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I mean, the Iraqis would be fighting to free themselves of the Americans, but in general, what are they actually fighting for? Especially the Americans, what in the hell are they fighting for?
I just personally think that wars like these simply made by people who have a lust for blood. Follow-up question: Why must the US always butt-in into other countries' problems where they have no business whatsoever?

2006-06-25 17:00:33 · 130 answers · asked by Reverie 4 in News & Events Current Events

I mean, the Iraqis would be fighting to free themselves of the Americans, but in general, what are they actually fighting for? Especially the Americans, what in the hell are they fighting for?
I just personally think that wars like these simply made by people who have a lust for blood. Follow-up question: Why must the US always butt-in into other countries' problems where they have no business whatsoever?

Note: I'm not an American and I don't ever want to be. Only Americans have the capability of electing a douchebad for a president.

The US is about 2 things: Pride and greed.

It's not your oil anyway, so why fight for it?

2006-06-25 17:36:30 · update #1

130 answers

It's all about religion, been going on for centuries.

2006-07-04 11:52:12 · answer #1 · answered by CottonPatch 7 · 3 2

You yourself have stated that you are not an American and never want to be one.Perhaps that is the handicap you are labouring under. One questioner had suggested lynching Bush for his indiscretion.Sometimes, unless you look at things from a vantage point, everything appears nonsensical. Just imagine had America followed the Monroe doctrine(America for us and to hell with the rest the world) what would have been the world scenario now. Technically speaking America had no stake either in the first or the second world war. Both were the internecine quarrels of the European powers.None had declared war on America.Presuming America had remained aloof from the hostilities perhaps Ameriica would have emerged as a stronger power but irrespective of the outcome of the war Ameriica would have have had any place in the postWar world. In the Second World waf had Germany triumphed the United Europe under Hitler would have been a serious challenge to America in the world affairs.Even if Hitler would have won Russia would have come out of the war more or less unscathed and would have proved an invincible challenge to America.Presidens Wilson and FDR were no innocents abroad and decided to butt inthe conflict.Coming near our times had Iraq not been checked it would have lorded over the Middle East Emirates (He did try this in the first Iraw was in the regime of father Bush.).The consolidation of the Muslim power under Iraq would have created an unenviagle situation akin to the Crusades there if not worse.It is easy to blame Bush. I think the position that there were no WMD weapons hidden was known to Bush but he made a show of not believing it and mounted the attack.All this goes to show that he must have been aware that mounted attack even raising a hullabaloo about the non-existent weapons.Politiiial matters have grooves within grooves.Politics is the Art of the Possible.

2006-07-08 19:59:06 · answer #2 · answered by Prabhakar G 6 · 0 0

"what are they actually fighting for?"
-The establishment of a free arab democracy in the middle east. Currently it's full of kings and dictators.

"I just personally think that wars like these simply made by people who have a lust for blood."
-Yea. Right. Exactly. Idiot.

"Why must the US always butt-in into other countries' problems"
-because everyone attempts to make their problems into america's problems.

"I'm not an American and I don't ever want to be."
- Good thing, too.

"The US is about 2 things: Pride and greed. "
-ohhh nooes! Unsubstantiated insults! Namecalling! I'm almost hurt. Not. You worthless lowlife loser.(two can play the game)

"It's not your oil anyway, so why fight for it?"
- Yeah! Notice how we screwed the iraqi cities and put all our guys on the pipelines? Notice how we've made billions in oil revenue since the war started? No, you haven't noticed. Cause it didn't happen. I'd be real easy to march in, line up the tanks, and march the whole population of iraq into iran (sure, the iranians would hate us... but they already do anyway). Bingo. Presto. No insurgents, put in some wells and let it flow. 10$ a barrel.
But we didn't do that either. Because, to be quited honest, we just want the Iraqis to get all settled so we can leave.

2006-07-07 16:22:18 · answer #3 · answered by awigo50 2 · 0 0


I just came across this question, and read the answer posted by wendy, (someone must stand up for evil, ) What kind of crap is that.. Sounds like the same old crap that's regurgitated out of Bush's mouth... This war is about money plain and simple. If there is any evil going on, it is being perpetrated by the american government. The Iraqi ppl, don't want this war, they didn't ask for this war, and yet all the north american media and government keep on trying to convince us that this is about democracy and freedom, and ppl feeling safe with no terrorism and the such. Listen ppl. There are many ppl suffering out there in various parts of the world, such as the sudan and other african nations. You don't see the american government sending any troops to help these ppl, do you. ppl being slaughtered every day down in the sudan. What ... don't these ppl deserve democracy and peace and to feel safe.
This iraqi war is crap... It was right from the start....Just like the vietnam war was crap, and many other military involvements that the usa has had. PPl should wake up and smell the giant rat. Would anyone happen to know who that is........

2006-07-07 16:45:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Iraqi war has nothing to do with our safety or security anyone with half a brain knows this war came about as a result of George Bush's juiced up intelligence reports that were flat lies.Of all the ignorant things Bush has done this is at the top of the list.There were no terrorists operating out of Iraq before this war,now Iraq is full of terrorists created by the actions of the Bush Administration.Shia and Sunni Muslims are embroiled in civil war (no matter what you call it) killing each other in droves.This war has also left Iraq ripe for the picking for Iran who will surely be the biggest gainers from this stupid war.Who knows why we are fighting this war ? First we were told it was about weapons of mass destruction,then it was to overthrow a brutal dictator ,then it was to spread freedom and democracy.Who the hell knows what Bush's current spin is being called.
As to the butt-in question God only knows and he's not telling !! It seems like every time this country has intervened since world war two we have ended up with egg on our face and diminished world opinion of us as a people.The United States should worry more about the problems facing our own people God knows George Bush has added liberally to these problems unless you are rich.I agree I wish the United States would butt-out of other countries problems and worry about fixing our own.Problems such as poverty,health care and the lack thereof,energy prices,outsourcing of jobs,education,corrupt political leaders,our trillions of dollars of national debt and many more.Yes sir I wish we would Butt-out !!

2006-07-06 15:51:00 · answer #5 · answered by bigkyle28 4 · 0 0


1. We seriously thought they had WMDs.

2. We seriously thought they were breeding terrorists that would execute more 9/11-style attacks on us.

3. We seriously feared that Saddam Hussein would sell or give WMD technology to Al Qaida terrorists who would bring it to the US.

4. We seriously thought Iraq was constructing long-range missiles to fire at Europe and the US.

5. Saddam Hussein did incredibly terrible things to the Kurds and Shiites as a result of their cooperation with us in the first Iraq war, and Pres. Bush felt the weight of his father's decision to back out when he did.

6. Free nations aren't producing terrorists (generally).

Why are we still there?

1. So the terrorists have an obvious target close to home, and our trained soldiers can fight them with armor and the best weaponry -- and they don't bring the fight over here to the US.

2. If we leave now, the country will slip into chaos.

3. We pummelled Germany, Italy, and Japan in the second World War, ousting Hitler and Mussolini -- then we helped rebuild those countries. Now they are among our closest allies and friends. We'd love to see the same result in Iraq.

Lust for blood? How many people did George Bush kill to get into office? If he had, the news media would be all over it. For heaven's sake, the President of the United States can't get sexual favors in the oval office without the whole world finding out (Clinton), do you think he's driven by a lust for blood?

Butt into other's problems? Read your history, we've bounced back and forth for 200 years between interfering and not (isolationism) -- we lose both ways. We tried interfering in Somalia ("Black Hawn Down") and failed miserably, so Clinton decided to do nothing in Rwanda, and millions were slaughtered. We were then villified for doing nothing.

Complain all you want, and don't forget where the right to free speech started.

2006-07-07 17:21:30 · answer #6 · answered by Bryan H 1 · 0 0

I don't think they are doing the right thing. However, their supposed purpose of freeing the Iraqi citizens is commendable. If only they would go about it in the right way. It is far too easy for a good cause become another Korean or Vietnam war, were the 'defenders of Justice' abuse their power, and position. I firmly believe this war should have been left to the Peacekeepers of the UN, or let alone -- soon enough, there would have been enough malcontent for a rebellion to rise up, and at that point, the UN would have stepped in. It is simply too bad that the Americans have tried to cover their true intentions in this war by hiding behind a face of good will, giving a bad name to the true peacekeepers.

2014-10-13 09:49:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As a non-American myself, I don't think they are doing the right thing. However, their supposed purpose of freeing the Iraqi citizens is commendable. If only they would go about it in the right way. It is far too easy for a good cause become another Korean or Vietnam war, were the 'defenders of Justice' abuse their power, and position. I firmly believe this war should have been left to the Peacekeepers of the UN, or let alone -- soon enough, there would have been enough malcontent for a rebellion to rise up, and at that point, the UN would have stepped in. It is simply too bad that the Americans have tried to cover their true intentions in this war by hiding behind a face of good will, giving a bad name to the true peacekeepers.

2006-07-07 10:43:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think 80 percent of americans agree with you,however we are just the peeons that pay taxes to fund this crap,the government doesnt care what we think. As for the statement this guy made about only americans could elect a douche bag(check your spelling buddy) that is a bunch of crap. You just assume that every one in america is a rich stupid person oblivious to all. Where are you from? What if I said all middle eastern people are terrorists? Or all asian people are commies? Or the brittish are a bunch of butt kissing,spineless pu**ies for going along with what the U.S. wants instead of standing up for themselves? You would scream racism. But all of you who bash on americans are doing the same thing. The majority of americans are hard working people who have the same issues as everyone else. To you man, you are part of the reason that these wars will always keep going on forever...narrowminded,racist people that assume they know everything and think they are better than everyone else. And lastly, if you have such a problem with the U.S.,maybe you should run for office in your government and stand up to us. Our country does a lot off good, and helps a lot of people. Where was brittain or france or spain of egypt when the tsunami killed so many people? Where are the rest of the worlds governments when a crisis happens? And where was everyone else in the world on september 11th? Yes, the war in Iraq is b.s. but saying all americans care about is blood,money and power is not true. You are basing an opinion of millions of people form what you think you know about a few in power. Maybe next time you should think for just a minute before you open your rude mouth.

2006-07-07 07:38:41 · answer #9 · answered by Rachel S 1 · 0 0

I'd say for cheapier gas prices; but wait their more expensive now. When I started driving literally 7 years ago gas was .75 cents per gallon. Nothing inflates like that I don't care that china has increased usage. It would be different but from what I can gather from news reports iraq's popluation no longer wants us there. We're refusing to leave. Either we should just take complete controll or leave and send aid and support w/o our soldiers dying for this asine war. Why do we butt into other countries afairs I think it's because we elect the stupid to power. I mean it's been proven if the canidate isn't tall enough or attractive enough he doesn't win. Just doesn't seem like anything logical to me. I can promise this people are people anywhere you go. people's main goals are work to give their families a happy life and if they have the ability to help others I've found people are willing to do that as long as it doesn't affect their family nitch. Side note all wars the root always is about money and resources no one will make this known because that would mean we're sending our soldiers to be killed off for no real reason.

2006-07-07 02:32:44 · answer #10 · answered by Cbear 2 · 0 0

Wars are fought so that small, but powerful groups, i.e. "old families" can be on the spot to divide up the resources and sell them to consumers like us.
Old families in the west are at war with the old families of the middle east. But don't expect either side to shed THEIR blood. For example, 16% of America's oil has come from Iraq since 1927. Halburton has made trillions in just the last 3 years alone and not 1 dollar has gone back into our treasury.
Politics is simply the interface between rich and poor. Our ignorance and that of our opponents has made us all only what we are fit to be, pawns in the game.

2006-07-08 21:29:40 · answer #11 · answered by elge13 3 · 0 0

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