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Can I sue character assassination? My grandmother (worst person of the word, mean, slimy, crazy, annoying) told, that my mother and I had stolen her used underwear. That is an extremely stupid lie. Can we sue her?

My doctor did a urine test. They want to find drug abusers and report them. They told me that they found morphine in my urine. I have never used this drug. They did a mistake. Can I sue them for character assassination?

What kind of lawyer do I need for character assassination?

2006-06-25 16:30:27 · 13 answers · asked by TKKG 1 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

13 answers

You can sue anybody for anything. The question is can you win a suit and would a win have any value.

What has the assination of your character cost you? Have you lost work? Have their been other significant quantifiable costs or losses?

Unless there is some loss, there is nothing to recover in a lawsuit, and if there is nothing to recover, it will be difficult to pay your attorney and pointless (unless you are just trying to make a point).

My advice. Ignore those people and get on with your life.

2006-06-25 16:37:42 · answer #1 · answered by enginerd 6 · 1 0

Character Assassination Lawsuit

2016-11-16 21:16:58 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It is slander (defamation of character) through the verbal sense and libel (defamation of character) through the written word. Both types of slander must affect your reputation to the point of causing damages such as losing customers, or not being able to find work. Things like that.You don't really have a case against your grandmother and shouldn't even consider it. You are right. It is just a stupid lie. A doctor cannot force a patient to submit to a urine drug test without the patient's knowledge. Now you sound like a minor in which case your parent or legal guardian can request this. The doctor, however, has no obligation to comply with such a request unless he deems it necessary such as in a drug overdose.He cannot tell if you take morphine specifically. Urine test for illegal drugs typically test for THC found in marijuana, benzodiazapines (like valium, ativan, xanax), amphetamines like(meth, phentermin,and such) , cocaine, and opiates: such as morphine,heroin,vicodin,percodan, and others. It was positive for opiates. As a minor you have no recourse.The doctor may be trying to scare you straight. Blame your parents. Do not submit blood, or other bodily fluids without knowledge of what the test is for.Doctors are not police officers. All your records are confidential. Information and cannot be randomly shared except with your parents if you are a minor. Exceptions can include certain tests such as for STD's. It varies from state to state.False positives do occur. I don't think you have a case at all. Besides, do you have the thousands of dollars for a lawyer? I'm sorry your family is difficult on you. They may think they are trying to help you because of past infractions you may have comitted. Focus on your future. You can't pick your relatives.Change your behavior. Trust takes a very long time to get back. Good luck. Grow up. Leave crazy people alone. It's not worth it. Nod, smile and keep moving. PS I bet my mother is crazier than your granny. Consider the source. Good luck. Look ahead.

2006-07-07 15:21:18 · answer #3 · answered by firestarter 6 · 0 0

Morphine is a by product of a number of legal drugs. If you've used a cough syrup called PANCOF HC, the HC will break down into morphine and/or cocaine. This is why it is important to have ANY drugs you have taken with you. The test for morphine was probably correct, it's just you're thinking you had to have taken norphine to have morhpine which is not the case. In this case I dobut you'd have a case. Even if you did (ie it was truly false positve), you'd have to show some harm done. Did you lose a job? Get written up? Not get employed? Unless one of those happened there was no damage to you, especialy since most companies will allow you to retake the test once to show it was a false positve. Once it was shown to be a false positive you'd have to show that some harm came to you (which it didn't since they allowed you to retake it) AND you'd have to shown that it was a false positive BECAUSE of the ACTIONS of the LAB. False positive will occur regardless of how well the lab handles the testing. This is the reason most companies will allow a re-test since while one false positive is possible, mutliple false positives are unlikely.

2006-06-25 16:48:56 · answer #4 · answered by caffeyw 5 · 0 0

Character assassination is very difficult to prosecute. It's your word against theirs. In the case of your grandmother she could easily claim to have never made that accusation, or has a medical condition (senility) that caused her to make such an accusation. You however have written in black and white words that portray your Grandmother in a very poor light, and could be sued for slander. You can't prove that she's the worst person in the world, and therefore the accusation is slanderous.
In the case of your Doctor,they may well have found morphine in your urine. Did you know that morphine is made from the poppy plant, and that if you eat bagels with poppy seeds on them you can turn up with a positive test?
You said your Doctor made a mistake. Can you prove it? If you can't saying that he made a mistake is casting doubt on his professional credibility. If he chose to sue you for this he would get a significantly larger settlement than you would for your "character assassination" suit.
While we are on the topic of character assassination it would appear as though you are trying to make a quick dollar by suing for alleged wrongs. Both your claims lack legitimacy, and counteractions could be initiated against you.Also... VERY IMPORTANT..... One has to have character before claiming that they are victim of character assassination. (you can't sue me for saying that btw)

2006-07-06 12:05:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This Site Might Help You.

Suing Character Assassination?
Can I sue character assassination? My grandmother (worst person of the word, mean, slimy, crazy, annoying) told, that my mother and I had stolen her used underwear. That is an extremely stupid lie. Can we sue her?

My doctor did a urine test. They want to find drug abusers and report them. They...

2015-08-18 23:41:55 · answer #6 · answered by Elianora 1 · 0 0

Why don't you just give back your grandmother's under ware? Law suits should be avoided like the plague. Besides, the appeal of the appeal of used under ware is gone after a few days and I'm sure you are done with them by now.

Morphine addiction was more common in our grandfather's generation. You should try to get used to Ecstasy or maybe crack instead. Where do you get morphine anyway?

2006-07-07 23:45:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think the word you are after is defamation of character, and why worry about it your grandmother probably has dementia.....take her to see a doctor.....and they would laugh it out of court anyway.....but in case you do need information , here is some legal stuff to get you through it.

In contract law, a misrepresentation is a false statement of fact made by one party to another party and has the effect of inducing that party into the contract. For example, under certain circumstances, false statements or promises made by a seller of goods regarding the quality or nature of the product that the seller has may constitute misrepresentation. A finding of misrepresentation allows for a remedy of rescission and sometimes damages depending on the type of misrepresentation.

The court is required to analyse the pleadings prepared by the parties and to assign each component element to the most appropriate juridical concept or category. The rules of any given system of law are arranged under different categories, addressing procedure, status, contract, tort, divorce, nullity, etc. For each category, there is one or more choice of law rule(s). Hence, for example, all questions as to the status of a person before a court, viz. an infant or adult, legitimate, legitimated or illegitimate, married or not, mentally incapacitated or not, bankrupt or not, etc. will all be governed by the person's personal law, namely the law of nationality (the lex patriae) or habitual residence in a civil law state, or the law of domicile (the lex domicilii) in a common law state.

In other words if your grandmother is deemed as mentally unfit it will be thrown out of court ok.

The capacity of both natural and artificial persons determines whether they may make binding amendments to their rights, duties and obligations, such as getting married or merging, entering into contracts, making gifts, or writing a valid will. Capacity is an aspect of status and both are defined by a person's personal law:

for natural persons, the law of domicile or lex domicilii in common law states, and either the law of nationality or lex patriae, or of habitual residence in civil law states;
for artificial persons, the law of the place of incorporation, the lex incorporationis for companies while other forms of business entity derive their capacity either from the law of the place in which they were formed or the laws of the states in which they establish a presence for trading purposes depending on the nature of the entity and the transactions entered into.
When the law limits or bars a person from engaging in specified activities, any agreements or contracts to do so are either voidable or void for incapacity.

2006-06-25 16:40:36 · answer #8 · answered by Mintjulip 6 · 0 0

why would you want to sue your grandmother for such a thing??
Just give her a valium, take one too then go to the beach at night and take a swim, the three of you.
You probably didn't take morphine but be honest, what else did you take.

2006-07-03 15:48:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/aviLm

You want to sue them for investigating an accusation? You will not win. They have done the right thing and you are not suffering a loss, they are paying you for the time it takes to process the investigation.

2016-04-09 08:37:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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