It's a long list dude.
1. Raise taxes - hell yes. However, I'm not talking about Estate taxes. I would stop all the tax cutting, because eventually we are going to end up having to dramatically raise taxes because all the money you good Republicans are spending. That being said, increase the rate at which your salary is taxed for Social Security. I would raise it from $90,000 to $200,000.- This alone would do wonders for Social Security. (of course you probably hate Social Security - so I am sure I lost you on that one.)
2. Regulate industry -- who democrat or republican is doing that. I am a Liberal Democrat but I would axe NAFTA tomorrow. And I would level the playing field with significant tariffs on foreign companies that do not meet the OSHA or EPA requirements that their US counterparts are forced to meet. The EU can make us all go lead-free or become ISO certified, so we need to be more aggressive there as well. Jobs are leaving this country...make no mistake about it. Eventually we will be a low cost they might come back.
3. I am a Liberal but I am sick to death of hearing that we have to spend more on education. In Tennessee the governor put ads on TV telling Tennesseans that their education system was worse than anybody but maybe Mississippi. The truth is that the Tennessee schools are pretty darn good. My kids have been in Iowa, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Illinois schools. And everyone of those states wants more and more money for education. We need to fix the system so that more money goes to teachers and less to administrators who don't really add any value. Let's Six Sigma their butts out of the way. Are you with me?
4. Health Care - National Health Care baby. But first Liberals and Conservatives have to come up with tort reform that makes sense. I would have private health care providers bid regionally for the contracts to provide health care to all Americans. Your company would take your premium the same way they do today and send it on to the government - approved private provider. The government will then match the amount. You are covered now and always. And your company is free from the burden of health care costs. This would help retain jobs in the US and attract more.
5. NO amnesty. Build the wall and do it now. Stop the flow inbound and then give all illegals 90 days to apply for a special Mexican-American Worker's visa which allows these people to stop stealing our Social Security numbers. We can't possibly round up all these people, but we can damn sure stop their cousins from joining them. Are you with me on this one?
6. Get over it. I can't stand all the gay crap either, but they are entitled to live their life as they choose. I don't mind them coming out of the closet...just get the hell out of my living room ok?? Give us homophobes some space. And then do you own thing. Cool..
7. Cut it out man. I love my nation's flag as much as any conservative.
8. Hell yes, end the war. Be like the republicans of old and leave the boys in power who can control these ignorant people. When did conservatives become Liberals with all this spreading freedom garbage. Be pragmatic again...please. No more American blood for a people who just don't deserve another drop. If they want democracy let them bleed for it.
9. Yes. Acutally make it a priority and you'll get him. Hell we got Geronimo and Osama is no where near his league.
10. Be an American and give them due process either as criminals or as P.O.W.'s. And don't torture and embarras my country ever again.
11. A lot actually.
2006-06-30 12:08:41
answer #1
answered by KERMIT M 6
These are the twists given to the Democratic ideas by the Conservatives. Try this,
Reinstate the taxes on the wealthiest 3 percent of the population that were cut by the Conservatives in power so as to balance the tax load on the middle class. (Conservatives are in the business of eliminating the middle class and having a two tier caste system where the poor/lower class serves at the right hand of the wealthy/upper class. The tax cuts that you are so proud of actually will cost this country trillions of dollars in interest because now instead of paying as we go, we are borrowing the money to run the military, the department of Homeland (sounds a lot like fatherland doesn't it?) Security, etc. The Conservatives have played the hate card to get misguided individuals who are patriotic to support an attack on a country that the same Conservatives fought to arm in the 80's. Reagan's team of Middle East Military experts even taught the Iraqi military how to fight a larger and more powerful enemy. (Let's hear it for Ronnie RayGun and his outer space laser weapons).
So every time an industry threatens to pull out, we should gird our loins and allow pollution, and unsafe working conditions, and toxic waste disposal in your drinking water, and acid rain on your car? 70 hour work weeks, with no vacation time, I'm not sure what you do for a living, but I'd bet you wouldn't like any of that. We need to get back to where the people decide how this country will operate, not the politicians. (I'm guessing you'd vote for more coal and nuclear power, as long as it wasn't behind your house).
You don't want to spend more on education? That speaks for itself.
You don't want better health care? You must be a Doctor.
The immigrant issue isn't going to go away, amnesty or not. If there was a company in Canada paying $800 dollars an hour for what you do, and all you had to do was cross the border, and the only thing that would happen to you or the company that hired you was that you would get sent back here, you'd be the first MF in line. It's the one's who are paying these people without documentation that should be addressed. If the work dried up, so would the problem. (Then there would be a nationwide search by certain Conservatives for housekeepers, I'd bet).
Number six is so incredibly "Who gives a rat's behind?" that it has no bearing on anything. If you don't want men to marry men, don't marry a man (flip genders as is appropriate), who cares?
The flag is a piece of cloth. Symbolic, yes, but a piece of cloth nonetheless. Congress could vote tomorrow to change our flag to circles and squares with arrows and ovals. Then what, then the stars and stripes would suddenly not have meaning. Come on. This country is founded on freedom. Not, "don't burn that pretty colored cloth because some guys a couple of hundred years ago declared it our official flag. Next you'll want to ban burning of our official tree.
The reason the conflict in Iraq continues is because Halliburton (awarded Iraqi contracts without bids and overspending by the billions) hasn't made enough money yet. Period.
As long as Osama is at large, we have a contrived mission.
American Justice is legendary. The reason the Conservatives don't want these people judged in a standard court of law is because their arrest and detention is based on what they might do, and tribunals are flat made for that kind of nonsense. "Hey, you might rob that Kwik Shop tomorrow, after all you have a bat and a stocking cap. You're under arrest."
You missed logic, common sense, and a sense of duty to all mankind, not just the American ones.
2006-06-30 12:50:22
answer #2
answered by Ice 6
OK so you saying the Conservative agenda is to lower taxes for the wealthy, do nothing about industry and the jobs will still be ship over seas because the rich want to pay as little as the can to workers spend less on educations which will just cut out extra curricular activities so don't complain when you get mugged by a bunch of teens that could have been at football practice, spend less on health care and have more people suffering needlessly and spending hours and hours in over crowded emergency rooms, round up every illegal immigrant even the ones from countries north of the boarder and from Europe, Who cares about gay marriage and why do you care if a woman is a lesbian you have no chance with her whether she is married to her partner or not, give it a break with the flag burning. YES end the war in Iraq and bring the troops home today l could care less what happen in lraq when we leave we should have never been there to begin with and that stuff about terrorist heaven if we leave guess what we are not making friends over there and terrorist are coming from other countries to kill soldiers in Iraq. Yes we need to concentrate all all our effort to get Osama by sending half as many troops to Afghanistan that we have in Iraq when we bring them home.
2006-06-30 12:12:09
answer #3
answered by meanblacktiger 5
To help you fill in the gap:
Raise taxes on the wealthy means on anyone who works.
Cry about job loss when we are going through another job transformation like we did when we went from a farming society to a manufacturing society.
Spend more on education to put more administrators making large amounts of money doing nothing.
Spend more on health care so that non life threatening illnesses will not get treated for years (look at the Canadian system where they are finally allowing for health insurance an private doctors again).
End the war in Iraq so that they can finish Clinton's job of getting rid of the military so that we can be token over by some other Country, any would be better than ours.
Give all major criminals OJ type trials and put law abiding citizens in jail for live if they disagree with them.
You missed: to get rid of all gas powered vehicles, all cities within 20 miles of any protected place ( which means anywhere in the US), and don't forget my favorite no foreign energy, but no new energy sources that are too close to any home or any protected area in the US (which means no new energy).
I hope that I did not miss any.
2006-06-30 12:12:42
answer #4
answered by andy 7
Your sarcasm is noted so I'll try to present the other side.
1. Keep the national debt way up there it'll be good for our grandchildren to suffer.
2. Stay in Iraq. Pretend we're fighting terrorists until we secure those damn oil well
3. More tax breaks for the rich. It should start to trickle down by the year 2050 or so.
4. Osama who? oops forgot about him.
5. keep deregulating and letting our businesses outsource. This way our friends will get richer.
6. Build brick walls around our country and keep out all people who might actually do some work. We don't care if broccoli is $5 ahead.
7. Gays? Marry? Why that might effect regular marriage. How don't ask me I've got to keep the religious right happy.
You know what I'm tired of this blame game. The worst thing about GWB is exactly what you and I just did. The dissension in this country is terrible. And we are now our own worst enemies.
2006-06-30 11:59:35
answer #5
answered by olderandwiser 4
1) Raise taxes on the wealthy, yes because any tax on them as we speak would be an increase.
2) Yes we will regulate industry and make sure everyone is getting equal pay. What will we do if jobs get shipped overseas? Raise the tariffs on those products.
3)Yes, again any spending in education would be an increase. We would make sure no child is left behind. But wasn't that Bush's job? Guess he missed that lesson.
4)What will we get National health care, it works in Canada eh
5) That was a stupid question.
6) No but Civil Unions yes. Why and how is marriage sacred when over 50% get divorced.
7)Yeah dumb questions I won't answer
8) Yes the war in Iraq will end, what will that mean oh I don't know none of our troops dying over a stupid war.
9) Yes
10) Yeah because that will get ratings and that will be the one thing to beat American Idol hurry quick avoid this they are on to us.
11) You missed that ball, strike 3 you are out ( of D.C.)
2006-06-30 12:15:59
answer #6
answered by se_roddy 3
Hey... first you conservatives say we have no ideas, then you list the ideas for us? hahaha...
I think you are greatly over simplifying many of these... but the conservatives seem to be on board for some of them... troop reductions in Iraq (I've been hearing about this lately), conservative Supreme Court said they needed trials and not much is being done about immigration...
I could care less about industry regulation, as long as the government does their job with the current regulations... and gay marriage is not a real concern of mine... I don't see the harm, but it doesn't affect me...
tax raises are clearly on the way to slow down the debt... regardless of who is in office, and if some of the "loopholes" were eliminated, I think that would be enough to please most... health care is currently a mess and there is too much money being made for the current government to act, until in implodes...
If we actually tried to go after Osama, it would be nice... but we're all split up in Iraq, so that's tough to do at this point...
eh... that's all I have for now...
2006-06-30 12:49:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
1) KATO institute study shows cutting taxes expands spending and government.
2) Regulate industry?? Your right Enron is your best case
3) Better trained workers...your right we want more buger flippers..your sooo smart.
4) If government adopts healthcare, business has more capital free to reinvest. besides it the most humane.
5) That is the Republican plan.... your conflating..
6) Your right we should never had let interacial marriage either...
7) yeah...not scarsam you don't believe in free speech,
even if it offends.
8) Misleading Republicans refuse to even say we will leave, meaning never leave? Democrats offered an alternative to do nothing and never plan to leave ever.
9) For one not say things like " I don't know where he is, to be honest with you i just don't spend that much time on him"-GW
10) the alternative is to give the president aboslute power without checks or balances or oversight, or even rule of law...what your describing is a king, or dictator,
11) that you are poorly informed and support failed policies and rehtoric
2006-06-30 12:05:59
answer #8
answered by nefariousx 6
Although I am a Democrat, I have to agree with you on alot of your points. However the illegal alien issue is not being handled by the Republicans either, Bush was supposed to send 2500 National guard down there, and so far he has only sent about a 1000. This disturbs me. I can't figure out why the current laws are not being enforced. There is a 10,000 dollar fine for businesses that hire them, not one fine has been enforce. I don't get this. Just wanted to tell you, interesting question.
2006-06-30 12:03:02
answer #9
answered by sassyk 5
So how do the Republicans regard human beings? From what i've got seen, one among their popular advice on a thank you to think of roughly human beings is liberal as a replace of conservatives. unfavourable as a replace of rich. actual human beings or the 40 seven% moocher type. and that they keep their time table of pumping further and further money to the best of the financial equipment from the backside, without regard for the reality that all and sundry is down there. And which occasion is it this is telling women what they are in a place to do with their wombs, or gays who they are in a place to marry, or does that no longer count selection as autonomy of the guy? And the conservatives have extremely geared up up a reliable helpful government controlled via the desire of the few on the best to rigidity their will on them! whilst will any of you cons be waiting to tell me which united states has ever practiced the suggestions you desire to rigidity on us which you would be prepared to stay in? i've got been inquiring for years. I extremely have yet to get an answer. C'mon. only one little hint. perhaps Utopia or some united states like that?
2016-11-01 00:25:00
answer #10
answered by Anonymous