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2006-06-25 21:44:32 · 18 answers · asked by ~Mrs.C 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

Well just last week my mom gave me a newspaper and a bus ticket dated back from 82 i was reading the newspaper and it was about a woman that got a abortion and killed her baby it was the baby talking to the mother saying what she looked like and what she wanted her name to be and everything like that.. the baby had blue eyes and blond hair and was so pretty and wanted to be named Cassie... Well i am reading this and I'm like WHAT.
i looked at my mom and she was crying... i asked what is wrong with you why are u showing me this.. because my name is Cassie also? she told me...
this is what came in the paper the day i was going to get a abortion with you.. i almost died i was like what why how could u have wanted to kill me???????

2006-06-25 21:49:32 · update #1

she said that once she read that article in that paper she changed her mind and realized that she was not going to murder something inside her like that. and it did not matter that she was not ready for me that i was a baby no matter what. and once she had me if she could not take care of me she was going to put me up for adoption
I was shocked but she kept going... when i was born i had baby blue eyes and Blond hair and i was so pretty she said.. and i thought omg that article saved my life literally. she said she went threw months of therapy because that article came true.. and while she was pregnant with me before she planned the abortion my aunt said we will call her Cassie.. without even knowing that i was a girl or a boy..

2006-06-25 21:52:34 · update #2

Even though i still can not get over the hurt that she has caused me and just knowing that she was going to kill me it has me wondering what do people feel about abortion.
If them people that believe in it talk to me and hear what i have to say they will think twice about killing the baby.
If it wasn't for my mother reading the paper i would not be here today.
and hopefully someone reading this will change there mind and save the baby and one day they can tell there child a article saved your life.

2006-06-25 21:56:46 · update #3

Sure it is a womans choice to have a baby or not. but it was my mothers choice that has me here today.. for you people that think it is fine.. just picture ur son or daughter 20+ years old thanking you for giving them life and not killing them and even all the hard times and trouble is not worth killing over.

2006-06-25 21:58:55 · update #4

18 answers

I hate the fact that a high school girl gets pregnant and has an abortion because the baby would be an inconvenience. Take responsibility for your actions. If you were raped then you can still give birth to the baby and put it up for adoption. There is always going to be a great, loving family that will take good care of it. The only time an abortion should be an option is if the mother's life would be taken to have that child. And if I for some reason got pregnant and did not have a family to take care of I would die to have that child, obviously I would find a family to take the child before hand though. Children are great and I do not see how anyone could agree with abortion. Did you know that one method of aborting is to pull the child all the way out except the head, then an instrument similar to scissors is jammed into the skull, destroying the spinal cord, then the object is opened to make an opening in the skull. To finish up the procedure they suck the brains out causing the skull to collapse. This is done in the second trimester!! And Liberals think this is OK yet they are against soldiers killing terrorists? Liberals treat baby seals better than a human being! This outrages me and should outrage any person who has a brain and/or feelings!

2006-06-25 22:24:47 · answer #1 · answered by MB 2 · 3 0

I would never do it. I couldn't imagine killing a part of me like that. I was 17 when I got pregnant with my son...well he is almost 4 now and I'm 22. Wouldn't trade it in for the world. It's rough but my thoughts are..if you're not ready for the responsibility then don't have sex--protected or not. My son was the result of a broken condom. I just graduated high school when I found out I was pregnant...and well needless to say just graduated college (only took me those 4 years its supposed to). It's hard but my son is totally worth it. I think a lot of people use abortion as an easy out..which I think is pathetic. Like I said, don't have sex if you're not ready for the responsibility that can and does come along with it.

2006-06-26 02:13:37 · answer #2 · answered by ktpb 4 · 0 0

Hooray for your mother! I work for a crisis pregnancy center and I can tell you first hand of the devestating effects of abortion, not only on the unborn child, but for the mother (and families) left behind. Motherhood and adoption are selfless choices that come with great rewards. Whether or not you were a planned pregnancy, you were planned by God Himself. I was also an unplanned pregnancy, I am so glad my mom chose life. I now have the most beautiful little boy and appreciate her choice even more each day!

2006-06-26 08:57:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

While I agree with you 100% wholeheartedly on all the points you made, I don't believe that telling them, "Imagine your child standing here before you at 20 years old thanking you for their life..." would do any good at all. Unless someone has a child, I don't think they can understand how truly beautiful and precious life is. There's nothing like your child looking at you and smiling or running up to you after a totally cruddy day at work and saying, "Mommy, I wub you!" You can't explain this to someone who is childless and who obviously doesn't want children, becuase it wouldn't matter. If someone did want a child, they wouldn't have an abortion.

2006-06-26 04:44:15 · answer #4 · answered by brevejunkie 7 · 0 0

Let's see... What if your mom abused you or she drank herself to death simply because, having you was too much for her? Well im not for or against but i feel both sides should be placed on the table first... Personally i think every women should be able to chose and decide for themselves... Some women would rather starve with their babies and others would not even think about putting their baby through all that, so death seems a simple solution... I respect your mother for not aborting you and also respect women who decide to abort because i think that is the most difficult decision a woman can ever make.

2006-06-25 23:42:28 · answer #5 · answered by Wildsonshyn 1 · 0 0

it is not our place to take away life but life begins at birth, it's not life before than.
if my mom had felt that she would not be able to take care of me and love me the way she should i would be okay with her aborting me, i would just be born to someone else who was ready for it.
girls who get mentally scarred after an abortion are ones that didn't have a plan in case they got pregnant. every one who has sex should know what they will do in case of pregnancy. i am sorry about your friend piscian it'll just be a mistake she will learn from for next time.
too many kids are unloved because their parents didn't want them.

2006-06-25 22:10:51 · answer #6 · answered by vampire_kitti 6 · 0 0

that is great for you and your mother but that choice is not for everyone sometimes an abortion is the right choice for some people if your mother could manage to take care of you then that is great but when i was 16 and pregnant i knew that i could not take care of a child so i had an abortion and i know that it was the right choice for me

2006-06-26 01:27:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think it is a very personal decision and while I could never do it, and I thank God I was put up for adoption instead of aborted, I can't make the choice for others that is God's place.

2006-06-25 21:56:54 · answer #8 · answered by NotSoTweetOne 4 · 0 0

aboslutely outrageous its an abuse of the body
yes unless its a traumatic experience which would involve rape then it could be condoned
i have seen the pain and the torture a friend of mine went through after she aborted
she regrets it and advises never to have unprotected sex
its controversial to use rubber or not but then the suffering in abortion both mental and physical are scars forever
there could be danger that one would never conceive again too
too much pain too risky n unnecessary

2006-06-25 21:50:30 · answer #9 · answered by piscean 2 · 0 0

Abortion is greatest crime committed by human beings.We are not able to give life , then how can we take the life of someone who is still not born.Three things are always decided by GOD i.e
LIFE,DEAD and DESTINY.No Human being can change these three things according to his wish.
Doing abortion is a sin.

2006-06-25 21:58:26 · answer #10 · answered by Haresh P 1 · 0 0

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