Depends on who it is
2006-06-29 13:57:11
answer #1
answered by Mischief Master 1
well chances are if you dress a little nice, you will feel more confident..usually boys dont care or even notice for that matter, what girls are wearing, but still it really can boost a girls self esteem if you are rockin' a mini skirt or have a bunch of cool jewlery on! but if you feel comfy in jeans and a tee, then thats what you should wear
2006-06-29 13:59:19
answer #2
answered by Julie 1
very well, i'm a lady. some fahion is DEFINATELY Abercrombie & Fitch. once you're in there...get capris that are plaid (it really is the kind). also, do not bypass with any shirts which have wallet, stripes, or something women should be wearing. (goody-goody men are a turnoff.) you may want to also bypass to percentsun. they have the perfect kinds there. i love that save. i do not even ought to inform you what to get there because they're continually up as a lot as now on the kind. nicely, i extremely become hoping that this helped and spoke back your question. in case you want any extra advice, do not hesitate to the contact me. bypass to my profile and also you may want to write in my guestbook. ok, good success! :p ~Hayley~
2016-11-15 10:56:00
answer #3
answered by ? 4
i would say it depends on the guy and i think if you dress the way you love to and have confidence, you will shine grl!!!!!
oh, and at the all boys private high school in my area, every guy will be polite to you!!! they'll give you their chair and everything, just cause your a girl cause that's the way it is there but i'm not sure if every all guys school is like that.
2006-06-29 14:36:55
answer #4
answered by taytay 4
No guy really cares about the clothes. They care if she's hot or not. Girls care about the clothes a lot more.
2006-06-29 14:04:20
answer #5
answered by A4Q 3
no...they don't care...a good looking girl can wear hot pink sweat pants and an average looking girl can wear the newest fashion and 99% of guys will look at the hot girl (regaurdless of her attire)... it's just the way we are programmed ...nothing personal...
2006-06-29 14:00:44
answer #6
answered by DAVER 4
some do some dont. i personaly dont. id just wear jears and a tee and you can bring sumtin stylish if you want
2006-06-29 13:58:06
answer #7
answered by Sun Tzu 2
jeans and a tee is cool once in a while
2006-06-29 13:57:30
answer #8
answered by dtstuff9 6
when i first see a girl what shes wearing is the first thing i notice. whatever you wear is how you express yourself and first impressions are wayy important. you dont want to look like trash and meet someone because they might think you look like that all the time. so just be safe and dress nice. :)
2006-06-29 13:58:55
answer #9
answered by bigt_2789 2
I really don't think they care one bit what kind of jeans a girl wears.
2006-06-29 14:00:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
i suggest that you wear something stylish and something that your comfortable wtih. you never know what may happen in that school. =)
2006-06-29 14:01:44
answer #11
answered by charmed_one 2