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i used ODBC driver and created a System DSN for my sccess db. But i dont know how to use it in VB. i am getting error "could not find installable isam". Whats the solution for this.

2006-06-29 22:18:30 · 6 answers · asked by rsd_i 1 in Computers & Internet Programming & Design

6 answers

1 Click "Start" > "Settings" > "Control Panel".
2 At the "Control Panel" window, open "Administrative Tools".
3 At the "Administrative Tools" window, open "Data Sources (ODBC)".
4 At the "ODBC Data Source Administration" window,
select the "System DSN" tab.
Click the "Add..." button.
5 At the "Create New Data Source" window,
highlight "Microsoft Jet Engine 2.1 Data ".
Click the "Finish" button.
In the next tab, select the file and change the file name like this


Now u can use the dsn in vb and it will work in any network system

2006-07-04 00:01:06 · answer #1 · answered by Balasaro 1 · 0 0

Your form of diabetes could be controlled and 'cured' in case you ate good and exercised half-hour each and on a daily basis. a brilliant number of the greens already contain the two salt and sugars. and then once you consume processed meals that come out of a can or wrapped in plastic action picture, those products contain a brilliant number of salts and sugars which you do no longer desire. I propose you're making an appointment with a nutritionist. they're going to positioned you on a eating recurring of the meals which you savour. And in case you desire to drop some pounds, then you definately'll could desire to decrease your energy and foodstuff intake. in case you have a canines then how you could walk it amazing. after which you and the canines can circulate on walks around the community. there is your low impression workout. Or purchase a treadmill or Gazelle and use it on a similar time as you're observing television.

2016-10-31 23:31:51 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

May be this isn't the answer you're expecting, but I have a MS Access database that can be edited, retrieved and all sort of features through out my LAN.

Simply I made Tolls>Database Utilities>Database Splitter in my MS Access, putting all the tables in a server, and customized queries, forms, reports, macros in each computer in the LAN.

It works just fine.

2006-06-30 06:18:05 · answer #3 · answered by Makiavel 3 · 0 0

use DNS less connection rater than DSN connection.
just remove DSN and use this connection string to connect databse

StrConStr = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; User ID=admin; pwd=" & password & "; DBQ=" & Path

here password is a string variable contains mdb password
here Path is a string variable contains the path in UNC format.

How to Set Path Variable.
Suppose you wants to put access file is on Machine B (in short MacB) then create a folder on MacB and put the access file in that folder and share that folder.
here i assume the name of folder is Folder and name of access file is MyAccessFile.
now take IP of MacB

set the Path variable like this

2006-06-29 23:32:48 · answer #4 · answered by Abhishek 3 · 0 0

Dont worry help is at hand. You can download source file from this link


or Try here


2006-06-29 22:35:19 · answer #5 · answered by Joe_Young 6 · 0 0

I can recommend you to used MS SQL Server for networking databasing.

2006-06-29 22:30:57 · answer #6 · answered by vbprogrammer 1 · 0 0

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