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with all the mess ups in the States how come you still have president Bush as president? one of the most recent examples being hurricane Katrina and new Orleans ,Supposedly the most advanced country in the world ,i have never seen such a fiasco in terms of aid reaching the people an now all the theories related to 9/11 .Once you were considered a great nation now the whole world is laughing at you and thinks you are gullable people who just believe everything you are told and have a president who is just using his posistion for his own benefit

2006-06-25 23:58:46 · 22 answers · asked by oh why oh why 2 in News & Events Current Events

22 answers

A Suggestion
George Bush has started an ill-timed and disastrous war under false pretenses by lying to the American people and to the Congress; he has run a budget surplus into a severe deficit; he has consistently and unconscionably favored the wealthy and corporations over the rights and needs of the population; he has destroyed trust and confidence in, and good will toward, the United States around the globe; he has ignored global warming, to the world's detriment; he has wantonly broken our treaty obligations; he has condoned torture of prisoners; he has attempted to create a theocracy in the United States; he has appointed incompetent cronies to positions of vital national importance.

Now, would someone please give him a blo*w job so we can impeach him?

2006-06-26 23:29:31 · answer #1 · answered by bonzai 1 · 4 0

(1) The response to Katrina was poor- however the blame for a natural disaster lies nowhere as such- that's why its natural.
The response could have been better- however the slowness of the Federal Gov and of the state and city authorities was less Pres Bush's fault than an argument for smaller more efficient government in general, somehting advocated by large parts of the President's Party. The Pres is not a ruler with limitless power-something you seem to suggest that he is, by blaming him for not fixing a huge natural disaster (emphasis on 'natural').
At the same time, you suggest that he has too much power. Make your mind up.
(2) America is not 'supposedly' the most advanced country in the world- it is the wealthiest, with the highest standard of living, and with a huge amount of political and other freedom accorded to its citizens. Where would you rather live- Zimbabwe or the US? Sudan or the US? China or the US? France (10% unemployment, against the US's 3%) or the US? The standard of living and strength of the economy of the US are just facts. Why 'supposedly'? Name a safer, healthier, richer, more free country?
(3) Theories about 9/11- don't be a fool. The people who died (who were from many different countries, by the way) don't deserve that. We know what happened. Again, facts are facts, and theories are precisely that- theories. They are not facts, and not proven. You can believe what you want, but if it is not true, it means nothing at all.
(4) The whole world is not laughing at the US. That is a fact. Some of the world is scared of the US, particularly N Korea and Iran. That's a good thing. A lot of the world loves the US- they remember who defeated the Nazis, who defeated the USSR, and who gives billions of dollars of aid every year, fights AIDS in Africa, keeps the global economy afloat (thus keeping hunderds of millions in work) and fights to keep the world safe from rogue states like N Korea and Iran.
(5) If Pres Bush is being laughed at by the whole world (which is what you claim) then how is he 'using his position for his own benefit'? Get it straight. That makes no sense.

How about complaining about a country that actually deserves complaint? Why the US? Why not Iran? Saudi Arabia? France? Sudan? Zimbabwe? N Korea? Why do you dislike the country that has actually done more for mankind than any other in the last hundred years? Grow up, basically.

PS I'm not American.
PPS In response to 'I'm Glad I'm not...'- nice incoherent ramble. Didn't really answer any questions, or make any convincing counter-points. I'm waiting. And open to the opinions of the world, unlike 'isolated' America! You'd be feeling pretty isolated if people hated you so much. And I suppose you'd say to yourself, 'what have I done wrong?', just like America should do. So if someone hates you, you do what...apologise? Soul search? Good solution. Very brave. If only we'd been that sensible during WW2.
The US is very isolated from foreign opinion, unlike...China? Iran? N Korea? Russia? Have you watched US news? Half the reporters are foreign, and foreign news gets huge coverage. Do some research, moonbat.

2006-06-26 07:34:32 · answer #2 · answered by Wingnut 1 · 0 0

Whilst america is the biggest and wealthiest, to it's shame it has the highest number of deprived people living in poverty in the western world. Poverty is a huge problem and there are many ghettos.

Even what is happening in New Orleans seems not to have opened their eyes.

America is so isolated from the world and so dismissive of world opinion it cannot see that its reputation and standing in the world is becoming increasingly damaged.

Bush frequently boasts that America gives more money than anyone else to foreign aid and disaster relief. However it is only the sum that is biggest. In terms of a percentage of a countries wealth virtually every other country in the world gives more.

China and Russia are fast catching up whilst Americas financial experts are suggesting the economy is in for another down turn.

The western world needs America to be strong and learn to lead and persuade rather than dictate. Unfortunately the American people are far to busy running each other and their politicians down to consider that. They are so brainwashed that America is always right, they are the greatest etc that they spout it at everyone and then cannot understand why they put everyones back up.

Another consideration might be to look at accomplishment. In terms of what other countries have achived America is a long way back. But they cannot see it. They always boast they saved the world in World War Two. Where were they in the first few years? What about the brave few countries that fought the Germans all that time with ever diminishing rescources. What about all the troops from other countries that fought and died.?

It is time America and it's citizens forgot the indoctrination and staterd looking at the real world and what their place in it is.

2006-06-26 08:24:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Under some systems of government, there certainly would have been a "vote of no confidence" by now. However, our system has no such procedure. A sitting president can be removed only by an overwhelming majority of the legislative body. Currently this body is mostly of the same political party as Mr Bush. Since there are only two major parties in the USA, not the half dozen of some other nations, party loyalty is extremely strong.

For Mr Bush to be removed from office would require than many Republican legislators lose seats and be replaced by Democrats in 2006. Since only 1/3 of Senators will face re-election in that year (the term of office is 6 years), even if every Republican running for Senate re-election loses, it still might not result in a sufficient Democratic majority to remove Mr Bush.

So Mr Bush may very well remain in office until he completes his term in 2008.

2006-06-26 08:45:57 · answer #4 · answered by kill_yr_television 7 · 0 0

Sorry, but only the Hyenas' are laughing. It has become popular to scoff at the US, driven mainly by the left wing media, educationalists and naive lefty students.

The problem with the levees has been there for years, so why try and pin it on this president. I don't understand your reference to 911, remember, that attack and many others against American targets pre- dated Iraq and Afghanistan.

I do not believe that the whole world is laughing at America. Moreover, you have no right to try and speak for the rest of the world. What I think that you are actually trying to do is to influence American government policy by stirring up the opinions of its people. If you have a go at the US. president, you are, by implication, having a go at the majority of US citizens.

You may be taking your lead from the appaling behaviour of our own left wing television media. This behaviour undermines not only existing national governments but the democratic process itself. Too much democracy is just as bad as too little and can lead to any government being unable to govern effectively and subsequently to anarchy. The television media has become too big for its boots and sticks its nose into the internal affairs of other countries.

It's interesting that you choose to have a go at the US government and its citizens. Have you had a close look at this country ( Britain ). It would be very easy for a US citizen to fire the same sort of critical question back at you. ( People in glass houses )


2006-06-29 13:06:45 · answer #5 · answered by Veritas 7 · 0 0

We still have Bush as our President because he was elected. Based on the poll results more Americans voted for him, than against him. No matter who the current President is, each citizen should step up and support him, to the best of their ability.
The response to Hurricane Katrina was not entirely Bush's fault. The people of New Orleans (and surrounding areas) should have high-tailed it out of there. Rather than sitting on their rears waiting for someone else to take care of them!
I don't necessarily see the whole world laughing at the US. May I see where your information came from?
Perhaps there are those who believe all they are told by the media. However, my family, friends, and I do not! Before making decisions on my beliefs, I thouroughly research the topic at hand. Those who do believe all they are told, are being influenced by the liberals. As, on a whole, the US' media is liberal biased.
Each country has their own problems. If you don't like how the US does things, be glad you don't live here. Instead of criticizing our country focus on your own!

2006-06-26 17:49:59 · answer #6 · answered by n_n_p_w 1 · 0 0

I'm so glad...I'm so glad so glad is not American. Except for wingnut, it's the same old moonbat rhetoric ranting and raving pissing and moaning...George Bush did this George Bush did that whaaaaaaaaaaa whhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whhaaaaaaaaaaa. Talk about brainwashed. The moonbats gobble up every little bit of sewage ot there in moonieland and call it fact. Notice how the moonbats can only b*tch and moan. They never have any solutions. And why is it that they never speak out against other nations causing problems? Why don't they go peace marching in North Korea or the Sudan or Iran to protest arms buildups and genocide? No brains - no balls.

These are the liberals, folks, the party of peace and love. Yet the only thing that EVER comes from their b*tchy whiny little snouts is hate hate and more hate. Now WHY is that? Maybe it's because they know they're all f#cked up losers.

2006-06-26 09:42:17 · answer #7 · answered by Munster 4 · 0 0

I can not explain George Bush - I think occasionally the world just goes a bit mad. I am however concerned at the idea that we can judge huge swathes of people and place then into simple groups. If you have to judge it should be the situation and the individuals involved, not indesciminate groups. I am sure there are many Americans who would and could have responded better to many of the disaters and ther are many who would have done worse. I would hope that we can be more sympathetic and responsive to theose who need our help and less judgemental and critical to those doing their best in a bad situation. Anyway, at least the fact that George is not my president can put a smile on my face each morning. For that at least, I thank him.

2006-06-26 07:28:53 · answer #8 · answered by Git 2 · 0 0

Compare the US response to Katrina to Indonesia's response to the tsunami, or to Iran's earthquake response, etc. and you'll see that the US handled it well. It's not perfect - are you and your country? - and all doesn't go well always, but most Americans live well and have happy lives and the news media blows everything out of proportion. I live in New York, for example, and have NEVER known anyone who got robbed or burgled, etc. America is a safe and sane and happy country and the problem is that everyone criticizes but usually only knows their facts from newspapers and TV. Bush has kept America safe, the economy is still #1 in the world, and we still win the lion's share of the Nobel Prizes.

2006-06-26 13:07:58 · answer #9 · answered by oldbuckhorn 4 · 0 0

Well I want to know why a lot of Americans appear big headed even though they probbly are not. They seem to put on a front and be loud mouthed..I mean why was the richest country in the world appealing for aid for their hurricanes and then when London gets bombed you hardly hear anything about it and get no help from no one.. Its always the same.

2006-06-26 07:04:23 · answer #10 · answered by lovelygal 2 · 0 0

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