Time cures everything.
2006-06-27 19:19:18
answer #1
answered by ? 5
Depends on how long you've not had your ex around...and why are you with someone else if you can't even get over the ex? Sounds like just a rebound to me...
2006-06-27 19:20:01
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Stop obsessing about why you and your ex did not work. If you really need closure, call your ex and ask them why the relationship ended.
Just admit to yourself that it is over and focus on the love you have right now. Don't let one bad relationship keep you from finding true love.
2006-06-27 19:23:00
answer #3
answered by sparkling_apple 4
well, maybe you arent over him yet so you should think twice about leaving him even though you already did. If you know that you dont want to go back to him then you just have to face the fact that you two are over and you just have to move on.
2006-06-27 19:20:40
answer #4
answered by Madison M 1
focus on your new relationship, put all your heart into this relationship, dont waste your time thinking of your ex, think about why you arent together and what they did to cause you to seperate???? think about that, you have a new specal someone, what else do you want. you cant have your cake and eat it too. be fair to your new friend.good luck.
2006-06-27 19:20:50
answer #5
answered by Christina 6
Just think about your new "friend" but if you really like and miss your ex then get back with her/him.
2006-06-27 19:19:53
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The best solution is a open discussion where you will explain him that is over, and that you decide to change.
2006-06-27 19:19:11
answer #7
answered by Nicolaie S 2
someday you will be an ex ...tell me what you'll feel..when you are left without reason.. horrible feeling...!please be more faithful..!put your self in his place...think hundred times before what you tend to do....if you reached a final decision discuss it with him...openly...search him a new girlfriend..this can work
2006-06-27 19:21:50
answer #8
answered by donia f 4
I hope your new someone else doesn't have any way of ever seeing this question
2006-06-27 19:21:04
answer #9
answered by calgal 5
If moving on doesn't do it, maybe you should try to reconcile with the ex.
2006-06-27 19:20:38
answer #10
answered by nyasasmom 3
I agree with Chelle C, it's called rebound.
But good luck to you and I hope it works out.
2006-06-27 19:36:25
answer #11
answered by alysonhell 3