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Has anyone heard any news on ANY of the Bush Clan enlisting to fight? Jebs Son? Any of them?
ANY Republican Politicians kids anywhere?

2006-06-28 08:18:27 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

I see alot of spinning going on....blah blah draft this, i dont understand that.
The question is obvious. No confidence.

Clearly you are uncomfortable answering if you resort to spin.

2006-06-28 08:28:57 · update #1

Spin Spin.... you people are like politicians.
Nobod asked for the definition of "draft" and "volunteer".
Why do you think they dont sign up if it is so important to fight his wars of choice?

2006-06-28 08:31:21 · update #2

I didnt ask you for definitions of "volunteer force" or "draft",
I asked what reasons do you think they have for not fighting in Bush's wars of choice? Not what methods might be used to get them there.

2006-06-28 08:42:47 · update #3

If they know him so well and dont apparently believe enough to sign up, why should anyone?

2006-06-28 08:44:54 · update #4

to cdc: and again, why wouldnt they want to if it is THAT important? Who said they were obligated?

2006-06-28 09:41:30 · update #5

to: InformedSource, to be fair, its not up to George to put his daughters on the line, they should want to do it seeing how they are closest to him....unless they too dont believe him.

2006-06-28 09:48:45 · update #6

18 answers

War is a rich mans game.
The players are all kids from the poor to mid level income areas.
The rich children do not go to war.
Some may have been in the military, but I cant say I have heard of any.
Good question, I am glad that you put it out here for all to see.

2006-06-28 09:02:45 · answer #1 · answered by Biker 6 · 6 2

Historically when children of politicians volunteer for war they are given some silly job away from the front. If his daughters volunteered they would provide an insignificant role and would only serve as a distraction from the real battles. Very few college educated people voluntarily go to war. The Bush girls are no different. They are human and they have opportunity. They would much rather pursue life outside of the limelight with the comforts of home.

Why should America fight? Good question but unrelated to the Bush girls. Why should America involve itself in WWII? Why have any war? Ghandi won a war by laying down. Why can't we? It all has to do with the enemy. Ghandi was fighting the English who had rules about warfare and they simply wanted the country for a cup of tea. With the natives not working they weren't getting tea anyway so they had to negotiate a deal. America entered WWII only after Japan hit us hard. If we had foresight we would have entered long before that time. With Iraq we are fortunate enough to have a history to formulate a plan with.

Saddam had plans to seize the Middle East much akin to Hitler in Europe or the Japanese in Asia. We stopped him before he got started. Imagine if England and France would have stopped Hitler once he had broken agreements on military development prior to him invading. There would have been no Holocaust and loss of life would have been far less catastrophic.

2006-06-28 09:59:38 · answer #2 · answered by theonequincy 2 · 0 0

I absolutely agree with you! He wouldn't send his own children over there but expects everyone else to. I think what you are getting to is that if there was a draft not one of the sons or daughters of the people who got us into this war would be there. Everyone should get a choice not just the rich kids. Not all people are there voluntarily they may have signed up under pressure from their parents and gee get this there are even some kids who have no where else to go. They could join a gang, or they could get out of the slums by enlisting. The military targets these poor kids, yes I dared to say targets. They go to the schools, talk to them without the parents there, tell them how great things can be for them, they entice them with the hope of "getting out", of making lots of money, going places that they would never be able to go otherwise and if you want they will pay for college or the training of your choice. All you have to do is enlist for a specified amount of time. How good would that sound to you if you were the child of a single mother who was living on welfare, working 2 or 3 jobs trying to support a tiny apartment full of screaming kids? It would sound like the best thing you ever heard!

2006-06-28 11:08:19 · answer #3 · answered by loudmouth 3 · 0 0

The answer is this : We have a COMPLETELY volunteer force, this means that every one has the choice to join, or not to join. This also means that the great MEN and WOMEN that are over there protecting the right for anyone to have their own stupid opinion have chosen to do so. And in fact as many as 14,000 of the wounded have at least tried to go back to fight again. You've been watching toooo much CNN!

2006-06-28 08:36:38 · answer #4 · answered by Nathan R 2 · 0 0

I have to answer this question with a question.
What makes you think that anyone from the "Bush clan" as you put it, is obligated to join the military? Just because George W. is president doesn't mean that people from his family, especially his daughters, have to join the military. That's like saying just because someone committed a crime his/her family has to go to jail for it.
Don't ask moronic questions that clearly don't even deserve an answer.

2006-06-28 08:53:34 · answer #5 · answered by cdc92281 2 · 0 0

Excellent point!! Are they too drunk to serve??
The reality is this: the powerful and the rich can always escape risks like this. In America, this dates back at least to our Civil War, when "men of means" could pay $300 to send a substitute to serve regarding the draft of 1863. Ain't nothin' changed but the calendar. When judgement day comes, I hope Abe (Bush's 'fellow Republican') kicks every a@@ in George's family.

2006-06-28 08:30:57 · answer #6 · answered by Mr. Scandalous 4 · 0 0

Obviously, if Bush is not willing to put his own daughters' lives on the line for the cause he claims that "God" Himself told Bush to begin, then he is at least one (and posssible as many as three) things: 1. A Liar; 2 A Psychotic; or 3. The Biggest Hypocrite/Coward since Adolph Hitler. Hint: You will NEVER see a Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/WolfowitzRiceRove or others of this ilk in combat. They merely START the wars, and let others die to make them even wealthier. As it has ever been -Blood for money - always OUR BLOOD for THEIR MONEY!!!!

2006-06-28 09:04:11 · answer #7 · answered by InformedSource 1 · 0 0

Fighting in a war is not just about "If I am in favor of it then my kids should (will) go fight." I was in Desert Storm but I don't wish that experience on anyone, especially my kids. But I proudly served, and would again. If a President has no kids does that mean this country can't go to war?

2006-06-28 08:26:18 · answer #8 · answered by Chris G 1 · 0 0

I think we forget it is the senate and congress representatives that have also put us in wars. The president takes the heat but it our state representatives that are making the votes.

Now on a silly note, don't sign the young boys and girls up for military action , sign the convicts up. They get the job done and they win their freedom back, simple.

2006-06-28 08:28:15 · answer #9 · answered by Stacee S 1 · 0 0

No one is in the military by force in the United States. We currently have an all volunteer military.

On average, the political leanings of military people tend to be more conservative than democrat.

2006-06-28 08:24:30 · answer #10 · answered by davidmi711 7 · 0 0

We do not have a draft at this time. The men and women fighting to defend and protect our country are doing so of their own free will.

2006-06-28 09:38:43 · answer #11 · answered by badlass7 2 · 0 0

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