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Angelina Jolie has demanded boyfriend Brad Pitt to rid of any traces of ex-wife Jennifer Aniston from his Malibu mansion. Everything that was once 'theirs', must go.
lol thats funny if she didn't want her stuff then she should have moved in to her old house.... im thinking he is gunna get tired of her bullcrap ... agree?

before u start saying oh who cares remember this is a ENTERTAINMENT Cat. i am entertaining my self.

2006-06-30 20:16:07 · 5 answers · asked by ~Mrs.C 4 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

ok DEW my husband does have pictures of his ex wife and i do not care because that is a part of his life just as well as i am!

You can not change the past... no matter how many pictures you throw away..

if angie was a 1/2 decent woman she would know that!

2006-06-30 20:26:40 · update #1

ok maybe if u were a 1/2 decent woman u would know that also..

2006-06-30 20:26:59 · update #2

mithril i agree with you

2006-06-30 22:42:33 · update #3

5 answers

post partum affects women differently. She's probably insecure because he left his first wife and it might be likely he'll do it again. Just look at K-fed. But she should have thought of that before she got involved with a married man. Their relationship is so new, and add to that their celebrity status and one baby and it adds up to a pretty rocky boat!

It's funny, because wasn't that on an episode of Friends, when Emily demanded that Ross get rid of anything that Rachel (Jen) touched? Talk about life imitating art!

There's no question that Brad will regret leaving Jen. It's just a matter of time.

Brad is starting to look more like Billy Bob Thorton every day.

2006-06-30 20:30:21 · answer #1 · answered by mithril 6 · 9 1

Angelina is an awesome person. Brad and Jen are over. Why don't you get over it too. Would you want your boyfriend to still have pictures of his ex? Duh, of course not.

Angelina is doing more good than bad in terms of helping the poor and tortured.

I said get over it, Jealous biatch.

Life happens.

2006-07-01 03:23:38 · answer #2 · answered by dewdropinn 3 · 0 0

well i would do the same... i mean she has every right too! they have a baby together and a new life like the saying goes out with the old in with the new!!!!!!!!

2006-07-01 03:34:42 · answer #3 · answered by woody r 2 · 0 0

she really is weird.....i read in people today that she wants to move out of LA cuz shes scared....brad refused to move hopefully they break up i think brad wants to leave her too cuz he really got rushed into things with him..;

2006-07-01 03:21:25 · answer #4 · answered by muwah22 2 · 0 0

she's a psycho. i wonder what he sees in her =/

2006-07-01 03:19:28 · answer #5 · answered by jibba.jabba 5 · 0 0