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I am pregnant with my second child, a little girl. This pregnancy has been confusing(to say the least). I know I've been through this before with my son but it feels so new. It's like I am experiencing everything for the first time. Everything I thought during my first goes out the window now. I ran to the doctor with every single pain I had thinkin that I was in labor, and everytime I was sent home( this went on throughout my entire pregnancy). Now I know those pains were b/h. And when it finally was time, I was induced, so I didnt get to experience sitting at home and my water breaks or waking my husband up at 3:00 in the morning for the real thing(although he did get awaken for b/h). My son came exactly on my due date. But here I am the second time and I experiencing unbelievable pain and my husband doesnt even budge. So am I once again too anxious and taking every pain as more than what it is or is this the real deal?

2006-06-25 22:29:38 · 13 answers · asked by tyandme555 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

13 answers

Better safe than sorry -- especially with strong pains!

(Although you should know that Braxton Hicks get WORSE with each pregnancy, so it could be that.)

Tell your husband that you need him to take you seriously now.
If the pains are unbearable, you know where to go...!!!

Good luck!

2006-06-25 22:34:19 · answer #1 · answered by Victoria 6 · 2 0

well, relax, drink some water, take a short leisurely walk, a warm bath....all the while keep timing the contractions...if they go away or slow down, they are braxton hicks, if they get more intense, they may be the real thing. Real contractions also tend to be more whole-body...they will usually roll down from the top of your tummy or around from the back. Make a point not to go to labor & delivery until you have 2 or so real contractions in 5 minutes. (unless, of course, your water breaks!) You want that baby in there at least until 36 weeks so I suggest you tell it to stay inside...
You can also call a nurse at labor & delivery and they will likely be able to tell if you need to come in or not.

2006-06-26 00:06:01 · answer #2 · answered by sarahnsquirt 2 · 0 0

Well, you must understand, We are all human. Which means we are all differant, that goes all the way to pregnancies. Each one is differant because there is a differant being inside your belly growing and being nurtured by your body. You must understand that being overly protective about your body and your baby is not neccsarily a bad thing. I was the same way. I think it may have something to do with the hormones. My sons pregnancy, and My daughters were like night and day. I was sick constantly with My daughter, yet with My son, I wanted to experience things again. Braxton Hicks, pleagued Me as well. I would say that if you are having these pains, lay down on your left or right depending on which your doctor tells you to, and stay there.. Rest. Make sure your taking in enough liquid. Drinking the milk that they always say you need specially right now, and take it easy. Pregnancy is hard on a womans body, but they are made for having babies and reproducing. Thats what the function of the uterius and female parts are basically for. As to your husband, I would just let him be him. Let him see you trying to lay down, and rest out the pains. When I was 5 months pregnant with My daughter, I ignored the doctors advice and went to work anyways, only to be sent directly to the hospital, with Pre Term Labor. They said I had what was called a pin hole in My bag of waters. They also said that, had I layed down like the doctor had told Me to in the first place there would have been no reason for the hospital visit, and that the bag of waters would have healed on its own..just like it did. My advice is to try to take it as easy as you possibly can. Sit your husband and your son down and have a talk with them. Explain to them that I...as to your husband and Mommy as to your child has pains because Her body is preparing to give birth, but at this time its too soon, and because it is too soon, Mommy;/I needs to lay down to make sure the baby is ok. If they love you, They should understand and be willing to help out when needed.

2006-06-25 22:50:49 · answer #3 · answered by Enigma 2 · 0 0

second babies usually come faster than the 1st so keep an eye on it. Time the pains if they are regular in spaceing call the doc or go in. Be very carefull if you need to go to the bathroom if you feel like you need to that could mean the baby wants out. As you know symptoms are different for some so if you need to go to the hospital the worse they can do is send you home, it's what they do. Good Luck.

2006-06-25 22:40:39 · answer #4 · answered by NotSoTweetOne 4 · 0 0

If they are gettin stronger, becomming regular and dont stop with activity, walking around etc, then it could be real. also have u had a "show" (bloody stained mucas either in undies or when u wipe?) time contractions if the get to evry ten minutes go to hosp, if they irregular still sit tight. try walking or having a bath. anything to pass the time. every pregancy is different even for the same woman. also they r right about second babies coming faster, my first labor was 16 hours my second only 2 hours!! lol also men are hopeless when it comes to birth, my hubby didnt get up till 30 mins before our son was born, and he told me to stop pushing cos our midwife hadnt arrived yet, like thats possible!! (she arrived with 5 mins to spare lol) good luck

2006-06-25 22:44:28 · answer #5 · answered by Bella Know All 2 · 0 0

I just had my 2nd son 4 mths ago. If your in labor your contractions will start and will last like 10 seconds, stop, and then minutes later theyll start up, stop, etc. If that's happening make sure to get to the hospital ASAP. Good Luck!!

2006-06-25 22:35:57 · answer #6 · answered by lisatassler@verizon.net 2 · 0 0

drink a few big glasses of water and wait an hour. If you have more than 10 in an hour and the contractions are getting increasingly painful call your Dr. Otherwise, they are prob. b/h contractions.

2006-06-26 00:38:42 · answer #7 · answered by dixiechic 4 · 0 0

If you are having contractions, more than four in an hour, don't hesitate to go to the hospital. Better safe than sorry, I just went through all of this!

2006-06-25 22:41:08 · answer #8 · answered by Therealmsred 3 · 0 0

Sorry i dont know what to say but this is what my mum told me when i had my first im pregnant with my second tryingt o hide it! she told me that when she first had her first it was not cool but she didnt get as many pains as she did when she had her second then her third (me) she said she didnt feel a thing so maybe your neally due or maybe your stomach re-acts when you have kids

2006-06-26 00:02:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

with the secound pregnacy pain is hightened as our mussels are re stretching if the pain comes and goes throughout the day and starts gettin worse then phone your midwife or doctor

2006-06-25 22:35:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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