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I take great pride in the miracles that have been created in America but feel abashed when people of other nations ask a simple question about our government, 'Why?' We are surrounded by countries that disagree or strongly disagree with our policies. We have to think that perhaps we are not such a good neighbor. Canada and Mexico have issues with us, but so does Cuba, and many other small nations that have to go to bed with us to retain their economies...they dance to our music. Should they? If in the 1945 era, a nation said to us, 'you can't make atomic bombs!' Would we have stopped? Each country with hopefully prudent leaders must seek ways to defend themselves. Now it has created a major issue with Iran and North Korea but we let India slip by? Is it that the news media is creating problems for us and politicians reacting to public outcry? We need a careful look at both policy and polemics.

2006-06-30 17:03:01 · 11 answers · asked by Frank 6 in Politics & Government Government

11 answers


2006-06-30 17:06:16 · answer #1 · answered by SANCHO 3 · 1 0

Given your text, the question marks itself as an oxymoron. What is there to be so proud of ? Exterminating Indians in order to take the land. Kidnapping and enslaving Africans in order to make the theft profitable. Revolting against the Common Wealth for taxes that are laughable by comparison today.Being anti aristocratic & then making big business the ultimate, cultureless aristocracy.

What is wrong with America is that it still project the same self serving ego and has no sense of shame. true enough it has capitolized it's way to the top of imperial power, yet for all that it still lacks an honest and noble mind!

2006-06-30 18:28:06 · answer #2 · answered by namazanyc 4 · 2 0

Where has our pride gone? It's gone to cheep products made in taiwan, japan, and mexico. It's gone to outsourcing jobs that helped feed american families. It's gone to oil moguls lining there pockets with billions of dollars in profit while the working class people beg for overtime just so they can afford to drive there junky old cars to work. It's gone to both partners having to work full time away from there families just to try to put food on the table. I could go on forever but you see where im going.

2006-06-30 17:12:38 · answer #3 · answered by DC 2 · 0 0

we've misplaced our satisfaction in being an American. no longer in basic terms have we misplaced our satisfaction we've misplaced the honour of lots of the international. that's no longer troublesome to appreciate why with Bush's "you're the two with us or against us" Speech and Hannity consistently undesirable mouthing each and every thing our government does or tries to do. I say all and sundry one interior the community ought to positioned up a flag pole and fly the flag to instruct the association they help the colonel. remember additionally that in the process maximum circumstances the association in basic terms has paper ability as there are few circumstances gained in accordance with housing association agreements. Does Hannity stay in that comparable complicated?

2016-11-01 00:40:48 · answer #4 · answered by jenniffer 4 · 0 0

You have to realize that all goverments go through a corruption and abuse of power stage it is simply the wealthy people trying to control the country and use it to do as they please. The next phase will be the working class citizens response because there are more working class than wealthy. As soon as the government stabalizes itself all will be fine. If it doesn't then it will tear itself apart from within.

2006-06-30 17:31:13 · answer #5 · answered by King Midas 6 · 0 0

It is right to be proud of your country and its achievements... but when other countries have issues with it is because some of US's policies directly affect or even harm their people, and it also interferes with other countries, with or without a valid reason.

Remember that your freedoms finish when the other one's freedoms start.

2006-06-30 17:11:34 · answer #6 · answered by ma_isa 7 · 1 0

somebody need to start looking carefully at our policies... it's very clear the current congress and administration is not carefully considering it's policies...

2006-06-30 17:17:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree, it is time to take a good long look at ourselves.

2006-06-30 17:09:40 · answer #8 · answered by Mom 6 · 0 0

It's been outsourced.

2006-06-30 17:07:10 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2006-06-30 17:49:23 · answer #10 · answered by the other one 2 · 1 0