that happens to me too. you can't make it stop, ignore it and take it as a compliment. ITs like saying you are unique. But if someone who isn't your friend says it the most effective way to get them to shut up is to wack them hard over the head 2-3 times with a heavy text book.
2006-06-29 13:42:35
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If the above answers don't work, find words that rhyme with goth and use them on your friends every time they use that word on you.
Example; Hi, goth. Hi, moth.
Use the same words over and over or always have one to use. It doesn't have to make sense, it's just to tease back to see how they like it. They won't; after a while you'll notice they have stopped.
Example; Hi, goth. Hi, see ya got milk. When they ask, what make them wipe their mouth by saying they have something there.
Play with it. Get creative; but when they stop you have to stop cause you will loss your friend.
2006-06-29 14:00:46
answer #2
answered by kasar777 3
Give your friend the real definition of goth. Goth is not someone who dresses in black, worships the devil or anything like that. Goth is a period in time when everyone worshipped gods. Tell your friend to look it up in the fricken dictionairy.
2006-07-05 15:23:43
answer #3
answered by canadianxfreak98 2
Freak out your friend by wearing a pink dress with white tights and skip the makeup.
Seriously, don't worry about it. Show her some real Goths for comparison if you want.
2006-06-29 13:46:17
answer #4
answered by BroadwayPhil 4
stop being a goth. leave the black clothes for the fat people.
2006-06-29 13:53:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
tell her you are not goth and act like you dont have a problem with her saying that.....just ignore her.......she mite get tired of it and give up on calling you goth all the time.if not, then just dont let it get to you....tell her not to be so obssesed with the way others dress....just b/c they dont have her style doesnt mean shes gotta say stuff all the time bout wat pple dress goth.....get the heck over it.
2006-06-29 13:57:50
answer #6
answered by Ashley 2
Understandable. Sit her down, and tell her that you don't like her calling you that. Explain it again. If she still doesn't get it, considered find a new friend.
2006-06-29 13:43:34
answer #7
answered by Laila 3
Correct her, you're not a Goth, you're a Vamp. Lick your lips and look longingly at her neck.
2006-06-29 13:56:25
answer #8
answered by sparkletina 6
Be sure that your freind understands that you do not like this nickname.
If your friend continues to call you anything you don't like,be nonresponsive. If you don't answer, they will get the message.
2006-06-29 13:49:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
do wear alot of black or listen to rock or wear chockers and other punk crap
and don't act all dark (punkish / gothish)
2006-06-29 13:58:52
answer #10
answered by sweety 2