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Well my question is gonna go in many directions. Please just share ur views and not look for 1 question. Rather see it as a discussion. First of all I'm going through a really hard time now in my life. Problem is-I look at men. I blieve in God and I've read alot of questions about if gay sex and being gay is a sin. Some people say that its makin 'love' and that its not considered a sin. Well in my view, I do see it as a sin, bcoz the rectum was not created for sex and God designed our bodies to have sex with the opposite. Its just obvious. Secondly, I have looked at my life and made notes of what could have caused me to b attracted to otha men. My cousins are all girls and I grew up with them. Ive been made fun of by other kids at school and was always around girls. Theres alot of other things that contributed to that and I dont think that I was born gay. Its environment that causes it. God created us to see right from wrong. I dont wanna b gay. It does not feel right.

2006-07-05 02:35:11 · 22 answers · asked by FIERCE 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

22 answers

I consider it a sin when you deliberately do something to hurt or defame someone else. Therefore sex between two consenting adults is not a sin.

Therefore preaching bigotry, discrimination, violence and hatred against gay people IS a sin. I wish more 'christians' would consider WWJD?

Who says what body parts were "created for sex"? Your question assumes that no woman ever has anal sex.

Your attraction to men is how God made you, and God doesn't make junk. Be who you are and don't try to rationalize it away.

2006-07-05 05:32:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 10 1

I am g0y and I am biased. I state that up front so you know where I am coming from with this. There is a website that explains what a g0y is. It has many references to the bible that will explain to you what "gay activities" are forbidden in the bible. It also talks about what things in the gay community are sinful. I have already stated I am biased here. I have nothing against the gay community. People are free to live their lives like they want to they can do what ever floats their boat. But your question sounds like me a few months ago before I discovered the main g0y site. Since I found the g0ys I have never been happier. All my self doubts are gone I have accepted that I am bisexual and that is OK. I don't identify as gay anymore. I know some here will say but if you have same sex attraction you are gay. Let me say here Gay is a label that has been created by society and has come to mean a lot of negative things. One of the reasons guys do not want to accept the label is because they see that they do not fit it.
If you read the g0y site you may not agree with it and you may say no that’s not me, and that is fine. If you are not a g0y then that is cool go along your merry way and find out what makes you happy, if you are a g0y though you will find peace within yourself and a way to live your life with integrity.
Please if you go there have an open mind and know that you are not condemned and you can put away those activities that are outside of the g0y lifestyle and find peace in our community.
Like I said I don't condemn gays I have many friends here and in real life that are gay. I respect many people here that enjoy activities that I don’t agree with. I am sure you all can say the same thing.

Also be warned that g0ys.org has nudity and you should not go there if you are under 18 or if you are at work and can get into trouble going to such sites.

2006-07-05 03:23:25 · answer #2 · answered by ♂ Randy W. ♂ 6 · 0 0

Psychology has now disregarded the theory that homosexuality is caused by a bad childhood, as a lot of people who had troubling childhoods still turned out to be straight. Refer to the link on this posting to see the APA resolution on homosexuality.

I am a bisexual myself, and experienced the thoughts/feelings you describe. Many hours spent analysing my childhood looking for the "event" or "events" which caused me to have same sex attraction. If you go too deeply into this, it could turn into a blaming exercise.

The percentage of LGBT people is fairly constant in all cultures and eras. If what you are saying is true, then homosexuality should have boomed in the 50s as the result of World War 2 - when children were seperated from their fathers, and raised in feminine households (due to all the men fighting the war).

You must also remember that even though God is perfect - humans are not. What you read in the Bible - how do you know that God actually said it? The Bible has been written, translated, interpreted in many different ways over the past 2,000 years. If God appeared and said "I feel sorry for homosexuals", a homophobic person would claim that God has judged against homosexuals. A homosexual person would claim that God is understanding of homosexuals.

What you need to do is try to understand the source of your anxieties. If your religious beliefs are causing you anxiety, you need to address your religious beliefs - these can be changed unlike your orientation. Your orientation could change by itself throughout your life, but it won't change as the result of therapy etc.

2006-07-05 10:56:23 · answer #3 · answered by nemesis 5 · 0 0

Oh boy, where do I begin with you......

Well, let me first tell I studied in seminary for a couple of years so Biblical teachings and interpretation are something I know a little about. Now, your statement "I do see it as a sin, bcoz the rectum was not created for sex and God designed our bodies to have sex with the opposite", is factually incorrect in regards to sexual stimulation. The Rectum has the male G-spot within, the prostate. Now assuming for a moment God intended sex to involve pleasure, why put the male G-spot in a place where no penetration is to occur? That would seem a little odd.

Your next statement, "I dont think that I was born gay. Its environment that causes it.", sorry, on this one you are way off base. If your statement had any basis in logic, there would be no gays at all. We all came from "straight" parents. This can only mean that the natural factor is in play ie: genetics

On your last statement, "God created us to see right from wrong. I dont wanna b gay. It does not feel right.", on this one I must take exception. No one and I mean no one, can declare what God intended. The Bible, although a great book, was written by MEN, not God, not Angels, not even aliens, but MEN. And if history has taught us anything, it is when men decide to write history, fiction or spiritual guides, they always infuse their own views into them. This is not to say the Bible is bad, just that you cannot take its word to be so literal, to do so is to have blind faith and if we are to believe Jesus, blind faith is dangerous. If you believe it is wrong to be Gay and you can force yourself to deny the truth of your own soul, then so be it, but I can tell you, you will always be miserable because I believe God did make all of us as He intended. Gay, Straight, Assexual, we are all part of His plan, and to deny a part of that plan would be a sad commentary indeed.

2006-07-05 02:51:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I think the reason it does not "feel right" to you is because of society telling you it doesn't...the Bible IMO was written by men, living men, not God, so how do you know what God really thinks? It may be true that homosexuality is different than sex for procreation but so is oral sex, kissing, etc etc...as I said somewhere else we don't have wings but airplanes aren't considered sinful...just because something is pleasurable doesn't make it wrong!!!

However if you genuinely feel uncomfortable with the idea of being gay, well; are you still attracted to females too? Maybe just enjoy looking at men and fantasizing about them but don't act on it...I'm sure we ALL have lots of secret fantasies we don't choose to carry out. Maybe to you this would be less sinful, at any rate?

Whatever you do, please please just accept yourself for who you are: your DNA, your upbringing, your life, whatever, has made you who you are and you need to love that person and be proud of him, even if he sometimes does things you don't approve of. You'd do the same for a friend, right? Why not yourself.

2006-07-05 02:42:34 · answer #5 · answered by cooperslassie 4 · 1 0

have you had sex with a man? if the answer is no, then how do you know it doesn't feel right? maybe you aren't a "bottom", maybe you're a top. and if you think that straight people don't have oral, or anal sex-buddy, you got another thing coming.
being around girls all of your life, or being made fun of at school doesn't make you gay, nor does it make you straight. does growing up near peanut fields make you a peanut butter sandwich-no. maybe you are curious about men, and there's nothing wrong with that. do you have a positive male figure in your life? maybe you have an artists eye-or can see beauty in men as well as women. and there is nothing wrong with being gay. i have known several gay men who deined the fact that they are actually gay-got married, had children, only to lose it all when they decided that they can't live a lie anymore. just be who you are, understand yourself, before you try to understand the world around you.

2006-07-11 15:33:32 · answer #6 · answered by Krazie 3 · 0 0

I truly believe that people who believe being gay is a sin, or feel that they "don't feel right" is because they have been raised to believe this by people who have been taught this themselves.
I believe that God created us all and he doesn't make mistakes. If God didn't create homosexuals, then there wouldn't be any.
As far as nature or nurture... I believe we are born this way. I didn't know anyone gay growing up. I know of no one else in my family that is gay, and I didn't meet anyone openly gay until long after I realized I was gay myself. So, how could there be anything environmental/social what have you that affected who I am? People are born gay, it is a natural occurance just as your eye/hair color, height, etc.
You need to find a support group outside your family that can help you accept who you are. I'm sorry you feel so torn and have been raised in such a way that you can't be comfortable with yourself.
Hatred and intolerance are not family nor are they Christian values.

2006-07-05 05:01:21 · answer #7 · answered by redcatt63 6 · 1 0

I do NOT believe that Bible writers / editors left one bit of insight about homosexuality, Gays, Lesbians, Gay Marriage, Gay Love, etc,. I don't believe any of the comments they made about anything related to the matter is worth reading.

I do NOT believe that God has condemned homosexuality. I do NOT believe that anal sex is incorrect sex.

I am Gay all the way, and I am happy to be so.

I am the oldest of nine children raised by wonderful, loving, God fearing parents were were never distant / abusive with all us kids. I'm the only one lucky enough to turn out Gay.

And get this, I was a front pew, keyboard playing, Bible memorizing, voted most dedicated and best all around, in church every time the door was open, door knocking, Bible thumping, Bible College graduating Pentecostal Christian individual until I studied the matter out and decided it was passed time to "come out" honest and clean.

Now, you tell me what made me Gay.

2006-07-05 04:54:16 · answer #8 · answered by My Big Bear Ron 6 · 2 0

First let me express that I am not predujice against anyone for how they live there lives. Gay people do exist today because it seems to be more scoialy accepted in this period of time. You However mention that you want to abide by the Bible and what God has to say on this matter. If your truely wanting to please God then abide the scriptures which say "Man shall not lie with man or it is a sin for him."
If you Further look in the book of Romans. Chapter 1 verse 25 and thereon. You will see that God indeed does NOT approve of homosexuality in anyway. He compleatly wiped out Sodem and Ghamora for there vile ways. Among which was mention the males who lusted for other male's and thus God gave them up to there unatural sexual appitites. SO when You say it does not FEEL right, You are more correct than you may know because indeed it is NOT right in Gods eyes either. You may have grown up around all girls but do not dismay when the time is right you eye will turn twards the females attire. Keep the guys you know your buddies and pray for those impure thoughts you may have about them. There is nothing you can't ask God for help with that he will not give unto you if it is according to his will. And proven by his scripture Homosexuality is not according to his will. So if you pray for those thoughts to leave you THEY WILL.... Work in conjuntion with you prayers my friend and allow him to give you that devin intervention you so rightousely deserve.

2006-07-05 03:08:40 · answer #9 · answered by o_isee_u812 3 · 1 2

sex outside of marriage is considered a sin, thats what the bible says ....no sex outside of marriage and with more than one partner (that means you cant remarry), monogamy all the way

u cant divide sex between gay and str8, its sex, and its wrong outside of marriage regardless if its gay or str8......so i think you should re read the bible, if you're so concern about whats wrong and whats right, and get it right this time because you cant interpret the bible(you're not supose to do that), take it as it is

and im gay by the way and it seems to me that i know more about the bible than a lot of str8 guys, no ofence but its true

and another thing for all you people "on a mission" to save us "gay siners", doesnt the bible say "the one which has no sins cast the first stone", look it up!!! and dont bring up the sodoma and gomora story because that goes for str8 and gay siners as well, there werent only gays in sodoma and gomora, you might wanna re read that part too

and i believe in God too!

2006-07-05 03:00:18 · answer #10 · answered by sexyashell 2 · 0 1

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