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2006-06-30 23:51:42 · 22 answers · asked by Yasir Saeed 2 in Politics & Government Government

22 answers

No. But if you want to believe that, it's OK.

2006-06-30 23:56:25 · answer #1 · answered by 4999_Basque 6 · 0 0

Not according to those who want the US to steal oil.

To repost my own words:


Iraq has one of the largest know oil reserves in the world. Khazakstan has about 5% of the world's oil.

There are only four ways to get oil out of Khazakstan:

1. East through China. Yeah, right, like they'd let the US have it.

2. North through Russia. Same answer.

3. East and South through (surprise!) Afghanistan and Pakistan. Hamid Karzai was the CEO of Unocal in Afghanistan prior to 1996 (when the Taliban siezed power).

4. West and South through Iraq.

Shrub's and Dumbsfeld's idiotic "Plan A(irhead)" in Afghanistan didn't work, so they went to "Plan B(umbling)" in Iraq. Now that this hasn't worked either, they're going to "Plan C(lueless)" in Iran and then "Plan D(umbass)" when that fails.

Expect a US military draft before 2008, or after if the the Rescumlickans and Diebold rig a THIRD election.


2006-07-01 07:00:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Afghanistan...no, Iraq, no.

We've been in Iraq for quite some time now and if we really wanted all the oil....we'd have it. You want to know why, for REAL why we are there?

Money. That and we have a mentally retarded cowboy in office who wanted to finish his daddy's war. The money is made by companies owned by the administration's best friends (oh I dunno, Dick Cheney's Haliburton comes to mind). Those companies build infrastructure...which insurgents blow up and need to be rebuilt! Rebuilt by companies owned by the administration's friends that are paid, in full, by the budget for the war in Iraq.
They just pee in our faces and tell us it's raining (esp Foxx news, just watch it a few times...notice how they put a nice, positive spin on just about anything that happens there and will throw out "9-11" at every opportunity).

As for Afghanistan...well, we know Bin Laden is around there. Hell, we may even know where his spider-hole cave is but if we found him, well, the war would kinda have to come to a close soon and then how would money be made?? We have about 1/10 the troops in Afghanistan as in Iraq because if we didn't, some Southerner's might catch on..."Hay, ol' Ben Layden was from that afgan country wuddn't 'e?"
Oil schmoil, you got a gas man IN office.

2006-07-01 07:06:06 · answer #3 · answered by diceman74 3 · 0 0

No, but we should get a real good deal on it until it runs out or we don't need anymore for all of the sacrifices and dedication we have put forth to free those oppressed people from the hell they were living before we arrived! What really gets in my craw is Kuwait! We saved their asses and then spent millions of dollars fighting the oil well fires that Saddam's army set ablaze while fleeing, hundreds of them in record time, even for American expertise and ingenuity, and we seemed to get no more than a half-hearted thank you from those ingrates. We definitely got some rewards coming and oil is all they got to pay with!

2006-07-01 07:04:02 · answer #4 · answered by Jimmy Pete 5 · 0 0

Yes, yes it is. That is why George Sr. went to war with Iraq the rist time in Desert storm. They wanted Kuwait's oil. Our government doesn't care about the welfare of the Iraqis or the Kuwaitis. They don't even care avout the welfare of U.S. citizens. I could give many reasons to support this statement but I won't- right now, anyway.

2006-07-01 08:04:35 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Would agree for Iraq...dunno for Afghanistan........I've yet to understand why the Baby Bush won't get off that stake in the middle of the road and finish what he started........prob is...he can't finish just like his daddy didn't......... Baby Bush would need to understand guts and glory for that....and he doesn't.....but it's not right for him to just sit there like a lump on a log and ..... for me .. I don't hold with wasting an American man or woman just because he can't make a decision other than maybe......it's not right and God is watching!

Wow, RKO, way to go....

2006-07-01 07:39:34 · answer #6 · answered by Susan B 1 · 0 0

George Bush illegally and unconstitutionally invaded another sovereign nation for only two reasons: 1) He wanted to 'get even' with Hussein for humiliating his daddy during Desert Storm, and 2) Big Dick Cheney, Bush's boss, wants all the oil that's swimming underneath Iraq's sands so that he and his Halliburton buddies can get richer and richer and richer.

Check out a new blog book: BUSHWACKER!

Prediction: There will be NO TROOP WITHDRAWALS FROM IRAQ until Cheney has an iron-clad, rock-solid arrangement in place to steal all of Iraq's oil (in full cooperation with the 'puppet' regime installed in Iraq by the U.S. government).

Cheney and Rumsfeld are the most evil, contemptible, corrupt individuals ever to occupy the White House; George W. Bush is the dumbest President in the history of the U.S.A. to date. The sitting U.S. Congress is the most corrupt, greedy, incompetent body ever to occupy the Capitol Building. Consider what these bastards have done since 2000:

1. Massacred tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens, including the elderly, innocent children, and women, for no justifiable reason;
2. Tarnished America's reputation as a world leader and global peacekeeper;
3. Dismantled environmental laws designed to help protect the world's fragile ecosystems and to preserve the delicate balance necessary in nature to sustain life as we know it on Earth;
4. Turned America into a police state wherein citizens are pre-sumed guilty until proven innocent;
5. Initiated failed economic policies that will result in a severe depression as soon as the Bush administration leaves office, and which has already put American taxpayers trillions of dollars in debt;
6. Scared smaller countries into thinking they must develop their own nuclear weapons to defend themselves against the Earth's newest "evil empire" - the United States of America;
7. Condoned the use of torture, including physical, emotional, verbal and sexual abuse of irresponsibly-detained 'prisoners' without regard to the rules of the Geneva Convention;
8. Run ripshod over our U.S. Constitution and put themselves above the laws of our land;
9. Lied to the American public and leaked information to the press whenever it's convenient to their agendas;
10. Killed more than 2,500 U.S. soldiers (so far).

These people are so rancid that - if they were tossed into a swamp - the pondscum would throw them back! They all deserve to be impeached or tried for high treason and crimes against humanity. If convicted, the should face a public firing squad.

The Milquetoast response is always, "Well, we need to vote them out of office." Sorry, but voting in this country is no longer an option. If you vote crooked Republicans out, you only replace them with crooked Democrats. These people are all scumbags and nothing less than a full-blown American Revolution will destroy the stranglehold the Republicrats have on our democracy. Politicians don't want us to vote because it might lessen their chances of being re-elected. And why would any thieving politician want to stop sucking on the taxpayers' teats?

Thomas Jefferson once said: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." That time is way overdue. It's time for Americans to get off the couch, put down the remote, and take to the streets demanding that "We the People" get our country back! The Constitution says nothing about "We the lobbyists...", "We the special interest...", "We the wealthy elite...", or "We the big, rich corporations..." A cowardly U.S. Congress, beholden to these generous campaign contributors, do what they're told - the 'common' citizens be damned!

The Bush administration, in collusion with a compliant Congress has neglected the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the aged, the disadvantaged, the underprivileged, the sick, the unemployed, the disabled, and the helpless while playing 'Robin Hood in Reverse', stealing from the poor and giving it all to the rich.

Within a generation, this country will be a two-tiered society like you see in Haiti and the Dominican Republic today: a handful of the very, very rich and (the rest of us) the very, very poor. The middle class will fail to exist and the American economy will be devastated.

But politicians keep us distracted with phoney resolutions regarding gay marriage, flag burning, and "wars on terror" - and as long as that strategy works, they can continue their rape and pillage. Meanwhile, they keep us preoccupied with maxxed-out credit cards; $3.00-a-gallon fuel for our $60,000 SUVs; Britney Spears' new baby; "low prices - everyday" on junk we don't need from WalMart; and the latest rankings of our favorite baseball team.

Until Americans take up arms (a right the Constitution allows us against a tyrannical government), nothing will change except the continued deterioration of our society and our quality of life.
Pray for your grandchildren and great-grandchildren; they will not enjoy the good life as you've known it. -RKO-

2006-07-01 07:38:21 · answer #7 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 0 0

Both would be correct . It is childish not to see the following .. Texas= Oil .. Bush imbarassment = revenge .. Republicans = Big business .. War = boost to big business .. Vice President = heavy into big business .. Gas prices = Wealthy big businesses .. gas = oil .. Do you see a circle here ?

2006-07-01 08:11:23 · answer #8 · answered by J D 4 · 0 0

No it truly amazes me when folks say that .We had use of their commerce and oil before the war.If we had wanted oil we could have had as much as we wanted for about a third we pay now.

2006-07-02 23:17:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No. It is for control over the headwaters of the Euphrates River and water.

2006-07-01 06:55:28 · answer #10 · answered by Roseknows 4 · 0 0

In Iraq.... i wud say YES....but for Afghanistan i wud say NO..its purely for revenge and liberation!!

2006-07-01 06:59:34 · answer #11 · answered by BK 1 · 0 0