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You're veiws on abortion?

2006-06-25 18:37:43 · 25 answers · asked by xsummerxl0verx3 1 in Health Women's Health

25 answers

I can agree to abortion only if the woman's life is on the line. I'm not sure yet of how I feel about rape pregnancies, and I am certainly against using abortion as a contraceptive.

2006-06-25 18:41:33 · answer #1 · answered by Awesome Bill 7 · 0 0

It should not be used as "birth control", but for incest, rape and the health of the mother (medical problems). There are so many senarios that can happen, and considering how many unplanned and unwanted children are in the world already, it pains me that more are being brought into the world daily.

I think it should be a decision that the woman carefully thinks over and gets a great deal of information before doing anything. She needs to understand that there are emotional issues she will have to deal with later. A good friend had an abortion many years ago just out of high school. To this day, she has never fully gotten over that, she wonders what that child could have been, what they would have looked like, etc. Her then boyfriend pretty much forced her into the abortion.

I definately do not think this is something the government or a bunch of people only thinking of the babies life (not taking into consideration the mothers life too) should decide. It should be an individual choice.

BTW, I am a practicing Christian and feel very strongly about this issue. I have spoken to men who have proudly (and arrogantly/ignorantly) boasted about blocking women at clinics from having abortions. That infuriates me to no end. I just know, if they were the ones getting pregnant, abortion would be a drive-thru type of deal, no questions, no problems.

2006-06-26 01:48:17 · answer #2 · answered by MadforMAC 7 · 0 0

I am pro choice.
I dont think abortion is right or wrong.
I think it is up to the individuals involved to make the decision.

Some women may have been raped and got pregnant, not wanting to keep a child that will bring back bad memories further more the nine months of mental torture can be horrid.
Some people cannot provide for a family and think its not suitable at the time for a baby.
On the other hand some may choose adoption as the route they will take to solve the situation. This can bring regret in the future and a sense of loss for the child when they find out they are adopted.
It all on how you as person decide to choose.
Pro Choice is the best way!

2006-06-26 04:45:54 · answer #3 · answered by MIss T 3 · 0 0

I am for anything that lifts women up, not drag them down, and I'm afraid that abortion is a pretty low place. It always results in a dead baby. Just because we are women and it is "our body" should not give us special rights to kill our babies. If it does, why should it stop at abortion? What if our 6 month old baby suddenly became an untimely burden? Is his or her life more valuable simply because it has a few more months on the aborted baby? I just don't get how anybody can draw a line and say this is where life begins. It begins at conception. If it isn't a life, why do you have to kill it? Cliches, I know, but powerful words.
I think that women who are having an untimely pregnancy should accept their womanhood, give birth to a live, beautiful human being, and let that child be adopted by parents who are praying for a child to raise and love.
I read somewhere that fewer women regret relinquishing their babies than those who have abortions. Years down the road even the hardest of hearts may regret their abortions, while those who gave up their babies for adoption are meeting those offspring as adults and are blessed with their reunions.
Celebrate life, don't destroy it.

2006-06-26 02:01:57 · answer #4 · answered by Mandalawind 5 · 0 0

I am against it unless the pregnancy is life threatening to the mother or under extreme circumstances. Yes I am against it, even in cases of rape, as the child can be adopted. I have heard that it is sometimes difficult for the woman to carry a baby who resulted from a rape - but the trauma is there regardless and therapy should be gone through regardless.
I have known a few people who had abortions (one - a twin herself - wanted to keep the baby, mom said no and took her in to a clinic in chicago 35 years ago, found out after the abortion that they were twins. She never was the same. Another went through it after her brother had sex with her, of course there were problems there anyway. The other girl had 3 abortions, never felt it was an issue at all until she found out she now can not carry a child long enough to have one now that she is married and wants children.)
The time to think about not having a baby is BEFORE having sex so that the subject of abortion need not come up at all. It seems people would rather act like sex crazed animals than think about what relationships are about and how to form them, who to go to bed with and why, (gosh one criteria should be wanting to spend a lifetime together with that person after REALLY getting to know them and make a commitment, not gee he or she looks cute maybe a drink and then...)

2006-06-26 01:48:50 · answer #5 · answered by still learning at 56 5 · 0 0

I have a mixed opinion on abortion.
I agree with it if (for example) a lady has been raped, this is an awful thing and I would never want to have a rapist's baby. You may love the child unconditionally but there will always be an element of doubt in your mind.
I don't agree with them if women are sleeping around and do not use any protection, but it is not fair on the baby if they unwanted and a mistake.Having a baby is something you need to think carefully about, it is a life changing experience and you have to look after the baby forever.
For young teenagers then yes, again, they are too young to look after themselves let alone a new born baby.
I think women should be able to decide what they do, no one should have an opinion on some one else's life.

2006-06-26 03:50:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree in some cases.

My mum was the youngest of 11 children.

Her sister was 25 years older that her. She had a son 2 years before I was born and he had all sorts of mental health problems. His brothers were ashamed of him and shunned him.

When his mother died at the age of 83 he had to go into an institution. Only myself and my sister go to see him, he barely remembers me and can not remember my sister even though she goes everytime with me and never misses.

I am heartbroken that I am moving away from the area and it would not be wise for my sister to go on her own as he can be violent and the nurses can not be there all the time.

We have looked into having him moved to my new area but all the doctors are agreed that this would be too unsettling for him plus the facilities are not as good where I live.

He is now in his fifties and could live a long life, but he will now live it with no family around him. He will never know what real happiness feels like, he keeps asking for his mum as she was the only one who showed him love.

My Aunt lived for many years with guilt because she knew this would happen. She wanted an abortion but her husband wouldn't let her have one. After my cousin was born and they found out the extent of his brain damage his father didn't have anything to do with him, hence his brothers attitude.

So yes in some cases I do agree with abortion.

I love my cousin very much as does my sister but he will never know this.

2006-06-26 20:19:25 · answer #7 · answered by glo 2 · 0 0

I would agree with a lot of you who said, if you think you are responsible enough to have sex, then you should be responsible enough to take care of your child. The sad truth is this... As a nurse for a pediatrician, I see more than most of these irresponible girls who can't or won't take care of their child. I would rather know that you had an abortion than to see the aftermath of your neglect and abuse. The perfect example... The child who has had eleven broken bones before three months of age. This child who is now 2 years old, has had seven surgeries, and brain damage. He will never function as an adult, and will require continuos care for the rest of his life. Abortion is not always the answer, but it should be an option.

2006-06-26 01:57:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree with it, at the end of the day people seem to think that abortion is an easy thing to do, that Dr's allow people to have them as a means of birth control, but this isn't true.

A doctor has to have good reason to think that a woman having such a thing done is in the right frame of mind, that if they weren't given the procedure they could cope etc.

It is a hard thing to do, people say that a person could give a child up for adoption, but this doesn't ensure the child will be adopted, i have worked with people who were RAISED in care homes. This ideal just doesn't happen!

At the end of the day the person has to live with what they have done, if it is killing it is between them and their God, no one can tell people what to do, and you can never really say what you would do unless you were in that situation.

It is easy for people to say "take care of your actions" but people do, you can do everything to avoid a pregnancy and it still ends up happening. Contraption isn't fool proof.

Let people do what THEY think is right, they are the ones experiencing it.

2006-06-26 14:54:23 · answer #9 · answered by JennyPenny 5 · 0 0

It all boils down to responsability. If you are willing to have sex and create a life, then you should be responsible enough to deal with the consiquinses. (spelling) However, in the case of rape or incest, I believe that the woman should not be forced to carry to term, then raise a child that was forced upon her in such a way. And it would not be fare to the child...growing up unwanted and unloved because of the situation. So......lets outlaw abortion, then start publicly exicuting all rapists and incestiouse people. Problem solved. But of course that is just my opinion.

2006-06-26 01:47:47 · answer #10 · answered by lightningviper 4 · 0 0

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