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I mean what is readability? How to improve readability of any document?

2006-06-29 10:03:27 · 4 answers · asked by Jefarion 1 in Education & Reference Teaching

4 answers

Well I found a couple of web sites but I don't know if they will help you.



2006-06-29 10:09:07 · answer #1 · answered by Wise Hermit 3 · 0 0

Define Readability

2016-12-16 13:07:29 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

readability is really matching the complexity of the document with the reading level or the reader. for example the common newspaper has a readability of about middle school. This means that most middle school students could read it, thus increasing the number of people able to read the news (in theory) .

the problem arises when the readability is over the age/ability of the reader. For example a textbook with a college readability would not be appropriate for high school freshmen.

There are varying ways of determining the readability however, many of the formulas have to do with counting the number of syllables in each word, number of words per sentence, number of syllables per sentence and such.

While technically dumbing down your document may improve your document... it may also be insulting to your audience.

hope this helps

2006-06-29 15:25:10 · answer #3 · answered by artful dodger 4 · 1 0

This Site Might Help You.

What is the definition of readability?
I mean what is readability? How to improve readability of any document?

2015-08-17 02:10:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you are using Microsoft Word to create a document, a readability score is available. Go to "Tools" and select "Options". Click on "Spelling and Grammar". Select "Options". At the bottom of the list you can check "Readability". This will give you a score on your document.

Readability in documents focuses on the audience, the topic, and the clarity of language and grammar.

Audience: Who will be reading the document? A document written for a child must be worded more simply that one written for college graduates.

Topic: Some topics have specialized language. Some topics are deeply emotional or controversial. The topic often drives the tone of a document.

Language and grammar: These must always be correct and appropriate for the topic and the audience. Word use is guided by the audience level.

Generally, a lower readability indicates a less educated audience will be reading the document. For this type of document, use simple words, short sentences and short paragraphs. Eliminate more difficulty grammar such as semi-colons to separate two complete thoughts. This is far too complex in such a document.

Higher readability indicates the need for longer sentences, more complex words, and the highest level of grammar the writer can manage. Generally, two longer sentences should be followed by a short one for balance. Vary the sentence structure, providing a mix of simple, compound, and complex sentences. Varied sentence structure will dramatically increase the level of readability. A body paragraph must be longer so the topic is thoroughly developed: 10 to 15 sentence paragraphs are common. Refrain from overused, vague words such as "thing", "stuff", "everyone", "always", "nothing", "good", "bad", etc. These have very low readability.

Good luck

2006-06-29 10:57:16 · answer #5 · answered by ec 2 · 0 0

Readability means having the ability to communicate through printed or non-printed means. Communication is comprehending and interpreting messages in a two-way situation.

For examples:

A printed message is a written form of communication, such as a book or document, understanding what the author is saying in print.

A non-printed message is a non-verbal form of communication that can be interpreted by observing facial expressions or body language, comprehending what someone maybe thinking without utterance.

2006-06-29 11:07:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

read·a·ble (rd-bl) KEY


Easily read; legible: a readable typeface.
Pleasurable or interesting to read: a readable story.

reada·bili·ty or reada·ble·ness (Noun), reada·bly (Adverb)

2006-06-29 10:07:59 · answer #7 · answered by LuckyWife 5 · 0 0

readability is a document that is interesting to read. make it intersting by adding more detail and aciton to your document. just make it fun.

Main Entry: read·able
Pronunciation: 'rE-d&-b&l
Function: adjective
: able to be read easily: as a : LEGIBLE b : interesting to read
- read·abil·i·ty /"rE-d&-'bi-l&-tE/ noun
- read·able·ness /'rE-d&-b&l-n&s/ noun
- read·ably /-blE/ adverb

2006-06-29 10:07:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How easy is it to read... is the handwriting any good, is the meaning of the information in the document effectively communicated, etc.

2006-06-29 10:07:40 · answer #9 · answered by Huey 4 · 0 0

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