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okay I am 15 and my boyfriend asked me a very important question. He wanted yo know If I wanted to have sex. He told me to take my time. But I am very unconfortable with my body. I am not a slut. I am a punk. and I don't know what to do. and if I do do it, what position should I use HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-06-30 19:28:20 · 21 answers · asked by Karista 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

21 answers

Biologically you are old enough to have sex... I presume you are adequately developed... but the question is, are you ready emotionally? socially? I suggest abstinence, and patience. Therefore I am not going to suggest positions, and all that... I think that you are exposing yourself to a realm of trouble when you practice sex before marriage.... Or try this.. are you on your own? or living with parents? I suggest you go to college, and enjoy life, before having kids ald all that...

2006-06-30 19:36:11 · answer #1 · answered by Pivoine 7 · 6 1

Just give him a little oral sex. That will take care of his immediate needs. Then if you feel the need, have him give you a little oral sex. Both of you can just suck along until you are old enough to know what real sex is. For him to ask in that manner, he is a loser. He should be good enough to make you want to have sex or he just plain does not care about your feelings. It is obvious that you are makiing him want sex so you need to follow through and not be a tease. Anyway, I don't remember exactly how old I was when I first had sex but it was somewhere around 10 or 11 and now at 68 I still have not had enough. So age is not a barometer.

2006-06-30 19:46:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well I really don't want to be like an annoying parent, but sex isn't always a thing needed. How about other ways such as for-play. But then I am a teen myself so don't let him control you on anything.Make sure YOU are in control over anything he dose to you and make sure you are comfortable around the guy so that you aren't freaking out after wards. O and make sure you know his motives on wanting it, you never know what a guy is really thinking.
Always here to help :)

2006-06-30 19:37:57 · answer #3 · answered by Liana M 1 · 0 0

take your time if you are uncomfortable then don't do it. I am twenty five now but I had sex when I was 15 for the first time. I was a mom by 17 and it just got worse. i was very uncomfortable and it hurt like hell but I did it anyway cause I was pressured. So take your time make sure you are ready if you arebn't comfortable then it's not right.

2006-06-30 19:33:47 · answer #4 · answered by Cynthia G 2 · 0 0

hi, thanks for sharing your thoughts, wow... nice that you and your boyfriend can talk openly. very smart of you to ask questions first. at 15 and in a relationship that is alot to have on your mind. you must care for him alot to even consider his question. that is okay to love & care for him, but having sex is a big deal. sharing your body with another is very intimate. are you ready to have kids? settle down, raise a family? do you know how to use a condom? do you both know anything about diseases, like aids, hiv, herpes etc..? are you both being pressured by other kids? do you think this boyfriend is the only one for you or that you want to be in his life forever? what if you have sex and he moves on to another girl? how would that make you feel? sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders, smart, but think...why not give yourself some time. if you are not comfortable with your own body, what makes you think you would be comfortable with his? be strong, get to know yourself better. give it a test...if you say No, and he stops seeing you, then you know he only wanted experience, his experience. if you say no, and he keeps asking, thats too much pressure, and he has his own desires first and is not really thinking bout yours. if he says cool, and waits and you still are going out for a long time being close but no sex... thats awesome, trust, honesty, commitment are the best tools in any relationship. wait till you are mentally ready for one of the biggest deals to happen in your life time. another thing... why do you call yourself a punk? position ??? are you thinking sexual position? best position you can take is A STAND! just say NO, tell him you have other things on your mind, ask him WHY he thinks he is ready to have sex, ask him if he has ever had sex before? just remember to, when you have unprotected sex, you are sleeping with all the others he's had sex with and all the other partners they have had sex with too! test him, give it a while, see what he does, hear what he has to say, get comfortable with yourself. hope this helps. take care, elizabeth

2006-06-30 20:00:44 · answer #5 · answered by elizabeth 1 · 0 0

it sounds like you already think you are too young and not ready, if you need to ask.

I had sex for the first time when I was 15, but I dont' regret it. I think you need to evaluate your personality and how you deal with regretting things. Because if you even think in the slightest bit that you will beat yourself up about it later, you shouldn't do it.

My view on mistakes is that we make them and need to learn from them. I have made many mistakes, but I don't beat myself up about them, because i know that I learned an important lesson from each of them, and grew from the experience.

Good luck, sorry there's no easy answer. think about your reputation too, because that is at stake also! :)

2006-06-30 19:44:54 · answer #6 · answered by Amanda 3 · 0 0

...well i don't want to abuse the thoughts of those who think that its okay to tell you to go ahead...but ure 15..anyone in their mature and right mind would say it is crazy to advise a 15 year old to have sex..there is so many other great things to do together b4 marriage..don't do it sister...u don't need that..and no matter how much he swears he loves you ..and i'm not saying he don't cuz he prolly does..very much..but if u have sex with him thinking that it will bring ya'll together more then u would be fooling urself..but u need to let him know that u are worth waiting for ..not only will it be better for your relationship...but its what God tells you to do..ur still growing and developing ..wait till ur married and fully developed..then u might be more comfortable..knowing that after u have sex then it isn't as easy for him to run off and leave...cuz you would be married ...i don't know u but plz don't do this to urself..there is way too many bad consequences to premarital sex..EVERYONE IS WORTH WAITING FOR...eventhough now u might think ya'll are never gonna break up..what if you do..what if God has a different plan for u..then what? u wasted something so precious on someone who thought they truly loved you..then decide they don't after they have taken ur treasure..if he really loves u he'll understand u and smack himself for ever even thinking such a thing..lol..

2006-06-30 20:36:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you're asking this question, you are probably not ready. Age has nothing to do with this. You will know when the right time is for you, and if your boyfriend said that he will wait, then he will wait. It doesn't have to be rushed, you're 15 and have plenty of time to have crazy sex endeavors later in life, for right now...don't cheat yourself, wait until you know for sure that you are ready...

2006-06-30 21:10:27 · answer #8 · answered by Prince J 4 · 0 0

I really don't know what age should a person can have sex but I think you have to feel your ready for it, think about it first and all the consequence and if you feel you can do it then go.. You said your a punk and what I respects with punks is they follow what they feel like to do so Do what you think is right for you.

2006-06-30 19:34:09 · answer #9 · answered by WickeD_AngeL 2 · 0 0

If you aren't comfortable with having sex, then just tell him that you aren't ready. You are still young - there is no rush in having sex, and you don't want to have any regrets.

2006-06-30 19:32:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0