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I want to know what kind of questions they would ask me, what i shuld look out for when working there, what to wear, and be specific please not just "abercrombie"

2006-07-02 19:34:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

Formal or Abercrombie clothes. Why and why not?

2006-07-02 19:43:24 · update #1

good advise so far, but from what i have read from other answers, they say completely different things when i search "abercrombie interview" lol

2006-07-02 19:49:27 · update #2

10 answers

The key to the group interview is to be yourself and be relaxed, after all stores like Abercrombie and Hollister look for laid back people. the manager told me to dress casual so I'd do the same if I were you unless he/she told you otherwise.

What to wear?
For you, since it's summer I'd where a skirt, if the managers a guy haha, if it's a girl I'd where shorts or jeans.... I'm being serious!! Just my opinion haha, anyway... Summer season, I'd where something white or something that will get you noticed... and know I'm not talking about cleavage miss!! Yeah, I know that's what you were thinking. Where a white Abercrombie shirt or somethin.... Just make sure you where somethin Abercrombie. Yeah and don't show too much skin now... I didn't hahah. For the most part, I think, if you look the part, you're a favorite, the only thing you can do to mess it up is blow the interview....

"OMG, What should I say?"
Soooo...... for me, they started off with personality questions.... this was key for me. The key to the group interview is to stand out, and that's exactly what I did. I had about 15 in my group and only some answered the questions, they're the automatic favorites. If you can't answer a silly question they won't hire you because they want someone who is outgoing. So they asked me, "If you were a superhero, what would your power be?" It doesn't really matter how you answer it, it's about the delivery and how well you come off with other people, for me I made people laugh, I said, "I'd be the stretchy dude from the Fantastic 4 because he dated Jessica Alba!!"

They also asked, what was my favorite cheese... I said the Swiss! It's the only one that you can eat by itself haha.

"Real" questions you should prepare for:

1.) Why did you apply to this store as opposed to any other store in the mall?

2.) Why is diversity important in the workplace?

3.) What makes you sucessful?

4.) Why should we hire you?

It was almost 2 hours, and we only got threw a few questions, but yeah I got the job at Hollister.

Oh yeah! When you get to the meeting point for the interview, chat it up with other people, remember they want outgoing. And introduce yourself, make sure he knows and remembers your name.

And if all this ain't you and you really want the job, just fake it til you make it ahaha, Tommy Lee once said, "If you act like a rockstar, people will treat you like a rockstar."

2006-07-03 09:13:40 · answer #1 · answered by Ez E 2 · 23 3

Abercrombie Interview

2016-10-01 06:38:24 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I would wear something from Abercrombie and fitch, Isn't Abercrombie the childerns store.

Wear something of thiers that is a little bit more dressy than their normal clothes. Look good and neat, very neat.

Do not use slang in your speach be well spoken. Act like you are confident and know what you are doing. Be very polite and offer to work hard and get the word done.

2006-07-02 19:43:35 · answer #3 · answered by don 3 · 0 0

Umm. I honestly say don't wear Abercrombie. Wear a different brand. Like AE, Hollister, Aero, etc. Something in the same "genre". You want them to know that you know how to dress. And yeah for stores like that it's perfectly okay to wear ripped jeans and a polo. It shows your coolness. Aha. Well good luck at your interview! :)

2016-03-18 04:41:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This Site Might Help You.

I have an interview at Abercrombie, what should i do and wear?
I want to know what kind of questions they would ask me, what i shuld look out for when working there, what to wear, and be specific please not just "abercrombie"

2015-08-16 17:18:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wear decent clothes... good slacks, no jeans or miniskirts, nothing too revealing. Be polite and be yourself, don't swear or be negative. Present yourself as being excited about the opportunity to work there, and be ready to say why you want to work there (apart from just "I need money!") You'll probably be asked if you enjoy working with people and what your other experiences are in retail. If you have none, don't sweat... everyone starts somewhere! Explain why you think you'd be good at whatever job you're going for. Most of all: be positive and friendly, and don't forget to smile.

2006-07-02 19:43:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

1. They might ask you, y did you choose to apply at their company.

2. Why did you leave your pass work, (if ever you had worked b4).

3. What can you do for their company?

You should wear formal clothes.

2006-07-02 19:42:01 · answer #7 · answered by kramned 2 · 0 1

Of all first, I like the skirt!!! People inform me I've nice thighs but I still don't wear shorts

2017-03-01 00:37:09 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Judging by their ads, photos in their stores and catalogs it doesn't seem like A&F expects you to wear much of anything at all...

2006-07-02 19:40:57 · answer #9 · answered by Steve D 4 · 9 1

just wear something that not sexy . Believe in yourself .

Go Go Lucky .............

2006-07-02 19:38:40 · answer #10 · answered by Dee dee 1 · 0 0

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