It is something in the flesh - a sugar imbalance, hormones, or jus the rhythm of life - there is something about being in this body that makes it hard. If we are not on guard it is so easy to become victims of our own self doubt and negativity.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and the same is true within our own minds. We need to be careful to correct and release negative thoughts and feelings from our minds. We must remember that each and every one of us is perfect just as we are now. We are on a long journey and this is all part of it. Make it as comfortable as possible by thinking positively and evisioning and thinking about what you like and what you want (and not dwelling on the bad).
Peace, my dear!
2006-07-02 08:22:21
answer #1
answered by carole 7
Loving yourself is such a challenge because you are always competing against the perfect person in your mind!
2006-07-02 10:21:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Because the experience of love is such a challenge to express regardless of what its source or its direction.
2006-07-03 05:03:01
answer #3
answered by jacktherat 2
Because, being female, and perhaps you were raised in the same mindsets as I was...we are taught that there are "others" that are more beautiful, skinner, nicer, happier, etc. than you are. There is always competition between females, and (males I am sure, too experience this to some degree) thus we find we are afraid of who we are.
After years of exploring life via various cultures I have come to the conclusion, as I hope you do, or already have, that loving yourself MUST come first before you can truly love another and give of yourself to him/her.
2006-07-02 08:17:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There are ways to love yourself. Love yourself for the unique things that people don't have. What I did to love myself is, go stare at the mirror and smile. Keep doing that, I guarantee a change. But most importantly, you must love yourself for being who you are. No one will be like you.
2006-07-02 08:17:16
answer #5
answered by krazych1nky 5
I think it is because we Know all our mistakes , fears ,foibles. And our shortcomings.
Knowing this give yourself a break ,try your best and allow yourself some failures. Keep a good sense of humor, Let that little voice inside of you be your friend and not your worst critic,
2006-07-02 08:44:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
everyone has flaws; that is a given.accepting yourself is hard, because that means that you have to accept your flaws. we live in a soiety that, in the media, stresses perfection. i mean with models and TV and movies, everyone looks near perfect. so we, as the people viewing all of this, think that we have to strive for perfection. personally, i think that is horrible, not that i haven't done it. anyway, what i am trying to say is that we have to accept ourselves, and that means every last bit including our flaws.especially our flaws. but we must not overlook our flaws because that is not acceptance, that is just ignoring what is right in front of your face. life is too short to lie to yourself like that.loving yourself takes a lot of willpower and acceptance, but hey, it's worth a try. to try taking a good look at the mistakes we have made and the flaws we have and then accepting them. it is as simple and as difficult as that.
2006-07-02 08:18:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Is it a challenge for you?
How can other people love you when you don't even love yourself?
As for me, I love myself! And I don't really find it hard to love me. Not in a self-centered kind of way.. but in a i-am-happy-with-who-i-am kind of way..
2006-07-02 08:14:15
answer #8
answered by Black_Rabbit 3
Nobody is more critical on you than you! Its horrible but thats how it is. MOst of the things you think are horrible aboutyourself, nobody else even notices. Look more for the things you like about you instead of the things you hate.
2006-07-02 08:11:49
answer #9
answered by jeremy h 2
I don't think it should be.. If you have forgiven yourself of all the bad things, and accept the love of God,...just think,...He loves you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!!!!!!
Satan is a liar. Don't believe ANYTHING bad about yourself. God made you JUST the way HE wanted you!!
I love you, and I don't even know you!! Because God Loves me, and He me wants to spread HIS love!
2006-07-02 10:48:20
answer #10
answered by bettyboop 6