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"It will be a chance for the fighters to show the enemy that we love death more than they love to live," said Abu Qusai of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, part of Fatah.

With an enemy that values death over life, is there any possibility of peace?

The above quote is from a Reuters News Service article: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060628/wl_nm/mideast_gaza_weapons_dc_1

2006-06-28 04:46:42 · 15 answers · asked by mzJakes 7 in News & Events Current Events

15 answers

This is the curse of Islam. 72 virgins for martyrdom when Islam defines martyrdom, not as dying for Islam but killing for Islam and dying in the process. Islam is a cult of death that is inculcated into muslims from birth. there is no way to have any kind of lasting peace with Islam. Islam has a much longer world view. If it is not advantageous for Islam to attack today, it will appease until such time as the advantage exists. The sooner the non-Islamic world recognizes this, the greater the chance of survival. This is an existential war that will only end with the total destruction of one side or the other...or both. Islam is already fighting it, ramping up to full effect. Islam's enemies, ie all non-muslims, must unite and prepare and strike first before it's too late.

2006-06-28 04:58:02 · answer #1 · answered by Black Fedora 6 · 7 1

I don't know. It's not like the Fatah is the first group to think this way, there are several points at which that was hugely touted by the christian church. Humanity has always survived those kind of "death worshipping" religious sects in the past.
The difference is that now we have nuclear weapons. It's actually possible to wipe out huge numbers of people, all life on earth. And while I can't imagine that would be pleasing to a god that created it, I am not the one deciding the direction of those sects.
Humanity has always been able to triumph over those people that hate life. The only thing I can think of that might make a difference is trying to make the areas those people come from more livable. That's what worked in christian europe. When people thought there was no hope they were willing to kill others and themselves, but when conditions approved the movement died out.
That and the people that don't value life are usually less cautious than those that value it. That will help in the short term I think. But the fame that people in those sects can earn motivates them to be more methodical. Which is scary.
My final thought is that life is uncertain. It could end any number of ways. It's all a fragile balance. We just do our best to survive and live in the way we think is best. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Life's fragile, and you don't know what it holds, so worrying over much about one threat or another can make you crazy.

2006-06-28 05:10:42 · answer #2 · answered by TheHza 4 · 0 0

You cannot make peace with someone who values death over life for the simple fact that if they don't value their own life, they definitely will not value anyone else's. In the case of Palestinians, they must be shown that the election of Hamas as a ruling party was a mistake that will either spell their doom in terms of an all-out war with Israel, or starve them of any humanitarian aid. The key to this is to engage Hamas directly and lay this out, since they are the legitimate governing party of the Palestinian Authority. The U.S., especially in the current administration, talks out of both sides of its face when it says it wants free elections. The Palestinian election was legit, but because the results are not what the U.S. and its allies wanted, they have now cut off aid to them. We can't have it both ways. We should not negotiate with Hamas, but we should engage them in the same fashion we approach hostile governments diplomaticly and tell them that if they want help from us, then they need to act like a responsible government and provide services for their people, and abandon the idea of Israel's destruction. Until this happens, there will be no peace.

2006-06-28 05:04:53 · answer #3 · answered by michael g 1 · 0 0

Im a 15 year old Palestinian boy from Chicago. I have been to Palestine numerous times. The reason they think like that is becuse life is so hard. I would wake up to bombs exploding, rapid fire, fear of being spotted and a risk of being shot and killed. Why would you want to live in such conditions? You have to understand that the war Isreal is fighting, half the people fighting are children with rocks. It is a guerrllia warfare. "Che" Guevara is everywhere, repersenting guerrilla warfare. Just to clear up any topics, because people now-a-days are prejudice and niave, they only see half the truth on their T.V. Until you live there you cant say anything...

2006-06-28 05:25:14 · answer #4 · answered by chitownreppin312 2 · 0 0

No. Madmen ramble nonsense, as this statement clearly is. If they really "love death" so much, why not just go off in some quiet corner and kill yourself without so much brouhaha? No, what they really love is machismo and bravado, and hoping to be thought of as heroes and martyrs for a cause. But in the end, they are pitiful, sad, misguided, ignorant fools.

2006-06-28 05:07:50 · answer #5 · answered by coffeebean 2 · 0 0

Do you people not recall 9/11? Just being alive and living free is subject to being called the Enemy!

2006-06-28 04:53:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

And therein lies the problem.

Of course that sort of mentality is more common in a place like Palestine where the people feel oppressed, are hungry, and have very little hope for a better future. Where they feel that they really have nothing to lose.

2006-06-28 04:52:40 · answer #7 · answered by Artemisia 2 · 0 0

There sure is: When we begin to respect others as fellow human beings and respect their rights and perspectives, instead of attempting to impose upon others and/or attempting to create docile societies! You, too, will fight back (if you're human), and consider an intruder as an enemy!

2006-06-28 05:06:02 · answer #8 · answered by Netsbridge 3 · 0 0

This comment only re-enforces the fact that only God (the one true God, Jesus Christ) can end this war. Good vs. Evil. I can't imagine living with such hatred in my soul. It is very sad that Islam has been twisted in such a disgusting way.

2006-06-28 05:05:33 · answer #9 · answered by William C S 1 · 0 0

....And perhaps they will find peace from my M4, or M9, or my M240H, if they have the courage to face me instead of attacking my family back home. So far though, they must not wanna die too badly, cuz they haven't put on a uniform.......

2006-06-28 06:31:38 · answer #10 · answered by Mike G 3 · 0 0

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