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I am Australian and find it quite alarming the hatred that is demonstrated towards your leader.

2006-07-02 23:19:49 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

From what i have seen I think he has handled things well. He has had to deal with terrorist attacks and wars. Sorry if this offends some I suppose i can never fully understand as i am not being governed under Bush!

2006-07-02 23:29:06 · update #1

20 answers

sorry mate you are listening to dummicrat babies . most approve and back "W"

2006-07-02 23:24:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Because your from a different country you most likely hear this news from a station that always shows stories about people who don't like Bush alot. I don't hate the guy, i think he's a powerful leader who actually gets things done, however he does make some poor choices in national affairs as well foreign affairs. But there's alot of groups in America that hates Bush so much and mainstream media doesn't like him much either. You'll just never see anything about Americans who like Bush on tv.

2006-07-02 23:25:33 · answer #2 · answered by Ryan 4 · 0 0

It is about power.

The Democrats have lost the Presidency. They have lost the House of Representatives. They have lost the Senate. They have lost the Governorships (person that runs each state). They are starting to lose local political offices, as well.

More young people that are just eligible to vote for the first time are signing up as Republican (use to be Democrat).

Democrats have kept power by taking away money from the people (taxes) and redistributing it by way of programs and other tangible things they can point to showing what they have done “for” the people. If they are not in power they can’t increase taxes to buy things for their constituents where they can point to their progress. This is a part of their “progressive” platforms. They must have power in congress to tax and spend.

The above is the reason for their rapid decline however, what got them on this decline in the first place were their policies. They adopted minorities (races) for votes. Later they adopted minority groups, such as the poor and the handicap. The step into these areas was slightly controversial. Therefore when other groups that were much more controversial approached them they would adopt them as well. They feared turning down any controversial group as it would reflect on their other groups. It eventually became groups coming to them with controversial views. Such as anti-war, homosexual, pro-abortion, pro-environment, socialists, on and on.

Consequently they are made up of people with many different controversial needs. When you get that many people together it is difficult getting a consensus on any one subject or policy. This is why you see them criticize Bush, our Republican president, but have no solution of their own. It would be too controversial in their own Party to offer a solution that “all” would agree upon. They have turned their Party into a group of misfits that don’t fit anywhere else.

For instance they don’t even have a “platform” for the war in Iraq. I know you have heard them criticize the war effort many times however you NEVER hear them express their own policy. When they do, such as the Cut and Run policy, you see that very few will actually vote for it in fear of offending their constituents.

The mainstream of the Party gave us Clinton and it would be considered their base, however their base is not strong enough to overcome the extremes in their Party. IOW, they just can’t come together under one umbrella.

There is one thing they all agree on… they don’t like the other side. That is the “only” consensus they have. More or less that is their platform, attacking the other side. Of course they attacked the leader of the other side, Bush. By doing so they were able to reduce his popularity. To them this was a success, however their numbers suffered worse. They are just stuck in a rut and no way to get out of it.

So what you see on here and other places on the net are the extremist and typically they represent the Democrats. You just can’t believe what they say or that they are representative of America. These are the same one that claimed Dean presidency would be a landslide against Bush and then almost overnight they kicked him out and put Kerry in his place. Then they were certain that Kerry would be a landslide.

Imagine placing a War Protester up for president at a time of war. That should show you how unstable the Party had become.

So when you see polls that show Bush is not “popular” that doesn’t mean all of those “hate” Bush as you see here on the net. The haters are those not in power and they think hating is gaining them votes.

I personally think the Democratic Party is a thing of the past unless they can purge their extremist out of the Party by not adopting special interest policies that only work for a few. They have changed over the years of supporting minorities such as Jews to not supporting them. Same is true of Christians. Most devout Democratic Christians take a low profile when it comes to their religion and it makes it difficult for them to support the hate expressed by the Democrats.

Like I said, it is about Power and you can only believe in results instead of what is claimed. More people voted for President Bush than in any other presidential election but they were certain that they would win in a landslide. It didn’t happen and was embellished by the far left wing of the Party.

2006-07-03 00:09:26 · answer #3 · answered by Raylene G. 4 · 0 0

Cause he looks like a monkey. I cant respect a man that looks like the missing link. Now look, people have their opinions and I don't care to share mine on politics cause I do not know politics. Neither do half the people that will respond to this question, but they will give you their reasons when they really have no clue how government works. People do not like him because for the people that don't know how he does his job, there are people called critics to tell you all his faults and all his wrong doings. I do not agree with any of his policies or views, but there is nothing I can do till I go and vote for someone new. Seeing how America is overplayed on the idea of freedom this and freedom that, we feel an overwhelming responsibility to complain about everything we have. As for Bush, I hate him because in my opinion he is sending soldiers, like I will soon be, to our deaths without respecting the reasoning he gave for it in the first place. We are after terrorism, no wait, oil, ok now Saddam, ok we got him, lets look for WMD and while we are at it lets go to Iran, North Korea, and stop off in China.

2006-07-02 23:28:32 · answer #4 · answered by k0stiia 2 · 0 0

Not all Americans "hate" GW Bush, of course. However, the
divide between the two political parties in the United States
is as great as in any time in the country's history, so any
expression of dissatisfaction with the president seems to
be magnified by this divide (and this magnification comes
from people of both parties).

2006-07-02 23:28:09 · answer #5 · answered by heyrocky_roc 1 · 0 0

Becuase half of the people I know have lost there jobs because they are moving to Mexico and China and yet He still says the economy is going strong. BS.

Not to mention his war in Iraq is costing us more money than we will ever be able to pay back. Hell we could have had Free Goverment Medical with the cost of these wars.

2006-07-02 23:24:07 · answer #6 · answered by Stormy & Dena 3 · 0 0

Cause its still sorta a free country, we are allowed to voice opposition to any and all that we choose to. Not so many hate him as just would rather a different course had been chosen. It is our sitting President that made the Thoughts of any and all in the world a crime punishable by death, I can think of no reason to like that.

2006-07-02 23:31:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I find it quite disturbing when you can't present a case for one of the worst leadership examples of all history without some official media beatdown. Almost reminds me of a couple of other societies.

In the rise of any totalitarian police state, freedom of the press and freedom of speech are the first to go. For through either you may get truth, and truth is the enemy of the State.

2006-07-02 23:39:22 · answer #8 · answered by lostinromania 5 · 0 0

Oh don't go by this site or our left wing media to judge how real Americans think. Most Americans like and respect our President. They just don't get the press. Not all complainers on here are American either. Thank you for your question though.

2006-07-02 23:26:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dont believe all the hype. Americans elected him...twice, so not everyone hates him apparently. The media hates him, and liberal americans. But not everyone. The majority of Americans are silent, the liberals and the media are the ones making all the noise. But notice, they are losing. I say let them say their piece. They are like spoiled kids, and sore losers. The more they whine, the more pathetic they look. BTW

Greeting mate!

2006-07-02 23:29:52 · answer #10 · answered by jack f 7 · 0 0

GW Bush is a warmonger and he doesn't give a crap about global warming. And he's not done yet. He will bomb both North Korea and Iran before he is out of office.

2006-07-02 23:25:07 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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