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7 answers

There is no missing link. We are as God created us.

2006-06-25 18:11:20 · answer #1 · answered by The Nag 5 · 0 0

There is no missing lnk at all. "neaderthal" as they like to call him, was actually a defomed human. At one time they use to seperate deformed people away from others. Like if a bunch of them had "downsyndrome" they'd put them together. It was the way it was. I'm sure if you look around long enough, you'll see people that look neaderthalish in a way. No offense to anyone. But facts are facts. If you want to think you came from goo to monkey to you....that's your opinon......what is it...they say we started as small smart rats.....how rediculous is it to say that vs. God created us. Which has more sense and logic. That with all the complexities of the human body, that it just "happened". That would be just he same as see a pinao on a street and saying it just happened. Like if a tornado just happened to tear through all the right stores and all the parts and pieces just happened to get moulded and fit together. It doesn't happen that way.

2006-06-26 01:18:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We are who were are, and who we always were, I believe, because that's what the Bible teaches, and it's infallible. But, WE DO "mutate" in ways. Like During Christ's day? Jesus was said to be a GIANT at over four FEET TALL!! Now the average male is like, 6'2"? We DO change phisically and mentally, but, our basic human structure reamins the same. We always had two ears, one nose, etc.

2006-07-02 15:34:25 · answer #3 · answered by thewordofgodisjesus 5 · 0 0

There is a missing link. they just found him couple of months back.

Also, how would you explain that human and chimpansee DNA are like 96% identical? God created them in his image as well?

2006-06-26 01:12:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Missing link in human evolution found in Africa
Thursday, 12 June 2003

Skulls of Homo sapiens idàltu discovered in Ethiopia - the oldest humans known. The oldest human fossils have been discovered in Ethiopia, a find that also reveals evidence of mortuary rituals and spiritual beliefs, an international team has announced.

Two of the three 160,000-year-old Homo sapien skulls - two adults and a child - feature tool marks that suggest they were cut and polished when freshly dead,

The researchers said it is impossible to determine whether the flesh or brains of the deceased were consumed as part of a cannibalistic ritual.

All the bones were found within 200 m of each other in an eroded riverbank about 230 km northeast of Addis Ababa, but showed no signs of having been intentionally buried. The finds included stone tools and other skull pieces and isolated teeth from seven other individuals all of the same species, but no other body parts.

One adult skull has parallel incisions around its perimeter of the skull - superficial cuts made by a stone tool drawn repeatedly across its surface - that are unlike those made by defleshing with stone tools.

The child's skull has cutmarks made by a very sharp stone flake and found deep markings in nooks and crannies of the skull's base. The rear part of its base was broken away, and the broken edges had been polished when the bone was still fresh. Its sides show a deep polish that may have formed from repeated handling of the skull after it was defleshed, the researchers suggest.

They note that anthropologists have found similar bone modifications in societies where the skulls of ancestors are preserved and worshipped. They suggest that the marks are evidence of an organised and prolonged mortuary ritual. A 600,000-year-old skull found earlier in the same region displays cutmarks associated with tissue removal, but no evidence of polishing.

The Herto fossils are so similar to modern human skulls that the scientists have classified them in their own subspecies,Homo sapiens idàltu (idàltu means 'elder' in the local Afar language of Ethiopia). Fully modern humans are classed as Homo sapiens sapiens.

The male cranium is long and rugged, with heavily worn upper teeth, and has a brain capacity of about 1,450 cubic cm - slightly above the modern human average of between 1,350 and 1,400 cubic cm.

"They show that near-humans had evolved in Africa long before the European Neanderthals disappeared. They thereby demonstrate conclusively that there was never a 'Neanderthal' stage in human evolution," he said.

Geologists and palaeontologists have established that the Herto people lived near the shore of a shallow freshwater lake with abundant catfish, crocodiles and hippopotamuses at a time when much of Europe was buried in ice during a major glaciation.

A hippopotamus skull with a deep chop mark made by a stone tool was found in the same layer of sediments. "The associated fossil bones show clearly that the Herto people had a taste for hippos, but we can't tell whether they were killing them or scavenging them," said Dr Yonas Beyene, an archaeologist at Ethiopia's Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture.

"The new finds show that this area of Africa was inhabited by a series of human ancestors from Ardipithecus at 6 million years ago, all the way through to the Herto people at 160,000 years ago," said Professor Tim White, also at the University of California at Berkeley. "This succession is unparalleled by any other research area in the world."

The find also strengthens the theory that modern humans evolved only once in Africa, not several times in different countries - a hotly debated point in human evolution. "Now we have a great sequence of fossils showing that we evolved in Africa, and not all over the globe," White said.


Oldest human footprints discovered in Italy
Thursday, 13 March 2003

The newly-discovered footprints descending an inclined slope of an extinct volcano. Markings in hardened volcanic ash, dubbed "devils' trails" by local Italian villagers, have been confirmed as the oldest-known footprints ever made by humans.

The fossilised hand and footprints belong to three early humans who were probably climbing down the side of the Roccamonfina volcano in southern Italy about 385,000 to 325,000 years ago. "We believe that these tracks are the oldest human footprints found so far," said Professor Paolo Mietto of the University of Padua in Italy, who lead the research. "They are made by hominids who had a fully bipedal, free-standing gait, using their hands only to steady themselves on the difficult descent."

"In some of the prints, the impressions made by the heel and ball of the foot are clear, and there are even small depressions that can be interpreted as toe impression," he said.

They were made by primitive humans that walked upright with a free-standing gait and used their hands to steady themselves. Three tracks with prints show curve or zizgzag patterns. The prints, embedded in fossilised volcanic ash, are about 20 cm (eight inches) long and 10 cm wide and belonged to primitive humans who were about 1.5 metres tall.

He added that older footprints of hominids, or human-like ancestors, that were made by more distant ancestors, date back 3.5 million years and were found in petrified volcanic ash at Laetoli in northern Tanzania.

2006-06-26 01:23:43 · answer #5 · answered by Mintjulip 6 · 0 0

Well, there are all those pesky fossils in Africa they keep digging up. Pesky pesky pesky.

2006-06-26 01:18:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

we are just a step in evolution, i just wanna see what will happen next

2006-06-26 01:13:13 · answer #7 · answered by skippy 3 · 0 0

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