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37 answers

it should be taught in the right category-mythology maybe your family came from apes , not mine

2006-07-02 16:38:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

because it is false. Most Christians do support micro-evolution. That is that there have been smaller subtle changes in species. But there is no evidence to prove that a single cell organism changed to more complex organisms and continued to change into man. Evolution has yet to answer the question of how life began. The few theories that have been put forth require more faith than does the biblical account.
Furthermore anti creationist used to say the big bang disproved the bible. Now the admit the big bang theory was a big mistake. However, while it was being championed scientist used it to sway public opinion away from the biblical account. Because of this change most people have now been taught only the evolutionary theory.
Good science should observe the information and draw conclusions and theories based on the evidence. No possibility should be ruled out unless the evidence eliminates it. However scientist today start by ruling out any possibility of a higher being even before they start. So if the evidence points that way the never recognize it.

2006-07-02 17:47:15 · answer #2 · answered by unicorn 4 · 0 1

My answer is simply we are not all against it. I was raised and consider myself a very good Christian (Quaker if you want to be specific). I also have my BS in Conservation which took me through many science classes (Bio, Botany, Genetics, Evolution, ect). So I have debated this subject many times in my head.

First, someone else mentioned that the Theory (and I stress theory because it can't be proven) of evolution was not Darwin's. That's correct. In fact he borrowed heavily from other scientist including his own relatives (his grandfather if I remember correctly). He also cites many others in Voyage of the Beagle and The Decent of Man, both of which I have read.

Now for a Theory to be called a Theory it means that there is evidence that it's happened that way, but it hasn't been proven 100%. That is why some Christians like myself don't go against it completly. The basis of the Theory is that over time through a series of complicated process (Mutations, Isolation, Convergent and Divergent Evolution, and a healthy dash of Natural Selection) all life on Earth now and in the past evolved randomly from some combination of Amino Acids millions of years ago. The evidence is there. Scientist have been able to energize Amino Acids and get them to come together to form something that could (in the right conditions) form into life, eventually. But we have never been able to get them to replicate or form a stable structure. Natural Selection has also been clearly shown in many cases. I think mostly of the story about the Moths. I forget the full details now but basically a certain species of Moth either white or black. Before the large coal burning factories were developed the white moths were more common. Then when the factories started to cover everything around them in black dust the white moths becase very rare because birds could see them better. So this goes toward proving the ideas behind evolution. There are also many many more examples.

So why is there any doubt in the minds of us Christians. I heard the idea put best some years ago like this. If I took a large pile of wood, plaster, shingles, and nails and placed it all on top of a big pile of dynamite I would have enough raw power and materials to build my house, but no matter how many times I blow it up it will never form into my house. The point is simple. Life is to complicated to really be the result of totally random mutations originateing from the one point that we can't prove happened the way we think it happened.

Now Theology is just a theory too. I can't prove God exists. All I can do is present my evidence and discuss and debate it with other Intelegent people.

2006-07-12 22:09:41 · answer #3 · answered by Charlie 2 · 0 1

I'm against it because it is a lie on several levels. First of all, there really isn't a whole lot of scientific evidence that supports evolution. Just because all life bears certain genetic similarities, that doesn't mean all life evolved over time. To look at it today, they say you won't see it because it happens so slowly. Yet if you look at the fossil record, you do not find a continuum of species. Instead, there appear to be stable genetic configurations separate and apart from one another. That does not seem to support the fundamental idea of evolution.

Spiritually, this theory again seems like a lie. Evolution says the strong eat the weak. Christ says the strong should be the champions of the weak. Which is more appealing to you? Is it OK for someone to murder you just because you are weaker? There are many races in this world. Should we conclude the races evolved differently, and that some races are more advanced and evolved than others? Or, should we conclude that everyone was created equally in God's image?

So, the theory of evolution does not seem to have conclusive proof, and that there are people out there who just choose to believe it. That is where they place their faith. It leads to certain undesirable spiritual beliefs that fly right in the face of what is right. When a person does this, it looks like Satan's handywork, and it is therefore strongly opposed.

Hope this helps your understanding.

2006-07-02 16:20:49 · answer #4 · answered by sideshot72 3 · 0 2

It varies widely - and in fact, not all christians are against it. For one, in the recent debate over Intelligent Design, the Vatican went against the ID folks, siding with the scientists in saying that ID is "a matter of faith, and not science".

That may not be an embrace of evolution flat out - but it certainly should tell you that Christians as a group don't hold a singular opinion of the subject.

Those that do dislike it, would be because they believe in the Bible's telling of the creation of the world - which does not provide for evolution. (In the Bible; everything that was created were created like they are today - as opposed to evolving slowly over time). Most particularly they are opposed to the idea of human evolution; because it takes away from the idea that humans were created from the earth and had life breathed into them directly by God (thus making us special).

(You will note: many of these same people also refuse to consider humans 'animals' at all, prefering to think of human beings as a seperate type of organism above flora and fauna.)

Hope that answers the question.

2006-07-02 16:13:49 · answer #5 · answered by mistharm 1 · 0 0

In a word - POWER. The Church, in particular the Roman Catholics used to exercise real power in earlier years (like the 1200's on to maybe mid-1800's). History is replete with examples of the churches' power and influence. Darwin challenged this from a scientific basis somewhat unwittingly as he was a practicing R/C himself. Popes of old did not want to share any influence and fought the sciences bitterly for decades, even centuries. This has been and is still a part of Christian faith indoctrination. The church can hardly retreat from saying the Bible is right. Personally - you are free to believe what you like and please allow all others the same freedom. That is also a "Christian" tenet.

2006-07-02 16:21:02 · answer #6 · answered by brainfulloftrivia€notmuchelse 1 · 0 0

Darwin's theory of evolution clashes mightily with Christians' views that God created the world and the creatures that inhabit it. The theory of evolution involves specialization of species to better adapt and survive in their habitats while Christians believe that their god specifically designed and created the Earth and each individual living creature.

2006-07-02 16:11:51 · answer #7 · answered by luminousshadow11 2 · 0 0

It's a load of crap, that's why.
Anyway if we evolved from anything, how come nothing else evolved into anything else.
They had drawn pics of other animals on cave walls that mostly still look like they do today. Nothing evolves that fast.
Christians in general believe God made it all. And as for the bible being written by men, Darwin himself was a man too, so how can you believe him any more than those of the bible.

2006-07-02 16:19:31 · answer #8 · answered by Shiverbane 2 · 0 0

The cosmology underlying traditional christian doctrines is 'static': all of reality was created more or less as it is now. The cosmology of evolutionary theory and modern science is 'dynamic': qualitatively new phenomena emerge from simpler constituents. For the 'dynamicist', the future does not resemble the past. It does for the 'statisist'. Many philosophers consider the ideological shift to a dynamic universe to be one of the greatest intellectual achievements of man. I believe many Christians would be astounded to discover how beautifully the idea of an evolutionary world resonates with notions of God. Unfortunately, those who adher to literal interpretations of the bible will miss this experience.

2006-07-02 16:22:03 · answer #9 · answered by The null set 3 · 0 1

The Bible states God (YHWH) created humans and all of creation. Some take the story literally and believe that God simply said "Be!" and so they were. They thus reject the theory of evolution.

Those more hermeneutically inclined favor evolutionary creationism or theistic evolution.

By the way, the theory of evolution is not Darwin's.

2006-07-02 16:10:34 · answer #10 · answered by rayndeon 2 · 0 1

There is a section called "Religion and Spirituality" and they are waiting to answer questions like this.

Religion is a first step for the ignorant.

Many unfortunately tout a religious philosophy they barely understand.

Science is a bit too much for them.

So contrary to their own belief system they threaten with death any who do not believe as they do.

They mistakenly believe it will serve their deity.

Most have grow away from this ... many have not ... they will evolve eventually.

Oh ... I am Christian ... I believe in God ... I understand and know evolution is real too ... hmmm ... see no lightening bolt (urrk!) ... just kidding :)

2006-07-09 09:07:27 · answer #11 · answered by KnowSean 3 · 0 1

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