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25 answers

Firstly, where did the poll take place, it could have been anywhere - even Iraq, pakistan or Afghanistan (I suppose even Guantanemo Bay!). Secondly, did everyone tell the truth as to what they really thought? If someone in the street comes up to you when you are rushing, say, to pick up the kids from school, get the shopping done etc and they say to you "are the 7/7 bombers martyrs?" then perhaps some said yes - maybe without even listening to the question - simply to get away from the annoying person with the clipboard.
Plus some like to 'tease' the pollers - like those who wrote Jedi in the census, or those in Cosmo or FHM, for example, who say they have a desire to run naked through the FA Cup Final (it happens).
The there is a question of reporting - I have lived in saudi Arabia and in Israel, one event will have two very different reporting styles. In Israel it might be reported as suicide bombers kill peacekeeper; in Saudi it would perhaps be reported as martyr kills infidel. Some UK papers are pro labour some are not, the reporting of same incident can be heralded as a disaster or a triumph. You pick your source you choose whether to beleive it.
So it may be that the one in 10 may be not well informed, or dodging the poller - but if they really do beleive those who did the bombings are martyrs then they are unlikely to be real muslims (who do not belive in causing harm to others according to their writings)

2006-07-11 03:05:54 · answer #1 · answered by marc k 2 · 1 0

I'd be more interested in knowing how many Muslims think that the 7/7 bombers were a bunch of morons stupid enough to believe that they would become martyrs, just because someone who wanted to use them to suit there own ends ,told them so!

2006-07-09 10:04:03 · answer #2 · answered by stand@btinternet.com 3 · 0 0

Islam means "Peace"
If you read the Koran, you will find that it has an awful lot in common with the Bible.
You will also find that it demands rights and protections to women, and the poor, that even our current western society does not provide
The prophet Mohammad offerred a new system of morality 1200 years ago, and it was a good system.
We are 1200 years on, and unfortunately the word has become the tools and weapons of political power
Followers of Islam are followers of Peace and Justice they are not terrorists and murderers - Mohammed wouldn't have liked it

2006-07-10 10:31:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm a Muslim and as far of my understanding killing the innocent is forbidden... Suicide is forbidden.. That's two wrongs.. it don't make a right...

That poll is b.s.

As for the people who think UK joining Europe was a big mistake and that "THERE was very little trouble in uk till we joined Europe, and have to have all the emigrants and are being bought to our knees very soon"... here's an idea.. there's a great piece of land with lots of space and fresh water - North Pole... why don't you leave the UK and head there... after all you caused enough bloodshed and destruction world wide...

2006-07-11 18:19:05 · answer #4 · answered by hamadamoh 1 · 0 0

This is blair fault,
and should be had for treason, for turning UK England , INTO THIRD WORLD country for half the population. and is no free speech but i am printing this on anyway. BLAIR did not ask people of this country if we wanted a multi racial society. and the Muslim's are out to rule the world and blair helps them. Muslim culture is no computable to live, in a western world like Britain .THERE was very little trouble her in uk till we joined Europe, and have to have all the emigrants and are being bought to our knees very soon. The world has 100 years left for the fittest to survive,The word now is watch your boarders.

2006-07-10 07:38:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2006-07-05 00:38:11 · answer #6 · answered by michaelnangle2002 3 · 0 0

if the statistics are correct thats only 10% therefore 90% of muslims don't think they should be martyrs and I bet more then 10% of people in the last census put Jedi as their religion - statsics are meaningless on there own and do not actually help anyone.

2006-07-05 00:34:01 · answer #7 · answered by elmleaquack 4 · 0 0

no they shouldnt be remembered but will be what i dont like im white and not resist is that there are alot of different cultures out there with there own belives but wen something like this happen you treat the inicent wrongly and start sayiny there all the same there not i live in a small town and the way its going im moving and do you know what its near asian plp why because you are guarented than they wont have a needle sticking out of there arms well that was proberly rasist against white plp but who cares

2006-07-11 02:42:24 · answer #8 · answered by deni-5 2 · 0 0

this is a load of b*!!*((s!!!!

how many people did they ask, ten? so only 1 person thought that
100? so ten people may have thought that, had they asked all the muslims of britain, they would have got a lot lower static!!!
These bl**dy bombers have made it so difficult for the rest of us, I for one dont agree with what they did and feel so sorry for all the victims involved!!!!

And yes I agree with those of you if thats how they feel then they should NOT be here they should exiled!!!!

2006-07-10 10:31:28 · answer #9 · answered by vino 2 · 0 0

Mythed of with em. how could someone do this, it's sick. especially when they follow people who justify killing innocent people. Thne call them monsters martyrs?????

I hate being stuck between Christians and muslims fighting this so called "holy war" and i dont mind people beliving in what they want, as long as it doensn't kill people!!!!

Just grow up. we are living on one planet, thats all we have. I'm moving from the COE to Pagan, that way i'm on the planets side, and be more closer to my celtic pagan "peacefull" roots.

My thoughts are with the innocent people who sufferd by the effects of terrorisum, war and hatred.

2006-07-05 00:47:14 · answer #10 · answered by Clint 4 · 0 0

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