Yeah, the end is starting to come. These are all signs of it. They're only going to get worse too. But there are still a lot of things that have to happen first, so I don't think it's any time too soon. Just live your life as if He were coming today and you'll be fine.
2006-06-29 05:34:33
answer #1
answered by jas2world 4
As the rest of the gang said, all the signs are there, and there is more to come. I believe there will be a major geographical shift within the next 30 years. However people will live through it, it all depends on your geographical location at that time. I suggest you go to the library and get some videos from the National geographic channel on various topics that pertain to the subject. Such as Nostradamus and his predictions, science studies of global shift, and maybe even some some bible predictions. You will find that they all say very much the same thing. Very curious? Don't worry too much about it though just be knowledgeable and prepare yourself accordingly. But no it's not the end of the world just the end of the world as we know it to be. .
2006-06-29 12:56:13
answer #2
answered by jackie O 1
The media is covering them more they are not happening more. We have been effected by Katrina but that is normal when you get hit by a cat 5 hurricane.
You will hear a lot about global warming because its summer. You won't hear anything about it in the winter time and people are snowed in. That is unless there is a calamity somewhere. I still laugh about the global warming crowed claiming Katrina was because of global warming. I think they also blamed bush for the hurricane. Totally irrational.
2006-06-29 15:45:37
answer #3
answered by coolforbeer 3
I do believe the end is coming soon. The signs of the times are clear. However only the Lord God knows the day and the hour, but I have my theories as to the year and the season.
2006-06-29 12:36:43
answer #4
answered by Katie 3
We live on a planet that has very dynamic and chaotic weather patterns. We are noticing the "increase" because of more media coverage and more stupid people living in places they shouldn't. (Flood planes, Earthquake fault zones, etc.) It is the exponential growth in human population and our fascination with extreme death and destruction that makes it seem like the end is coming.
2006-07-06 08:56:57
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Is the end actually coming, or do we simply have better media coverage of events which have been occurring for thousands of years? With the advent of cable and satellite TV, and the internet, news of such disasters is much easier to spread to the average person. Apocalyptic views such as those expressed in your question have been in existance for centuries.
2006-07-05 10:44:33
answer #6
answered by wespectmyauthoritah 3
Looks like the end is coming. We must prepare.
2006-06-29 12:35:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If the end was coming it would be way way worse!!!
2006-06-29 12:47:22
answer #8
answered by girlfromrms 2
obviously you dont know history... there has been all that bad weather since the beginning!
2006-07-05 17:51:07
answer #9
answered by 2
I do believe your have A point!
2006-06-29 13:02:23
answer #10
answered by c$money 2