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Is Islam the future for this palnet?

Is it a Terror?

How can you give a simple idea a bout muslims?

2006-07-05 01:45:57 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

19 answers

Islam means peace through surrender to God.

2006-07-05 01:47:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Is Islam the future for this palnet?
Yes it is. Islam is spreading like a disease, IE. Somalia.

Is it a Terror?
Depends on which interpretation of the Koran you choose to subscribe too.

How can you give a simple idea a bout Muslims?
It can't be too difficult to understand, because Muslims are able too.

2006-07-05 01:50:09 · answer #2 · answered by a_poor_misguided_soul 5 · 0 0

Enough to know that any good thing can be corrupted by humans. Organized religion has always become (although the original motivations are usually pure) a tool for control. No truer statement was ever uttered than "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Having said that, I think that belief in God (whichever concept that brings to your mind is fine) can coexist with government, but it can't BE the government.

Islam is not the future of the planet, IT is not terror, people are, and a simple idea about Muslims is that they are people just like everybody else.

2006-07-05 02:42:24 · answer #3 · answered by johngjordan 3 · 0 0

For those who are ignorant of Islam, and who hate Islam and Muslims due to the actions of a few terrorists who claim to be Muslims who are in turn ignorant of true Islamic teachings and who have given Islam an ugly distorted image nowadays, for those who wish to know more about Islam please visit http://www.islamonline.net/English/index.shtml for a complete comprehensive guide to everything that has to do with the "The second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam is also the fastest-growing religion. In the United States, for example, nearly 80 percent of the more than 1,200 mosques have been built in the past 12 years" (source:http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9704/14/egypt.islam/)

Wouldn't you want to know why and how and what is Islam all about? Or would you rather remain ignorant of it or misinformed.
You will be surprised of what it is all about, besides knowledge is power, so wouldn't you want to know your "enemy", who in reality is not your enemy.

2006-07-05 02:37:06 · answer #4 · answered by rabb b 3 · 0 0

terrorism could be found in any religion,discipline,conviction,dogma...
literally,islam means submission to THE CREATOR. HE made us & everything in the universe. HE is in no need of anything. we need HIM & and have to follow HIS orders. HE invented us and knows our capabilities & needs.
if somebody could not achieve his aim,he should not be despaired. only GOD knows if that is good for that guy or not.GOD can compensate us for any thing during our life.HE has HIS job,we have our.every effort spend by anyone is rewarded by HIM,as immediately or ahter a while.HE knows what suits his creation.in worshipping GOD,we save human dignity. despite the fierce campaign against islam after sep.2001,many westerners converted to islam. they were objective & not deceived by the media.unfortunately,many muslims in muslim countries are not true image of their religion.

2006-07-05 02:06:10 · answer #5 · answered by hishhish 1 · 0 0

Its seemingly construed to advocate terror to the Khaffair (non believer of Islam) which they (muslims) seem to be doing very well at.

Also i think t forbids peeps from profiteering from others or something like that...im not sure at all really but if i can judge by what i see daily then it means: terror, jihad, honour/mercy killings (for those not wanting to marry who their parents tell them to), sharia law, hijabs and hard-work-shy economy-drainers with 'baby-machines' who dont integrate.

2006-07-05 01:52:46 · answer #6 · answered by Boon5 3 · 0 0

Mohamed lied according to Koran
Koran also says you can take others property,spill blood
if you have no respect for others then it is for you
read the 5 pillars of Islam

2006-07-05 01:47:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious,
Most Merciful

"Say (O Muhammad): He is Allah, (the) One. Allah the Eternal Absolute [Allah- the Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need]. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him."
Pilgrimage (Hajj)

2006-07-05 01:49:19 · answer #8 · answered by Pinar 6 · 0 0

Islam is no different than all other religions in concept and essence, contrary to what many believe that it is bloodthirsty, evil, oppresses women, intolerant, calls for the destruction of anything other than Islam etc..

I have looked into some of the Islamic websites that speak of Islam and it's no wonder that people get these misconceptions because many un-authenticated websites, provide very misleading information on Islam and total erroneous and inaccurate translation of the Qura’nic verses way out of their context and essence - but there are some sights worth looking into that provide correct information and the true translation and meaning behind the Qura'nic verses and Hadith. The most important thing is to get authenticated sources.

Islam is very tolerant and accepts all other religions and their prophets holding them in very high esteem, allowing freedom of religion

Islam does not all for wars unless the religion is attacked and a war is waged upon it and it's believers / followers, however, it not initiate any aggression.

Islam teaches proper handling of POWS.

In Islam - contrary to the misconceptions that exist - the female is considered a worthy individual that has to be respected, nurtured, protected and cared for. Islam forbids looking / treating a female - any female as a sex object.

Islam forbade white slavery and gave respect and dignity to women. In Islam, a woman goes by her maiden name even when she is married as a sign of her individuality. She has her own financial identity separate from her husbands to do with it whatever she wants.

Islam has granted females many rights contrary to the idea that it oppresses women. Islam teaches women to feel proud and not use their bodies as a means. The covering of the female body in Islam is not to oppress her, but to remove this conception of the female as a body / sex symbol - What's wrong with that? If women of other countries choose to bare themselves, what is wrong with women who choose not to? Nuns have the same dress code as Muslim women, long apparel and a head covering - does that mean nuns are oppressed. No, they have a way of life that is and should be respected, like wise that of the Muslim woman

I have read some very strange misconceptions that Islam doesn't allow women to work, drive, vote, choose whom she wants to marry, etc.

This is not true. Many Muslim women work, drive, vote etc. I am a Muslim female who has a university degree, and I am currently an Assistant Vice President in a multinational bank in Egypt. I drive a car to work, I have voting rights, and I do not wear a veil, yet. I have chosen not to marry yet and I have not been forced to do so by any family member. I am not oppressed or treated as a third class citizen just for being born a female.

Any female has to give her consent before the Sheikh who condcuts the wedding ceremony. She doen't consent, he will not perform the ceremony and the wedding will be called off.

The relationship between a husband and wife is very well described in the Qura’n, which bases this relationship on mercy, respect, harmony, support, advice, protection, peace and responsibility on both sides. Why is all this left out and the focus is on the "beating" which is not the main or the focus on the relationship or the essence of the religion. The Prophet Mohamed who is the example for all Muslims never beat a wife.

In Islam, both men & women are forbidden to have premarital sex, likewise the teachings of all religions. Why is that? This is save the dignity and rights of both the woman and her child and to make the man take his responsibility for both of them. How many children are born out of marriage and what is the suffering faced by the mother and the child and how many abortions are conducted and what are the risks faced by the woman having the abortion?

How many paternity tests are conducted to determine who the real father of the child is in other societies where women may freely engage in premarital sex? Islam protects the woman from all these. Do you truly think this is oppression?

Would you consider priests and nuns who lead a life of celibacy oppressed? Of course not! It's their way life according to the teaching of their religion.

In Islamic countries, Muslims, Christians and even Jews live together. Just as there mosques, there are churches – Nuns and priests walk in the streets and move about wearing their special apparels and crucifixes – If Islam was truly an intolerant religion an as many like to say, how come Muslims and Christians are living in harmony in many Islamic Countries?

Why are many people converting to Islam if it was such a horrifying religion? We cannot condem a whole religion based on the fanatics of that religion. Just as there Muslim fanatics, there are Christian & Jewish fanatics, but we cannot condem those religions because of a few.

Finally, many Muslims were great scientists, poets, doctors etc. and there many scientific things stated in the Qura’n that are being scientifically proven today, thousands of years later.

Please check the website below and I do hope you find enlightening. I have very quickly browsed them because I never needed to look for an Islamic website before. I got many of these sights of a Yahoo answer submitted by a yahoo answerer (just I don't credit for someone else's research efforts).

I do apologize for this very long response and for getting ahead of myself into Islam, but I just let myself speak my mind, because I do care about my religion and there is nothing wrong with that. Good luck with your reading!

2006-07-05 11:13:38 · answer #9 · answered by nevine99 4 · 0 0

Well Im A Neocon a GWB is my leader and he hates Islam.

2006-07-05 02:02:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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