It is much more a reflection on our society than an objective criticism of his policies.
Many people criticize him for the strength of his Christian values, many of which he holds to be true and right in all cases, regardless of any mitigating factors. This absolutism is as frustrating to the open-minded intellectual types of this nation as the relativism of the Clinton era was to the more conservative sectors of the population.
Because of his strongly-held convictions, the liberal-minded of the American populace distrusts him and portrays him as a tyrranical individual, just as the previous President was painted by the conservatives as spineless because of his seeming lack of absolute convictions.
All the debate that rages over the current President has less to do with actual policy dispute and more with the underlying old political question:
- Is a politician supposed to vote how he or she believes or how the majority of their constituency would vote?
Because much of the criticism about President Bush is due to his closely-held beliefs, our grandparents (who often held the same beliefs just as strongly, or maybe even more so) would be pleased with him - they tended to respect a politician who did what he or she believed was right more so than one who voted how the "folks back home" would like. After all, didn't our grandparents coin the word "pandering" to describe this?
2006-06-30 15:10:04
answer #1
answered by eagle5953 3
Well I've been around a few years and I would have to say it is any war time president. On the other hand I can go back to Clinton days and shake my head at the republicans for what they put him through and for what was the bottom line? we all know he lies cuz he cheated and he didn't want his wife to know.
So now we have the democrates playing the same game in reverse as the republicans did. I'm not the most politically informed person around here by any means but I know half to three quarter of the stuff that gets thrown out here is little catch phrases that people have know clue from where it came or why.
I'm not sure what my grandparents would have done. It was a different time but it was also a different war. Frankly the main thing I blame President Bush for is not getting the people more involved. If you aren't a part of this war or make any sacrifices you have no clue. JMO
2006-06-30 21:20:02
answer #2
answered by Stand 4 somthing Please! 6
Great question. I have to agree with you in the sense that he is probably the most polarizing president up to date. Perhaps that is because many of his actions and speeches are heard and seen as opposed to those of past presidents from 20-30-60 years ago. Back then, you might have heard speeches if the radio was working properly. As for the way he does business, I strongly believe that our grandparents would probably agree with many of the issues he hold to. Remember, 90 years ago, we were at war or about to be at war. 60 years ago, we had just gotten out of a war.40 years ago we were going into another conflict/war. Being patriotic was a way of life. That ment following the example set by our leaders in office in congress and presidency. Also, bush is a person that is guided by religion. Religion is not a friendly topic in today's society but it was an everyday part of life in our grandparents' society. It has been stated repeatedly that the USA is no longer as religious as it was 30-40-60 years ago. Overall, the outrage from society comes from two very different view of what is right and wrong (left and right wing). The media does not help this issue because it too is conflicting. CNN is mostly left wing while FOX NEWS is mostly right wing. People see each station based on their ideals. Based on the information he has gotten and the type of situations he is put it, Bush isn't doing all that bad. Granted, he is not the best president to date, but again, considering, he isn't that bad.
2006-06-30 21:26:36
answer #3
answered by vail2073 5
No, sorry, Patz, but I dislike the use of the term "bush-bashing" as it implies an unwarranted personal attack on this vile president. Remember something please, this is the man who ran as "a uniter, not a divider." So the very fact that this nation has not been so bitterly divided, so horribly polarized and so deeply at odds since the Civil War era is entirely his fault. This hateful villain made false claims in order to get elected and then proceeded to destroy this country, both domestically and internationally.
This has far less to do with the office he holds as with the loathsome manner in which he and his criminal administration have conducted business. If the larger society no longer respects the nation's highest office, bush has only himself to blame for that. He has performed his presidential duties abysmally and should rightly be impeached for it.
I think older generations might have been more tolerant but only because some of what is common knowledge was concealed in their day. For example, the press knew very well that FDR was paralyzed by polio but deliberately photographed him in settings that did not reveal the fact to the general public. Furthermore, the media also knew FDR (like JFK a generation later) was conducting extramarital affairs and again reported none of it to the American people.
So, were our grandparents just being more tolerant of presidential conduct (and misconduct) or were they simply ignorant of the facts? Think about it.
2006-07-01 16:33:34
answer #4
answered by MacSteed 7
I think it's more a reflection of our society that anything else. If any president before Kennedy had done any of the same things President Bush was doing, people would support him. Come on, they supported FDR putting Japanese-Americans into concentration camps, didn't they?
It's the mentality of the 60s that's seeped into today. Most of the people who protest the war and the president are baby boomers (who became hippies), and the children of baby boomers (who are nouveau hippies).
Everyone is so critical of President Bush...and truthfully, I have yet to hear a good reason. I think the only thing I don't like about him is his handling of the immigration issue. If you want to know what I mean, I'll send you a copy of a question I once asked (about why people hate the President so much) that was deleted because it was reported (for chatting/private correspondence). My replies to each question are there, though I don't believe the answers are.
2006-07-07 10:13:30
answer #5
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
It is both societal and critical of his job performance .
People in America are socialized to love the President. From K - 12, every year, every President. Americans were raised to believe the President is smarter than the average citizen, now can clearly see with the rest of the world, that is not true. Bush can't publicly speak to save his life. He couldn't find Kazakhstan with mapquest.
If Americans are critical of his performance it is because of a deep respect for the office itself. We see it as our face to the world, and our face has been reduced to comical 5 second clip of a speech on CNN, and a "President Bush's.....moment" on Letterman every night. Factor in the ? after ? after ? on his ability to perform his duties, which it is our Democratic right to question and have been taught to since a young age, and now, well, I am sure most have seen his approval rating.
It is a good thing the extra credit is about grandparents. My parents were hippies, they would hate him regardless, but my grandparents is a different story. We were still nation building then, people worked together to achieve a goal, establishing ourselves as a powerful force in the world, my grandparents would show public support, but not vote for him again.
2006-06-30 21:44:44
answer #6
answered by celtic_goddess222 2
Our grandparents would have done tried and convicted him for the treason he has committed against the citizens of this nation. He would have already been stood before a firing squad.
His job performance has been exceptional if you are for our country becoming a dictatorship. He has gotten all of his wants passed thru congress
No child left behind, this bill will insure that the generation now coming up are unable to think critically.
Medicare prescription bill, will ensure that the pharmacuetical companies maintain their obsene profits, but your grandmother may not get the medicine she needs. God help her if she has diabetes and cancer
Tax cuts for the very wealthy, will the poor smuck who is earning minimum wage will be forced to go hungry while he puts gas in his car to get him to work at his 2-3 jobs to support his family
Katrina, New Orleans is still a mess one year later, people are still without homes, and by the way, the insurance companies have decided that they are only going to pay so much, even if it does not cover the cost.
Two wars Afganistan and Iraq, does not matter that the evidence to go in either war was questionable at best. Did you know that the FBI came out and stated that it had no hard evidence to tie Osma Bin Laden to the 911 terrorist attacks.
Redistricting of Texas so that the republician party has an unfair advantage.
Duke Cunningham, admitted to taking bribes, admitted to setting up dummy corporations, taking defense contracts and refunnelled that money to the republican party. What he should have been tried for was treason.
Enron, anyone remember that, seems George W. Bush's aquaintance which loaned him Enron's private Corporate jet to campign in 1999 and who gave him over 400,000. died shortly after being indicted. Think he was going to talk? Probley but now we will never know. How convient for Bush.
No our grandparents would have had the truth out there in the daily papers when America still had a free press. Bush and Cheney would have most assuredly been indicted for treason, and if not treason they would have been impeached. Problem with America today is we no longer have a free press. We have info entertainment. No news just entertainment.
This does not even cover the crimes he committed with 911.
The truth is out there, but you have to be willing to look. You have to be willing to accept the fact that our legal consitutional government was overthrown in 1963. To me it was, the difference in how our country opperates now and compared to how it operated then are as different as night and day. It's amazing that the same people who took power after his death are the same people in power today.
They murdered Kennedy and then they took over our legal government and replaced it with what we have today. They will murder, lie and steal and do anything necessary to hold on to that power.
2006-07-12 02:28:55
answer #7
answered by barbara o 2
Both, but DEFINITELY more of the former than the latter, mostly due to party politics horsecrap. Some people simply will not respect an elected official for no better or higher reason than that he is a member of one party or another. And, sadly, this characterizes the vast majority of people behind the scenes in the mainstream news broadcasting, meaning that people like that control the flow of information, and, therefore, how most people perceive the president, one way or another (but definitely way more one way than the other).
ExC: No, they would not be as critical, because I have extremely young grandparents, in their late 50s, and you know what they say about if you can remember the 60s, you weren't there (It's not quite true, btw, but pretty darn close).
2006-06-30 21:48:52
answer #8
answered by libertyu9 2
It is a reflection on what our society has become. The dumbing down of America, the generation of living in the television and a complete lack of awareness of the reality of the state of the world. These last two generations really have had it made since our grandparents fought world war 2. So spoiled in the belief that they will always be safe. Our grandparents would think this generation is a bunch of spoiled brats. They fought for our freedom from the likes of Communism, and here we are denouncing anything that will keep us safe.
2006-06-30 21:37:01
answer #9
answered by nicole 3
It's a reflection of the Democrats thinking they can re- gain the power they lost after having it for over 50 years. They have no positive ideas for the country so they figure they have to try and make Bush look as bad as possible by screaming lier lier pants on fire at the top of their lungs relying on the hope that enough will not take the time to look at the facts but take the loudness of their tv screams as truth and jump on the band wagon because it's easy to hate and it makes them feel superior to spew their hatred tword a man who from what they hear on tv by a bunch of suits with hair sprayed heads and make up tans (oh and don't forget the far left blogs) lied us into war is profiting from the war along with his buddies, caused hurricane Katrina to kill poor black folks in New Orleans and makes old people eat dog food so they can buy their meds. I guess if all this were true I'd hate him too. lol it's a sad sad world our country will fall apart if we keep up this dividing. The left said the rest of the world is laughing at us...yep they are not because of Bush but because of the in fighting they see. It does no good to bash Bush and the left again is going to loose in the next election. If I'm right that the silent majority who votes sees Bush always positive up beat and doing what he says he will do and then seeing the left always negative and not sure what they will do about the war on terror. I don't care what party a good leader comes from but I just don't see one coming from the left in the near future. Their stradigy is not only wrong it is harmful to our military but they don't see it that way it's their right to be in power and any means is just. What a shame so many don't see through them. Oh well live and learn I guess or I hope....
2006-07-11 04:33:35
answer #10
answered by crusinthru 6
the real truth comes out when you ask a Republican what Bush issues he supports... they name off like 2 and that's about as far as they get (usually tax cuts and war on terror)... 2 over 6 years with a congressional majority!
you ask a democrat and they name off about 10 policy issues (at least), half of which Republicans will agree with (Harriet meyers, immigration and ports... come on!)
he wouldn't have been elected in the past generation, the era of TV and sound bites have led to an administration based on that... Bush couldn't have won an election when discussing and debating the issues all the time, or "the way they did it in the old days"...
nicolasraage: oh you guys were so quiet under Clinton... hahaha... it's pretty sad that you can't see the blatant hypocrisy of your statement...
2006-06-30 21:16:05
answer #11
answered by Anonymous