Yaya--there is only one race because:
"The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; neither is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all life and breath and all things;and He made from one man, every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times, and the boundaries of their habitation," (Acts 17:24-26)
When God confused the languages at Babel, (Genesis 10, esp. verses 7&9) people could only marry close family members if they wanted to be able to communicate with their spouses! So hair color, eye color, facial features, even skin tone, became concentrated in each family. Each family eventually formed a nation or people group--and the people looked a lot alike because of the original close intermarrying.
Yes, "Racism" exists--because people are sinful. A person might use himself or herself as the standard and shun people who are different. Of course, other people will also shun or persecute this person because of their differences.
Shunning or persecuting people based on their skin color or features is wrong. God looks on the heart, and what matters is that your heart is right with God, not whether you are black or white, brown-haired or blonde-haired, pretty or ugly, or any of the outside physical differences between people.
2006-06-28 03:52:26
answer #1
answered by In This Last Hour 2
Anthropologically speaking, in the beginning there were only three races: the mongoloids, the caucasoids, and africanoids. All people in current world belong to one or more of this groups. In other words, its possible to be pure caucasoid. Its also possible to have all sorts of mixtures. The bering strait theory says that when the sea level was lowest mongoloids crossed the bering strait into present day america. So most native americans are decendants of the mongoloids.
Genetically speaking, all three races are 99.99% identical. Yet this .01% difference can create dramatic differences in the way we look. Regardless, I believe the three races have evolved into what they are now because of environmental pressures placed on them during the evolution process. Finally, if we are so different, than why can we intermix. This must mean we are essentially the same kind, except for minor differences, which we have now come to call "race."
It is my opinion, we are a headed to the creation of one race, the compelete intermixing of all three oids. Once this is complete, everybody can be happy and equal. And there will be no racism, just aesthetic discrimination. Then we will be discrimination against ugly people. But, its always been like this.
2006-06-28 04:02:36
answer #2
answered by SexySingle 1
There is just one human race. The reason that racism exists is because you learn it at a very early age unawarely, and just carry it unthinkingly from then on. Usually the people who teach you this stuff are the people who you depend on for your continued existence and you believe that everything they say is right (when you are young!) Where they get it from is from their parents etc back through time, and it's also very strongly promoted by the media, as are all the other "isms" like nationalism, sexism, ageism,able-bodiedism (where people are considered less than human if they are in a wheelchair or made differently from the usual) Anything in fact, which enables them to profit from us (I mean in the financial sense only, There's no "Human" profit in it. It doesn't make the world a better place. It is very hard to undo indoctrination just by wanting to. You have to find ways of "cleaning it out". That means finding some organisation that is dedicated to undoing racism and talking about your own nasty racist feelings with them, (you probably think you don't have any. I used to think that too, but we ALLhave them (whatever colour or nationality we are) We were NOT responsible for getting these ideas, since they were put into us as vulnerable little children, but we ARE responsible for getting them out again . Suggest you look up UER (United to End Racism) on www.rc.org (not a Roman Catholic organisation.) When times are hard you'll find the promotion of racism etc.is stepped up even more!
2006-06-28 04:15:22
answer #3
answered by survivor 5
There are differences even though there is only one race. Expalin why White men are more prone to such and such a disease or why black poeple are more likely to get diseas X? There is only one race and that is the human race but there are still differences between us.
Racism usaully comes from fear. Not having had any experience with such and such a race,
sometimes it comes FROM experience, such as the only contact you have with a particular race is when they broke into your home.
Sometimes it comes from t.v. when you see mostly a certain race potrayed as the bad guys.
Although things are starting to change in politics, individuals don't change so easily.
There is racism on both sides. We lived in Ga for 5 years and once we went into a fast food restraunt. I noticed that all the black people were in a particular line - out of choice! Even if the white line was shorter - they segregated themsleves. When my husband was a boy, the blacks were bussed all the way to the white school. He says the blacks had a nice, brand new school, but in the name of DEsegregation, they were bussed to an old run down school.
The government works so hard to fight rasicm and sometiems makes it worse,
But think of all the things that have changed over the last hundred years or so..
It will just take time.
2006-06-28 04:13:00
answer #4
answered by helpme1 5
First of all, your question as a whole makes no sense. I'm sorry, but it doesn't. However, I will try to answer it the best I can...
Yes, I feel there are many races. The problem is how each race deals with another. Everyone is racist to at least a small extent....whether they want to admit it or not. When they see somone from a different race, something immediately pops into their head. May be something very tiny, but it's there. Some of us worry that when they see someone of a different race, maybe that person thinks we're thinking something racist about them at that moment. Hope that makes sense. My point is that we all see different colors. I think it's wonderful that God created so many different races. The horrible truth is that there are people from each race who find themselves superior and feel they are better because of their race. It's ridiculous. The reason it still exists is because it's been passed down through generations. It always will be. Sad as it is. There are still whites who think African Americans are beneath them. What people need to realize is that we were ALL CREATED EQUAL....the Bible doesn't even say what color of skin the first humans created had. What right do we as shite-skinned humans have to say we are better than everyone else? God loves each and every one of us, and He doesn't care what color our skin is. None of us is better than another. I could go on and on, but I won't. My answer is yes, there are many races. And even though it's terrible and very sad, racism will always exist. If there is something here you want to report me for, go ahead. But at least I have spoken my mind and told my true feelings. I'm not on here trashing anyone because I have no right...I am better than no one.
2006-06-28 03:51:33
answer #5
answered by *~*~*~*~* 3
YaYa - I believe racism exists because it's human nature to compete for power... Racism is just another tactic in getting there. An individual will try or do anything to be better than another person, more accepted. It's a sad fact that we can't just accept equality, and realize we're all humans who cohabitate in the same environment. Racism will ALWAYS exist. Until the end of the world.
2006-06-28 03:45:46
answer #6
answered by Jennifer D 2
Racism only exists because of what others find on ones color and appearances. People dont like other people from another country and thinks of them as different from them. What I think is that its not hatred, its like boundaries. People have different opinions. People just dont get along because they have never been with a different person before and this is why racism continues to go further. The lesser relationship with a different country neighbor, the disliking increases as well as their boundaries. And sometimes people bring up the past because of their anger.
Only hoping there was never racism at first.
2006-06-28 03:56:13
answer #7
answered by |Soldier| 3
Racism exists because we allow it to continue. It's time to let it go, get over the past, and quit expecting anything to come your way based on race (good or bad). I am so very against anything where benefits or programs are based on race. By that I mean, Miss Black America, the United ***** College Fund, benefits for Natives (the casinos and tax breaks), etc. Oh and before you scream, I am a minority myself and I don't expect anybody to pay for the sins of their ancestors. I get what I need by hard work, period, and I don't expect anything because I'm a minority. It's time the rest of the world follow suit.
2006-07-12 02:22:35
answer #8
answered by ginabgood1 5
Racism is all in people's minds. God made people of many different races and nationalities so that we would learn to get along and love each other as brothers and sisters. Their hearts are all the same. I am white, but sometimes I'm ashamed of my own race because so many white people seem to think that they're better than everyone else because of their color. What makes white so special, I'll never know. WE'RE ALL THE SAME!
2006-07-10 10:20:29
answer #9
answered by angeleyes 3
Anthropologists and biologists, looking into genes and bones and culture and language, and all the things that science can examine, can find no basis whatsoever for the existence of anything but the one race. All humans are currently one species, Homo sapiens sapiens. There are no other species in the genus Homo, as once there were.
By the same token, science has noted that H. sapiens share a genetic characteristic with other primates, namely xenophobia - fear of strangers [of the same species].
Everywhere you go, one group of people has something against another and fighting and warring and discriminating against each other results.
If it isn't skin color, it's language, if not language, it's religion, if not religion, it's customs, and on and on. But it all comes down to the xenophobia in the human race.
2006-06-28 03:54:35
answer #10
answered by sonyack 6