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8 answers

Yes, because Americans have a short memory. When something like that first happens, it's fresh in peoples minds so they feel compelled to do something about it. But as times passes, people have their own problems to deal with so that leaves very little room for other problems. Plus, people assume that the government is doing something about it and alot of people think they are only one person, how could they help.

2006-06-30 19:54:42 · answer #1 · answered by PinkBrain 4 · 2 0

Yes... most people will forget it after sometime... Those remember are more likely are the victim of families...

Not like 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake (Sumatra-Andaman earthquake), This catastrophe is one of the deadliest disasters in modern history. The disaster is known in Asia and in the international media as the Asian Tsunami, and also called the Boxing Day Tsunami when it took place on Boxing Day 26/12/2004.

Till now whenever there is an earthquake... There is a fear on people face...

I think they fear tsunami more than earthquake... They will never forget these deadliest natural disasters....

2006-07-01 03:21:42 · answer #2 · answered by Handsome 6 · 0 0

Yes I think so. I think part of the reason is because most in N.O. aren't doing that much to help themselves. It kind of disgusts those of us who take responsibility for our lives. Also, the mayor's "chocolate city" comment aleinated a big segment of the population of the country-the segment that would voluntarily pump money into the area.

Churches, by the way, haven't forgotten. The churches in my area send people to the effected areas for a week at a time every month.

2006-07-01 07:41:38 · answer #3 · answered by kelly24592 5 · 0 0

I think people stop caring not because they stop caring but because it stops being salient. It's no longer something that's in their face, so they are consciously thinking about it. It fades into the background of world news, so it fades into the background of our consciousness. It's like the holocaust- no-one stops caring about the atrocities, but people stop thinking about it, unless something triggers it as a thought. People are generally fairly wrapped up in their own lives, and most people are not affected by the disasters, so they forget as soon as it stops being put in their face. They assume that everyone has moved on as they have. It's a sad but true reality...

2006-07-01 02:55:17 · answer #4 · answered by Jenna_OZ 2 · 0 0

Girl they 4gor about it the first day it happen, they will alwayz 4get it, why because it like N. O. is now nothing of important, and ppl dont give a damn about other ppl and what happen to them as long as it didn't happen to to them..

2006-07-01 02:57:58 · answer #5 · answered by thickestthighznthechi 2 · 0 0

goverment wants to kill people in a war than help put life back together

2006-07-01 02:58:02 · answer #6 · answered by fartman 6 · 0 0

Not a chance, however we are into another hurricane season!!!

2006-07-05 08:33:20 · answer #7 · answered by Juliette 6 · 0 0

Most already have...don't know why.

2006-07-01 02:51:57 · answer #8 · answered by Whats it to ya? 2 · 0 0