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isnt it true that you have to be 18 to buy a pregnancy test?
im scared. i had unprotected sex. he used pull out, but that dont always work. im confused. im hurting. it wasnt even a week ago. i shouldnt start my period again for about a week and today i had a little bit of light blood come out. this is going to ruin my whole life . i didnt even want to do it because he has a girlfriend but he kinda made me and put alot of pressure on me. what do i do?
I NEED SOMEONES HELP OR ADVICE. I cant go to a clinic. we dont have any around were i live that will do anything without a parents consult. i just need to no NOW.

2006-06-25 18:53:59 · 67 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

67 answers

tell your parents!

2006-06-25 18:56:08 · answer #1 · answered by heidielizabeth69 7 · 0 2

No, you do not have to be 18 to buy a pregnancy test. Considering your age, yes, it will probably be a little embarassing, but you can live through it. A lot of stores have self-checkout, so that is an option if you have one near you.
If you aren't pregnant, consider yourself lucky and use this as a wake up call! Find a way to get yourself to a clinic and get tested for STDs. And contrary to popular belief, pregnancy is NOT the worst thing that can happen from sex! Pregnancy will not kill you, AIDS will! There are also soooo many more STDs out there that can have a permanent impact on your life, even if you can live through them, a lot of them are not treatable. Can you imagine being 20 years old and having cervical cancer because you caught HPV when you were 14? Or passing the genital warts on to your husband? Or telling him that you can't have children because you had an STD that ate away at your fallopian tubes?
Birth control is not 100% effective at preventing pregnancy and is 0% effective at protecting from an STD. Condoms are not 100% effective at preventing either. Your ONLY guarantee is abstinance.
IF you are pregnant, you're going to have to suck it up and tell your parents. No, it won't be easy. All actions have consequences, some consequences are just bigger than others. You chose to have sex, you have to deal with the repercussions. Get yourself to a doctor for some prenatal care. Then get in touch with a local adoption agency. Both of those places will be full of information on what your next step should be.
If you feel pressured into having sex, just say NO! Remember how scared you feel right now, and imagine all the things that could possibly go wrong. Do you want to live through "am I pregnant?" "How will I tell my parents?" "What if I have a disease?" every time? That should help put things into perspective and help you to stand your ground. If it is one person or a group of people pressuring you, find new friends! It could save your life.

2006-06-25 19:10:08 · answer #2 · answered by amylynn25 3 · 0 0

you do not have to be 18 to buy a pregnancy test but you should wait to see if you have your period before you panic. sometimes the stress from worrying about being pregnant can also make you late. also, if this was your first time then the 'light blood' could just be from the hymen being torn, its normal. that being said if you do not start your period, first don't panic it is not the end of the world although it may seen to be to you and if for some reason you are pregnant it willl not ruin your whole life. once you see that your period doesn't start look in your local phone directory and there should be a listing for pregnancy centers, they will give you a free test and counseling and help you cope no matter what the results are. the one thing you need to do more than anything is try to remain as calm as you can until you have further information. one thing though do not ever let a guy pressure or guilt you into doing something you don't want to do ever again...you are much to precious and too important for a guy to control you that way and you deserve much better. i know in the moment it seems ok and guys like this one seem to say the right things and make you feel bad if you don't but he's just using you. if you are not pregnant then count your lucky stars and learn from this to either wait until your married, use protection and more importantly learn to stand up for yourself and that saying 'no' is a good thing. remember no matter what happens there are good and caring people out there just waiting to help you but you will have to seek them out....good luck and hang in there, it really is not the end of your world.

2006-06-25 19:06:02 · answer #3 · answered by hell_in_a_handbasket 3 · 2 0

You can buy a pregnancy test, but the test may not be accurate until you are five days late. You will have to wait until then to know for sure. Just wait and try to stay calm. If you panic, you may postpone your period even if you are not pregnant because of your stress level. When you do take a pregnancy test, if it comes out positive, you need to talk to your parents. Remember that they love you and want what's best for you. It will not ruin your whole life. If you are pregnant, you can give the baby up for adoption and make a family who needs a baby very, very happy and let the child have a good life with a family who loves him or her. Or you can keep the baby and raise him or her yourself with your family's help.

No matter what happens, please don't have sex again until you are married. If someone makes you have sex, be strong and say no. If you are physically forced into it, that is called rape and you need to defend yourself by any means necessary and press charges against whoever does that to you. You are worth so much to God and the people who truly love you.

Please check the website below for more help.

2006-06-25 19:02:49 · answer #4 · answered by cucumberlarry1 6 · 0 0

Jeez, you'd think people could have a little more pity. Don't listen to those other people who are giving you that trash. It's hard, I know. If you can work up the courage, you should tell your parents. Trust me when I say, the longer you wait, the harder it is. If there are any older people you know, ask them if they can pick up a tester if you don't want to go in there yourself. Stay away from that guy as much as you can. If he'd push you knto something like that, especially when he has a gf, he's not worth it. Especially if he's older than you. You don't need to go to a clinic. Just go to Longs Drugs, or Walgreens, or somewhere like that, and pick up a pregnancy tester. I'd recommend taking the test about once a week for about a month, just to be safe. Especially if you get a cheap kind, those things aren't always reliable. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for ya, cause I know what you're going through.

2006-06-25 19:46:45 · answer #5 · answered by heartbroken 3 · 1 0

Tell your parents. I know it will be hard, but you have to. Tell them the whole story. If you ever said no during the whole time he was having sex with you, if you ever protested, if he had a lot of power over you for some reason or threatened to expose something about you or to hurt you, that's rape. You can get a pregnancy test, just go to walmart or some drugstore and buy one. If you're worrying (and you definetly are) that stress can make your period come late and sometimes, if your really stressed out, you might skip one. So calm down and tell your parents. Because they're the people who can help you. They might be mad at you, but no matter what they're going to help you okay? Because you are their daughter and they love you.

2006-06-28 07:23:09 · answer #6 · answered by millancad 5 · 0 0

I was 15 when i lost my virginity, and the first time i had sex was the last for a while because...........im still 15 and im now pregnant with twins. i had unprotected sex too. and like 2 days after i overreacted alot, automaticaally thinkin i was pregnant, first it was initial excitement, then fear, an dfear of tellin my mom and family. its a scary thing. i waited about 3 weeks and took a test...it was negative, then took 3 more test .....negative. then i still was very unsure, i didnt have any signs of pregnancy except bein super super tired. it took 5 test until it said positive now i juss found out its twins. you are really really stressing over this....and that could stop ur period for a while. so as hard as it may be u have to stop worrying. i kno at this time u need sum 1 to talk to. You can always talk to me because i can definetly relate. i hope u arent pregnant..but remember ur life isnt over if u are. if u need tips on tellin ur mom lemme kno. i can def help. juss email me if u wanna share stories or need support. GOOD LUCK!!!!

2006-06-25 20:42:32 · answer #7 · answered by Missy 3 · 0 0

You don't have to be 18 to buy a pregnancy test. You can do that. I'm pretty sure you'll need to wait until you're a little closer to your period to take a test, though. I think EPT is the soonest one you can take and that's 5 days before your period. Relax, stressing out will not help you and only potentially delay a period and cause more stress for you. Next, please don't let a guy pressure you. I know how hard it is for young girls because guys can be so pushy and you can find yourself doing something you didn't want to do. Know that it's okay to say no and stick to it, he has no right to try and pressure you ever. In the future, please tell him he has no right to do that to you and be more careful. You have so much life to live before it's time for you to start thinking about kids.

2006-06-25 19:21:05 · answer #8 · answered by Nic 3 · 0 0

Unless that is some kind of rule where you come from, no you don't have to be 18 to buy a pregnancy test. But if you do, I would suggest that you find a friend or someone older that you can trust to get it for you. If you are pregnant, the one thing that you can not do is hide it from your parents. I know that this sounds scary, but you have to tell them. I got pregnant in college and didn't tell my mother until I was eight months, and my father didn't know until a few hours before I had my child. It will cause unnecessary hurt, confusion, and distrust if you wait to tell them. If you are not pregnant, please, please, please stop having sex. I can tell you from personal experience that sex can mess things up for you. If you believe in God, He created sex as something wonderful and beautiful that is to be shared within the boudaries of marriage. He didn't say not to have sex in the bible to keep us from having fun, he said not to do it because it causes pain and suffering that we shouldn't have to experience, like the confusion that you are going through now. Your body is the temple of God, something that is precious to him and should be precious to you too. Don't let someone pressure you into giving it away. I have a husband now, and the thing that I regret the most is that I couldn't share that first time with him, and that we couldn't learn how to love eachother physically together. I have a daughter, and even though he loves her like his own, he's been there with her since she was two months old, and she even looks just like him, I have to deal with the fact that she isn't his and thats very painful. Sex before marriage brings many painful consequences, and its just not worth it. So please think about the things that I have said and I hope and pray that everything works out for you.

2006-06-25 19:17:33 · answer #9 · answered by kutieface90 1 · 0 0

First bit of advice: you're in control, don't let anyone make you do anything. If a boy forces you to have sex, that is rape.

Try these web sites: http://www.teencentral.net/ and http://www.teenpregnancy.org/.
This one has a toll free number: http://www.etters.net/teen.pregnancy.htm.

You sound anxious - understandably. However, it's only been a week and may be a bit early to tell that you are pregnant. If it was your first time, that may explain the blood. Besides the appearance of blood may be a good thing (meaning you may be getting your period).

I suggest you wait it out until you're very, very late with your period or you begin to get very sick (like vomiting in the morning). If you think that the symptoms of pregnancy are manifesting, then talk to your mother or the oldest female roll-model you know that you trust. Don't be afraid to reach out to family and friends.

Good luck.

2006-06-25 19:08:45 · answer #10 · answered by Frankie A 1 · 0 0

Just go to the store and buy an early pregnancy test. You don't have to be 18. Wait a few days because your body doesn't produce the pregnancy hormone right away. If you get an early test it can tell 5 days before your missed period. Good luck and next time use a rubber. Get some when you get your test.

2006-06-25 19:01:41 · answer #11 · answered by unknown 3 · 0 0

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