Is prostitution considered against the law because unlike the porn industries where people get paid to have sex with each other, prostitution is not controlled to where it pays taxes? The porn industry is legalized prostitution in reality, a woman or man get paid, for what, to have sex. Prostitution is the same, a woman or man getst paid, for what, to have sex. The difference is that the porn industries pay taxes to the government but prostitution doesn't. Is this why prostitution is illegal? If a way was made for prostitution to pay taxes to the government, would it be legalized?
8 answers
asked by
Politics & Government
➔ Law & Ethics
i think prostitution is overrated, if people wanna have sex and get paid way not. a women can have sex with many men and get nothing is considered a whore, but if the men throw her a few dollars, she is a prostitute, why? why give it up for free. my take is if a guy friend of mine want's to have sex with me and my light bill is due, and i don't have it, hey, why not, get the bill paid and feel good while doing it
2006-06-29 05:17:14
answer #1
answered by davionmw 4
Good Question. It is the oldest profession, legal or not, and if a woman can keep her head on straight, it can be okay. But when there is that much money involved, it often leads to violence, drugs and other unethical behaviors. I believe that human beings, on the whole, are self destructive and may not leave just prostition, in a clean environment, with a consenting adult alone. They will want more. I leave your imagination there.
As far as the porn industry goes, I think it probably falls under Freedom of Expression. Look how regulated that is and all the problems it causes for society, family, even the actors in the movie.
2006-06-29 12:25:33
answer #2
answered by nikayw 2
Basically nothing is wrong with it.... I think its more a question of morals and money...
As funny as it sounds the government cannot tax you on it, so maybe that is why there is so much heated debate...
And then again if it is legal it can pose moral problems in a community I suppose..
As far a STD's well... I dont have an answer...
As for porn flicks, the "set" is controlled... to a point.
2006-06-29 12:13:56
answer #3
answered by W V 1
Nothing is wrong with prostitution in itself. I think it should be legal and medically overseen.
The problem now is the street hookers who are looking for money to feed their drug habits. When that happens it kills the neighborhood. Once people with money refuse to come in their neighborhood they move to another and it starts all over again.
Nobody wants to live in a neighborhood like that and the cops use that as the main reason prostitution is illegal and needs to stay illegal
2006-06-29 12:17:12
answer #4
answered by eddie9551 5
Yeah, that's pretty much the long and short of it. It can't be regulated: the government can't get a slice. Plus, the porn industry is very stringent on their health standards, where street prostitution isnt.
2006-06-29 12:15:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I personnaly think its wrong because woman are literally SELLING there bodys every single day.but still even if prostitutes did have to pay tax it would'nt be legalized.Partially because theres a sense of no respect to human life, and because I dont think ameirca wants to be known as the "Country that supports constant sex"...Thats all
2006-06-29 12:23:13
answer #6
answered by Jack B 2
interesting take and interesting responses!
what's the difference btwn prostitution and showering someone expensive crap in order to have sex w/ them? personally, i feel it's the same thing - the first option just cuts directly to the chase. i like the idea of legalizing it tho.
2006-06-30 00:46:42
answer #7
answered by koby 2
Organized Crime . If the government would legalese it , they would take the criminal out of it and make some money too .Through taxes .
2006-06-29 12:23:36
answer #8
answered by Anonymous