bit more, learn how to manage your stress and work on your self-confidence. Lethargy is a sign of stress.

Your lack of ambition will resolve when you embark on your own project, preparing the ground work to set up your own business, looking forward to being your own boss. it will take a while to prepare it but, and as you do so, you'll feel more detached from your current work environment.

You say you've no direction in life but you have! You'd like to start your own business. It's only a matter of taking a few deep breaths and tell yourself "OK i can do this and i will". You see in doing so you'll be proving yourself what you really can do, not some ungrateful boss who may well have taken you for granted!

Try to make you matter! Think of what you've achieved in your life, regardless work! How many times have you made someone else's day by saying a kind word? Smiling at someone who really needed to get a smile to go on! Start to look at your life skills, not through other people but yourself! Nurture these life skills and decide that this guy looking at you in the mirror is a decent, good person, things haven't worked out as he would have liked to but he's no loser! Only fatigued, and once fully rested!!! There'll be no stopping him to achieve!

Good luck!

2006-07-05 03:08:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You are not the 'system' or the 'coorporation' but a person of great worth. You are not a number but a living, breathing, intelligent being capable of climbing mountains, exploring the depths of the ocean, or the vastness of space. You are not a 9-to-5 entity but the product of evolution - and so a wonder to behold. If you are not appreciated where you are at now, then you dont appreciate yourself enough to leave. Pull back the mantel of dullness and seek your life - for every moment is worth living!

2006-07-05 02:56:13 · answer #7 · answered by Yngona D 4 · 0 0

Sure, as an immigrant, reference was always a strong starting point for me. Your father, your mother, your grandparents(usually war fighters), etc. etc. etc. They usually preach the same things, a man's honor, his honesty, a hard day's work for no respect. And to stray away from it is human behavior, but that must also mean you have strayed away from your family. Maybe you should consider looking for people you can trust. People who depend on you and your responsible for them.

If that does not fire up your pistons, than you should consider visiting second/third world countries. Getting away from "U.S. home" and seeing the corruption outside is a good way. Even the worst areas in U.S.(projects) are not exactly too menacing. Than maybe appreciation to AC, minimum wage, etc. becomes quite clear. 300million people competing is not nearly as aggresive as China's 1billion human resource pool.

Best Regards

2006-07-05 03:07:42 · answer #8 · answered by andy f 2 · 0 0

i got a new perspective by extreme sports , hand gliding and bungee jumping , to name a few . it helps you realize that whats important is the NOW and that tomorrow will take care of it's self . i also remind myself that whenever i am uncomfortable or things don't happen the way i wanted , that's what happens with growth . at the end of any trouble there is reward . people who try to knock you down are doing you a favor , because at the end of it all , you will benefit from the growth and overcoming adversity.

2006-07-05 02:59:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I dont think I can add much more to what has been said already. At the end of the day, the Bible is the only authority and it tells us that Jesus came to earth to redeem mankind from the effects of sin and death. However, to take advantage of this provision, you need to avail yourself of this by studying the Bible and coming to know Jehovah God and his son Jesus Christ. John 3 v 17 tell us "This mean everlasting life, the taking in of knowledge of you the only True God and the one you sent forth, Jesus Christ". Under the Mosaic Law the Nation of Isreal had to make animal sacrifices to atone for their sins, this was to acknowledge they were sinners, but it did not free them from sin and death. Jesus' sacrifice was the perfect sacrifice once for all time. This did free mankind from sin and death, but only if they acknowledge and repent.

2016-03-27 04:42:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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