I breastfeed. BUT to look down on formula feeding mothers is childlike and stupid. It's their personal choice. I may end up on a medication unable to breastfeed on. I have no issue with formula, and would use it gleefully as I have to. Baby gott eat. I pump because it's more comfotable for me and my family. I don't directly nurse. I have pumpng times schedule, and I make about 50 ounces a day total. But if it all up and dried up, or I got sick of it, oh well. I'd buy Enfamil and keep on getting up. It's time women got the hell over this lame argument. No one can make the other do what it want's to do. No side is right or wrong, or can win this tired debate.
2006-07-02 16:51:55
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I breastfeed my ten-month-old and plan on continuing until she is ready to wean. It is the natural and NORMAL way to feed a baby. The US is the only place in the world that breastfeeding is looked down upon. There are a lot of people working very hard to change this and I try to do my part by sharing what I know about it. Giving a baby artificial nourishment is no better than giving them an artificial limb IMO. Cow's milk (which is what formula is made of) is design to nourish a COW, which is a completely different species than we are. We are more closely related to dogs but you don't see us feeding our babies dog milk either!!! I understand that in RARE cases a mother "can't" breastfeed and it's good to have an alternative. The reason so many women don't believe they can do it is lack of education and support....bottom line. If I didn't have the knowledge and determination I have I probably would've quit at the beginning like so many other people do.
Check your facts...the average WORLDWIDE age of weaning from the breast is 4.2 years, so this talk about how "gross" it is to nurse a toddler is just crap. In other countries it is very common for children to nurse into their 7th or 8th year!!! There is NOTHING wrong with it! I believe that if more moms really did the research about the benefits of breastfeeding you would see a huge spike in the number of moms who do it. Formula companies have big bucks to sell their product, but what they don't tell you is that 1.5 million babies die every year because they are not breastfed!!
So if you're an expecting mom reading this, do your homework, educate yourself, build up your support network and do what nature intended....BREASTFEED!!!
2006-07-02 16:26:06
answer #2
answered by all_my_armour_falling_down 4
I breastfed my daughter until she was 12 months and I am currently breastfeeding my son who is 9 months old. Reasons that I breastfeed: 1) Great nutrition for baby 2) Mom loses pregnancy weight faster 3) Save approximately $4000 a year in formula costs 4) no bottles to haul around and stuff to mix in the night 5) I became a stay-at-home mom when my daughter was born so it was easier than it would have been if I were working.
I pumped milk while they were newborn so my husband could bottle feed once a day. I mix Enfamil formula with my son's cereal. I pumped milk to use in my daughter's cereal but that became a pain with our busy schedules so that's why my son gets formula.
I agree with the people who say that they think more women would breastfeed if there were more education and support out there. It can be a difficult thing to do in the beginning but if people could hang in there, it gets so much easier. I think it is a great thing to do but it is a personal decision.
2006-07-03 03:24:01
answer #3
answered by Momof2 6
I attempted breastfeeding - baby was not interested. Both were c sections and I think the initial bonding wasn't there. Both of my children are extremely healthy and have no allergies like some of my friends that did breastfeed.
Bottles are a hassle but you can feel comfortable feeding in public. I am still uncomfortable when I am in the same room as a breastfeeder feeding her baby. And, even more uncomfortable when the child is two years old and still breastfeeding!
Both are good - I hope you don't feel like you missed out on something by not breastfeeding
2006-07-02 13:45:29
answer #4
answered by twotaters 2
I'm breastfeeding my daughter. I don't know about all these stats that say it is sooo much better for kids to be breastfed and all. I was breastfed for two years, but I have asthma and allergies. My niece, who is about 8 or 9 was breastfed two years, and she also has asthma. My husband, who was bottlefed, never recieving a day of breastmilk, is so much healthier than I am. He never even had a cavity until a month ago, and he is 26! My brother, who was breastfed 3 months almost NEVER gets sick. So I don't know. anyway, I am breastfeeding because I hear it is healthier and because it's a LOT easier on the wallet.
2006-07-02 14:00:34
answer #5
answered by icee85_76 4
I breastfed my son exclusively until I introduced solids at 6 months and he is still breastfeeding now at 2 years old for comfort.
I learned all the benefits to both him and myself but what it came down to was that it was the way it should be done. Why would God give women this ability if it wasn't meant to be used? I have breasts and I could provide my son with an endless supply of healthy milk - and it was free! I didn't have to run to the store for a $25 can of formula because I ran out. I didn't have to worry about recalls. No bottles to wash. I didn't have to listen to him cry while waiting for the formula to warm up.
I guess I chose to breastfeed because I'm lazy ;-)
Evian - you did not give your reason for choosing the bottle.
Pammysue - You're awesome!
2006-07-03 05:39:34
answer #6
answered by AlongthePemi 6
My son is formula fed.
I wanted very badly to breastfeed and did everything imagineable to make that happen, but my supply never fully came in :( There is no way I would have been able to supply all of his nutritional needs. He did get what breast milk I was able to supply for the first 2 weeks, but it caused me too much (back) pain to constantly have him at the breast and then immediately turn around and pump. I decided that I would rather cherish the first months of my son's life than resent them.
He's a very happy, healthy 4-mo-old. While I did mourn my inability to breastfeed, I know it's what is/was best for him. Plus, this allows my husband to do all of the middle of the night feedings :)
2006-07-02 15:04:28
answer #7
answered by LoveMy2J's 2
I breastfeed my children. I don't care if my husband wants to be a part of the feeding, he can change the baby, play with him, bathe him and things like that. There is no way in hell that i will give my baby inferior nutrition just so he could feed my baby. I can pump and he can feed but who the heck cares! My baby gets the best from me, i'm his mother, i gave birth to him and i will give him the best .
Just the word formula sounds so creepy to me. Sounds so scientific. Why would a mother give her child "formula". Unless she has no boobs she can breastfeed. I have heard of so many mothers saying they didn't have enough milk and things like that. I wish they would've had more support and information. I feel sorry for their babies. They had to be fed second best..i have had so many problems breastfeeding with my 4 kids and doctors told me i should feed formula but i would never think of giving my children inferior nutrition..my children deserve the best and i will sacrifice anything to give them just that. that's what a mother is..hopefully women can get more education and breastfeed their babies just as they are meant to be fed.
2006-07-02 16:47:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Breastmilk is the perfect baby food. It is always changing to fulfill the needs of a growing baby. No formula is as good for the baby as breastmilk is, no matter what the manufacturer claims. Breastfeeding is also good for the mother, the hormones produced while breastfeeding can help protect against some cancers. Breastfeeding is also MUCH cheaper!!
2006-07-02 13:42:57
answer #9
answered by jenred 1
i actually just stopped nursing my 10 month old and I nursed my older son for 3 months. The reason for nursing is because it benifits the baby in so many ways and creates such a strong bond between you both. I nursed my oldest son for such a short period because I returned to work very quickly and it became to difficult with all the pumping. This time around I am home and it's much more convient. I don't have to pack any bottles and extra cargo.
2006-07-02 15:52:17
answer #10
answered by Michelle R 2
i breastfed my son until he was 3 months old. then i had to go on meds for post partum depression and i had to stop breastfeeding. i like both. and honetly i might just bottle feed next time cuz breastfeeding destroyed my boobs! also if i get PPD again i will have to stop anyways. i know i know, some is better than none. my body did not go through pregnancy and breastfeeding gracefully. my son is 10 months old and i look like i just gave birth. maybe i will do what my mom did. give them the colustrum and then bottle feed. i was bottle fed and i turned out fine. i'm actually a genius, beleive it or not. and formula back then was crap. none of this DHA or ARA stuff. i know people who were fed evaporated milk and they are successful contributing members of society. i believe in both. yeah breast feeding is better for a baby, but it will turn out just as good either way.
as long as it is done with love.
2006-07-02 13:58:40
answer #11
answered by 1 Hott Mami 4