dogs. cats are sometimes too lazy.
2006-06-26 11:39:39
answer #1
answered by y72792 2
DOGS! they r the best cause I really don't like cats. Cats can really annoy me & they r not as playful as a dog is. I say dogs cause i'm a very active person so I stick with my answer!
2006-06-26 18:59:54
answer #2
answered by Queen Elizabeth 1
relative to a dog, cats need less supervision. for instance, if you are going out of town for a day or two, a cat can pretty much be OK w/o a sitter - as long as you provide enough food & water.
but a dog will need to either come along w/ you, stay @ a kennel or at a friend's, or you'll need to get a dog sitter. you will also have to exercise a dog. cats don't need to "go for a walk".
anywhich way, both make lovely companions! good luck!
2006-06-26 18:41:54
answer #3
answered by Cassor 5
That depends: are you looking for a companion that's loyal and loving and attentive to you? If so, get a dog.
OR do you place a higher premium in having an animated companinon who may not pay too much attention to you, but is much cleaner and takes up less of your time (to clean up after it)? If so get a cat.
I once heard someone say "You do not own a cat. It does whatever it wants. They are too free-spirited. Dogs, on the other hand, you can own them. They want to be owned. They are less independent."
2006-06-26 18:42:44
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Cats, as long as they're trained right. My cat walks on a leash kind of like a dog (only he mostly takes the lead and decides where to go, but still cool). Plus I don't have to pick up poo in a baggie, they don't need to be "housetrained" and they don't smell when they get wet!
2006-06-26 18:41:37
answer #5
answered by Kitty T 2
Dogs AND cats.
2006-06-26 18:38:26
answer #6
answered by Nightwalker 3
It isn't a question of which is better -- it is a question of which is a better fit for us.
I'm a cat person. But I know lots of dog people -- and dogs are better for them.
Since more people in the US own cats than dogs, I guess we could say that cats are better -- at least for more people.
2006-06-26 18:41:12
answer #7
answered by Ranto 7
Dogs are a mans best friend......dogs come when you call them.......cats come when they feel like it. Cats are evil creatures why else would witches have them as pets.
2006-06-26 18:40:32
answer #8
answered by bay_area_steve 2
I like dogs, but they can be a pain in the butt. Cats aren't as demanding.
2006-06-26 18:40:08
answer #9
answered by spackler 6
Dogs because they can save your life in many ways
2006-06-26 18:39:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
i guess dogs cuz im a dog person but i also like cats cuz their quiet
2006-06-26 18:37:59
answer #11
answered by [[kAY] 2