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I still havent seen any actual reason for this servere anger toward him. Sure we're at war... but would you recommend we just sit on our asses after we were attacked? What would you in that situation? And imagine yourself being ridiculed by people on a regualar basis who have no idea how hard your job is.Also if your going to hate what bush does you might want to go look up democracy in the dictionary... we also have something called checks and balances which keep one part of goverment from overpowering the other. Some people seem to think bush is an all powerful dictator that is responsible for everything.... well i guess you can think whatever you want, its friggin america right?

2006-06-25 22:12:50 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

26 answers

I do not think that everyone hates the President..Many support him..

2006-06-25 22:16:10 · answer #1 · answered by sunflower 7 · 0 0

More people support him, then those that do not. This is standard policy for the libs, they attack and attack, they still have most newspapers and the three main networks to do their bidding. They did the same thing to Reagan, he was too old, too stupid, wasn't in control, was going to get us into a nuclear war, because he wouldn't talk to the Soviets.

But the people, the real people in this country, loved him. And this idiot actor, senile thoughtless schmuck, brought the Soviet empire to its knees.

Same thing here, Bush is an idiot (yet this idiot keeps getting the best of the libs for the last 6 years), Bush has no idea of what is going on, he is a puppet. Let me tell you folks, this guy is the man in charge, there is no question about it from anyone who works with him. He is taking out terrorist states one by one, and wedging our army between the largest remaining two. He is crippling militant Islamics and more then just shooting a couple of cruise missiles over, he is rebuilding so that we do not leave behind a bigger mess.

Strange though how the libs always show their true colors when they attack. How many people truely think the Clinton was really as in charge of the White House? Not not Hilliary, the actual President. How much of his administration was, more then he had time for... so many cigars and interns and only 8 years.

You can disagree with Bush all you like, but he is a man with principiles and THAT is what the libs hate most. Osama himself has said that what Clinton did in Mogidishu (no idea how to spell that) pulling all our troops out at the first sign of casualty, gave him the balls to pull off 9/11. He didn't think America had the balls to go after him.

The Iranians knew Carter was a joke, they played soccer with the heads of our people for, what was it like 180 days? Reagan got in and poof, the Iran's took off. The world knows when America is weak and when it is not. I truely hope some of you actually think before you vote next time, because now is not the time for cigars and interns, this is not the time to turn our back on the fangers of the world.

2006-07-02 17:30:41 · answer #2 · answered by tm_tech32 4 · 0 0

Bush? Its obvious the hatred is becuase he is a short little arogant rich kid who's daddy got him in the white house. He is aher stupid and makes a great deal of mistakes. He is virtually untouchable as well, all that oppose him are literally wipped out. He managed to spend billions of dollars in one term that took decades to save on a war that has no conclusion. There was no real reason for invading Iraq, after desert storm other than greed. Unlike CLinton who kept the peace in the world, Bush wants to spread to the world our arogance.

Despite the above the problem is much deeper. We hate our President because we can. We all have inflated egos and think we can do a much better job. With the some 6billion people on the planet it is a very difficult job to assume. Look at Kerry, He most likley would have been a decent president however, due to the media frenzy and everyones opinion he never made it.

People hate Bush because he is not sincere.

2006-06-25 22:37:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Mostly because people have actually noticed that he hasn't done a single freaking POSITIVE thing with domestic policy. At all. He has managed to implement a color code system that tells terrorists when they'll be doing better checks at the airports that day. He's pushed through the "no child left behind" policy that, ironically, leaves almost every child behind. He's put a few national guard troops on the border to hold hands and sing kumbaya while the Mexicans invade. But that's ok, because he's managed to double our budget AND trade deficit in 6 years and increased our national budget to astronomical numbers.

At least he's created 4 minimum wage jobs for every 3 real jobs he's encouraged to leave the country...but it's all good, those 11 million Mexicans need work to do.

It's all ok though, he won't be around when the bill comes due, he'll be chilling in a 7-star hotel in Dubai laughing his *** off while a Democrat cleans up the mess and gets blamed for it all at the same time.

2006-06-26 00:01:25 · answer #4 · answered by lostinromania 5 · 0 0

For the pas t year i have been studying American history, and all i was dealing was facts. i want to state that American history is filed with propaganda. the closest example i can thing of is the Patriot, if you know the history and then watch that movie, you will puke, believe me, i had to watch it while sitting next to a trash can. in American history who o you think was the greatest man?? as i suspected you might say G. Washington. would you be surprised if i tell you he won techniclay won no battles during the American revolution. he attacked the hessians, Germans allied with the British, in the early morning by surprise, not exactly what war was like at that time.(twice he did it) and at the last battle, the french out numbered the americans 3 to one, and yet you might think that americans won??

back to the main question, most of the people do hate Bush, but that is a personal oppinion. you may say "you can think whatever you want, its friggin america right?" but the thing is we all know that America is a superpower nowadays, and everybodys oppinion does count. i personaly think that bush as a person might be a very good man , (religious, a father, a good son, a good husband..etc) and let me tell u that the people don't really care a but how hard his work is but they really care about the outcome. for example i may buy a 15$ walet, but yet it might look better than a 600$ walet , if i don't show you the price i garentee you would take the 15$ walet.

i am glad that madison created a three party governoment, cuz if it is only one lots of problems would of happened by now. ecause each party "growels" agianst the other, balancing the situation .

u said "would you recommend we just sit on our asses after we were attacked?" are you talking about Iraq ?? i f you recal Bush had argued that he wants to attack iraq to get rid of "mass destruction wepons" it has been nearly 4 years scince entering IRAQ, do you see any wepons??there is more than one reason for attacking Iraq, the first is for the oil. the second i must argue that bush wants to change the poltical map of the Middle East. after the couple of years that have passed, bush changed the reason of attacking Iraq, now he says we wan t to build a government, eventhough it does sound akward of changing the reason, but yet many people listen to him and blindly clap their hands.
in conclution, like or dilikeing a person is a personal opinion, and people may conclued their opinion by a persons actions.

2006-06-25 22:49:32 · answer #5 · answered by 3umar 3 · 0 0

It's the "politically correct" thing to do, I guess. The mainstream press is known to be liberal and most people get their information from, and shape their opinions based upon what they hear and see on ye olde boob tube. It's mob mentality if you ask me.
I have questions about how our government does things, no matter which party is in charge. Mixed feelings I can understand, strong disagreement even....On the other hand, this president does take strong stands, is anything but PC, and claims to be a Christian--any one of those traits is reason enough to hate, for some.
My real feeling about it is that the more conservative your politics the more you probably like our president, the more liberal, the more you dislike him; but NONE of us really understands the magnitude of the responsibility of running the government of the United States of America, nor the multitude or complexity of decisions that are made daily, nor the ramifications of decisions we pretend must be easy to make.
I have always questioned in my mind the idea of a "war on terror", a seemingly impossible task, but good Democrats of the past, including President John F. Kennedy, have sworn to defend liberty at whatever cost. I'm glad babies coming out of the birth canal can no longer be legally murdered. Any "pro-choice" person knows "partial birth abortion" is murder, no matter how much s/he debates the significance of the other stages of a baby's life before it's born. Also, why is the support of stem cell research by our President a problem just because embryos are excluded?--fat cells removed from people in surgery, umbilical cord cells and other stem cells are proving useful in the current research....

A show of confidence and strength was surely what we needed in our President, post 9-11. Let us voice our opinions and pray for the government to make wise decisions for our troops so that the good they have done in Iraq will not be in vain and "our boys" can come home. (Yes, our "girls", too.)
I just discovered the White House website yesterday. Any citizen is permitted to ask questions of the White House or participate in forums. Common sense and courtesy would dictate that one phrase his questions carefully, but ask the question, and change the government through involvement and votes.

2006-06-25 23:12:24 · answer #6 · answered by Buttercup 3 · 0 0

The man's a liar. I was all for going to war in Afghanistan but there was no need to invade Iraq. First it was to fight the terrorists, then it was to disarm Saddam Hussein then it was just because Hussein was a bad man that needed to be removed from power. Of course it had nothing to do with getting our hands on his oil. Just because the first thing they secured was the oil fields. That had nothing to do with anything.
Then, he got reelected by scaring the American people. How many times did we hear, "We don't know when, we don't know why, but they are going to strike again." What's the definition of terrorism? To terrorize. You don't have to fly a plane into a building to terrorize people. All you have to do is scare them. What did the Bush administration do with all that BS? They terrorized the American people.
This guy hasn't had a clue about how to do his job, other than to take America to war and give tax breaks and no bid government contracts to his rich cronies.
Your question should be why doesn't most everyone seem to hate our president?

2006-06-25 22:37:48 · answer #7 · answered by roary 2 · 0 0

GOD DAMN RIGHT. FINALLY someone how thinks like me, i mean all these fuc.kers woud be all after gore if he got elected, 9/11 was being planned when clinton got into office, there wasn't a snow balls chance in hell we could have stopped it and we would be back in the same damn spot and don't forget our history we go to war about every ten to fifteen years i mean, korea, vietnam, dessert storm, it was gonna happen wheter we wanted it to or not and all these damn winers should get there a$$es kicked out of america and go on the damn battle lines. We still have goddamn troops in korea to keep the peace, this isn't gonna be a quick war, our enemy is like a like a stelathy snake, we don't know where it is coming from next and if we cut off something it grows it back and that is why we are after the head(Osama) and if we pull out of iraq now, we will lose our respect in the world, and North korea might get the idea they can beat us and launch a nuclear attack on south korea and then china will attack taiwain, which we are aloso protecting, so we are not only saving a country and stopping terroist, The United States of America's respect in the world is on the line and anyone who thinks that are men are dying for no reason should be hangged. This is my short version. AND THEY FOUND PROOF SADAM WAS PLANNING TO MAKE NUCLEAR WEAPONS, WE JUST GO THERE BEFORE HE COULD, a scientist was told by one of saddam's son to burry uranium refining equipment in his back yard and not long before the U.S. started getting supspicous or iraq the son told him to dig it up, and then when the U.N. was coming in he told him to hide the stuff again. SO HAHAHAHA

2006-06-25 22:23:08 · answer #8 · answered by Pandora Tommorow 4 · 0 0

Unfortunately to be president you have to be a political puppet. As much as there is many people involved in making a decision and the public generally support it. When the decision is a bad one (or precieved as a bad one) then the finger points at the president. And unfortunately with all the propoganda that goes on within the government and the media the public really has no clue what is going on. Come to thing of it I don't thing the president knows either.

2006-06-25 22:27:26 · answer #9 · answered by TBor ROCKS 3 · 0 0

You haven't seen an actual reason for severe anger? How about being lied to and betrayed?

"Sure we're at war...but would you recommend we just sit on our asses after we were attacked?"

I was in favor of going into Afghanistan and hunting down Osama like the dog he is. But there was no reason to invade Iraq. Iraq doesn't have any WMD's that pose a threat to us. Saddam has no ties to Osama and in fact Osama can't stand Saddam's politics.

Bush should be removed from office immediately. If only for the fact that he's not doing his job. At every inaguration the President swears to uphold the Constitution. Bush and his warrantless searches are in direct violation of the 4th amendment. I don't see how that's upholding the Constitution at all.

I can't stand Bush because he has infringed on my rights as a human being. It's not coincidence that the first 10 amendments are called the Bill of Rights. They are rights that every man and woman should have around the world.

I have a right to speak my mind, to defend myself from attackers, to have public peacefull demonstrations, to have my own beliefs about religion, to have a speedy trial by my peers, to not be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment, and of course my right to privacy.

2006-06-25 22:43:10 · answer #10 · answered by St. Jimmy 3 · 0 0

I don't hate the guy, but I would not stand for some of his beliefs.

What I hate is so much of the influence of so many of the religioinists.

Incidentally, I wouldn't over rate the credit owed to Mr. Bush due to the 911 thing. Anyone holding the office of President at the time would, most likely, have responded similarly. What other choice would he / she have had?

2006-06-25 22:19:08 · answer #11 · answered by My Big Bear Ron 6 · 0 0

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