I think it is because people are so stuck and unwilling to let go of their preconceived ideas. They only look for validation of their racism and prejudice and not ways to dispel the negativity. It is so much easier to hate and to fear what you don't know (as in other cultures or races) and hate them than to spend time actually learning about others and finding commonalities as opposed to focusing on all of the diffences.
2006-06-26 16:21:49
answer #1
answered by nquizzitiv 5
There is racism of one kind or another across the world, not just in America. It is because some small-minded people think that the only way "their race" is going to get ahead is to belittle anyone different than themselves. They have low self-esteem and Napoleonic issues. Of course, it works the other way too. Some people think that anyone different than themselves is smashing them down and so have a biased view of others - helping to feed racism. The key is to get beyond the fear of people different than themselves (and yes both sides of any racism situation live by fear more than anything, the fear feeds into hate). They have to look at other people - all people - as individuals, and not stick them into a group and melt them together into one gigantic fear. Not everyone in America is struggling with prejudice and narrow-mindedness, but there are enough loud mouthed people who make their little group sound like a big mass of people. Others hear this, and assume that more of us do feel that way. I treat people as individuals, I don't care what color, size, height, gender preference, etc they are - I view the inner person, the true being. I wish everyone did.
If you want things to change, participate in making it happen one person at a time, and they will also pass it on. Change is occurring, it is just not so easy to see as it is quieter than is the noise to keep things the same as they were.
2006-06-26 16:20:01
answer #2
answered by still learning at 56 5
Racism in America exists because people still talk about it. Stop asking these questions. Prejudice and narrow-mindedness is part of the human condition and will never go away. The only way to eliminate racism is to quit making it an issue. Instead of raising the issue of racism, try this on for size: "Love thy neighbor as thyself."
2006-06-26 16:17:38
answer #3
answered by 250sRock 2
I am an Australian, I see it as a persecution,
narrow minded. White man every where were supposed to be a civilised culture who used the differences of race & colour as a sport many years ago. And today thier rises another question, what is the difference between noticing the different colours and excepting the fact that the person has lets say ***** as thier heritage, in them, to use as a battle of supremacey? Because racism is not civalized?
2006-06-26 16:27:38
answer #4
answered by Mosez 4
I don't know why we still have it in America, but it's not limited to the U.S. alone. Unfortunately, racism exist EVERYWHERE else outside of America as well and it's not a problem that can be easliy fixed. I'm not pro-racism but sometimes it's just easier to generalize- and we are programmed to think that way. When we were toddlers we learned to identify and differentiate things by their shapes and colors- it's just easier that way. I know as adults we shouldn't think that way about people- it's just too shallow, and we should know better than that. Anyway, I don't know why racism still exists, that's a difficult question to answer.
2006-06-26 16:22:15
answer #5
answered by Bobbie 3
People are people no matter which country.
There are people who are interested in diversity and various cultures and want to interact with people from diverse cultures and then there are people who are uncomfortable with change and diversity.
Everything said and done, Americans are much more tolerant of diversity and are not as racist as some other cultures. This country allows people to follow any culture or religion compared to so many other countries.
2006-06-26 16:20:35
answer #6
answered by amoreflowers 3
we will always have racism because it is tolerated,most people turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to such ugliness.take new orleans mayor for example he said outright that he would like new orleans to be a choclate city by the end of the day,the way god intented it to be.that is blatantly racist!yet he is given a second term as mayor so apparently his comment didn't affect anyone.it is tolerated so it will always be.
2006-06-26 16:28:47
answer #7
answered by Kimberly~ 4
We practised slavery for hundreds of years. A lot of progress has been made, but it will be a long time before some areas really change.
Those who have had absolute power do not especially like to share it.
2006-06-26 16:15:34
answer #8
answered by Buffy 5
I think it's because of all the minorities. Just kidding. It's the conservatives who are the real problem. They are resistant to change, ya know.
2006-06-26 16:39:20
answer #9
answered by layajones 1
as long as there are closed minded people in this world there will be racism. and unfortunantly it isn't confined to america. all nations struggle with it. in some places they are still practicing genocide. racism won't die till we do.
2006-06-26 16:14:34
answer #10
answered by busymom 2