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2006-06-26 20:50:03 · 7 answers · asked by omar g 2 in News & Events Current Events

7 answers

There a lot of Americans so there are many differences of opinions. Many of us are aware of the many advancements in math and science that originated in the Arab world. There are many of Arabs teaching in our Universities in the fields of mathematics, engineering and science. Unfortunately, in a country with such a great opportunity for education there are a lot of ignorant people who really know nothing about anything outside of their own neighborhood. In spite of that, I hope that most Americans realize that Arabs are generally good, intelligent people with a rich culture and fascinating history. We realize that a lot of Arabs were abused by the Ottoman empire and later by the French and British. We know that our interests in petroleum have led us to try to have too much influence in Arab politics. We have seen, however, a lot of news about unbelievable intolerance within the Muslim community. I refer to intolerance towards non Muslims and towards differing Muslim tribal sects by militant Islamists. We have felt first hand the mindless waste of hatred towards us on September 11. These people are viewed here as barbarians who still have a mentality from the middle ages. I think most Americans believe that most Arabs hate Israel and want it obliterated from the earth. Hopefully we can all, Arab and non Arab, get to know each other better and establish mutual respect and tolerance.

2006-06-26 21:15:07 · answer #1 · answered by Track Walker 6 · 1 0

A few radical Muslims are screwing it up for all of them worldwide. Why smart Arabs don't grab the bad apples by the ear and shake some sense into them is beyond me.

I see Arabs as a people we have to keep our eyes on for what they do and our ears open to what they say. Sorry to say, but that's what it's come to, given what a few of them have done.

2006-06-26 20:56:11 · answer #2 · answered by christopher s 5 · 0 0

there was a study on this not too long ago. A majority of the people in the west see arabs as violent, arrogant, and intolerant. A majority of arabs see the west as greedy, selfish, and uncaring.

2006-06-26 21:03:43 · answer #3 · answered by KEITH S 2 · 0 0

Yeah, I usually see them on TV or in pictures. However, it all requires the transfer of light from my cornia and then being inerpereted by my brain so its really rather complicated.

2006-06-26 20:54:54 · answer #4 · answered by Simon 3 · 0 0

in line at the store

2006-06-26 20:57:00 · answer #5 · answered by biggun4570 4 · 0 0

I usually use my TV.

2006-06-26 20:53:27 · answer #6 · answered by stickfiguresk 4 · 0 0

read my answer to this, to see where i stand


2006-06-26 20:54:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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