Difference between making love from sex and what? You didn't finish the question so I won't finish the answer...
Though perhaps there is a difference between making love from sex and making love from chocalote easter bunnies or whatever else you could come up with...thanks for the laugh and hey are those hormones so high they clog up your brain cells? heheh
2006-07-02 10:30:26
answer #1
answered by Greanwitch 3
I don't really know if there is a difference. I believe that they are the same thing just with different words. Some people don't like using the word sex so they would just say that they made love. I would rather say I had sex than say I just made love. It sounds a lot better to say sex than made love. I don't really know about this question.
2006-07-02 10:37:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
the difference is sex is just that sex making love is when you care for the person
2006-07-02 11:02:14
answer #3
answered by BUBBLES 2
I think you make love with someone you truly love and want to spend the rest of your life with. More like after marriage.
Having sex is, walking into a bar and asking a lady if she wants to have sex and then re-creating the big bang.
2006-07-02 10:28:20
answer #4
answered by synapse 4
Making love means there are feelings involved.
Most of the time sex is just... sex.
2006-07-02 10:27:22
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Sex is a lust thing. Making love requires an emotional bond between two people.
2006-07-02 10:28:39
answer #6
answered by goodbye 7
when u make love its 4 free because both of u care bout each other but when u have sex u pay 4 it one way or another so it is about a $50 difference depending on who u wit
2006-07-02 10:29:27
answer #7
answered by rodrickm85@sbcglobal.net 2
There is a strong emotional connection, a cementing of the relationship, implied when it is called "making love". It's the same act as "sex", but "just sex" doesn't have that connection; think "one night stand".
2006-07-02 10:27:48
answer #8
answered by b30954 3
Sex is sex for the sake of having an orgasm. Making love involves your entire mind body and soul
2006-07-02 10:27:49
answer #9
answered by eddie9551 5
Making love is when you actually love the person and you truly mean it and are totally willing. Sex is not your full self to the person or you dont really want to but then you just want pleasure and not the person.
2006-07-02 10:28:20
answer #10
answered by get at me 2