Easiest way to get it follow the advice they've already given you here. Either on line or with broker's company and you'll have it in a few months.
The RIGHT way, study & get eduated!
I would NOT suggest you take ANY classes from ANY RE company because all they teach you is to memorize certain things and memorize the questions so you can answer them correctly during your exam. This way you can start making money for the company.
I personally think you will be doing a diservice to the community if you go this route.
I suggest you research your local community college or University that offers these classes. The instructors there DONT have a financial interest on you passing the exam so you can make them money. These instructors are either currently in the business or have been in the business before.
After you get your license there are still classes you can get at school.
For EXTRA information, the training classes your local Association of Realtors offers or may be even your RE company, they will teach you about the contracts & more.
So all and all study and get the right education.
2006-06-30 12:18:53
answer #1
answered by SCCRealEstateUNCENSORED.com 3
my wife is doing an online course right now that will take 60 hours, its not actually online thoguh we just got a CD. The course is kind of lame but she is one smart cookie so she will get enough out of it, combined with our experience, that she will be able to pass the test.
She has to pass the schools test first to "graduate" and then can take the state exam. The course is accredited, meaning the state recognizes training recieved by the school. That is important of course.
The main beef with the program is that it is simply the equivalent of a power point presentation where there is a a couple sentences and a goofy picture or cartoon to go with it. Then every 10-20 slides after a certain topic was covered there is a little quiz to continue on which sends you back if ytou miss it.
I would have expected some "class time" where there was a DVD like presentation of a teacher talking or at least a narrator for the power point slide show but the money was paid and she will get it.
This method we chose because we felt it would be the easiest and the course was under $200. (what did we really expect for that anyway huh?)
Good Luck.
2006-06-29 09:01:33
answer #2
answered by brian-the-brain 5
Every state has different requirements. In New York, you have to take 45 hours of classes, and pass the New York State Licensing test.
The New York Real Estate Institute (http://www.nyrei.com/) has a week long class schedule to fulfill your 45 hours. Or, you can take the classes part-time, and finished the 45 hours in a month.
Then you just need to take the test...
2006-06-29 07:33:31
answer #3
answered by jabbamonkey 2
Another way is to go to a real-estate co. Many of the big chains like R/E Max have internal classes to help you get a license when you contract to work for them
2006-06-29 07:34:18
answer #4
answered by roscoedeadbeat 7
Interview with Keller Williams Realty
The only real estate company that offers profit sharing
GREAT company to work for, GREAT training on how to market yourself, in any market.
If you would like more info on a career with Keller Williams Realty, go to my web page http://www.pauld-kw.com and on the top you will see "Sell a Property" Click on that, then click on "A career with Keller Williams" I think you will be very impressed. You can also e-mail or call me and I will be more then happy to talk to you about Keller Williams or send you some more information. pauld-kw@hotmail.com
BEST of luck with your new career!
2006-06-29 13:38:45
answer #5
answered by Paul D 2
take the course. There is no easy way trust me! The state I am in and liscened was very hard for me to pass. STUDY!
2006-06-29 07:35:50
answer #6
answered by Bchlvr 4
I'm sure you can take online courses to help, but you must pass a state test for your lic
2006-06-29 07:34:20
answer #7
answered by MegRocks78 1
Rockwell Institute if you are in Ca or Wa, it's pretty much all done online
2006-06-29 08:38:40
answer #8
answered by davidzgrl 2
go to class and pass the state test
2006-06-29 07:32:16
answer #9
answered by Michael S 3
Lift the wallet of a Realtor and assume his/her identity.
2006-06-29 07:32:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous