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2006-06-25 14:28:50 · 12 answers · asked by Chainsawmom 5 in Science & Mathematics Other - Science

12 answers

The thought is that life (all of it) came from a single organism and over a long time has become what we can see today. An example i can think of that has occurred over a short enough time span that we can use would be Human intelligence, size relative to geography, and skin color relative to geography. We as humans are smarter today than generations past, for instance modern man 10000 years ago did not have the smarts we have today, do you believe it is due to school or human mental advancement(evolution). There is an extremely noticeable difference between natives of different geographical locations. Darker skin in the hotter regions and lighter skin in the regions with less sun per year. ie Africa and Europe The theory is very well developed and provable back to a certain point. And NO ONE said that a GOD didn't strike the first amino acid with the lightening to start the evolution.

2006-06-25 14:47:06 · answer #1 · answered by NubbY 4 · 1 2

First of all let me start out by saying that Evolution is a theory and doesn't hold up to close scrutiny. It's false.

That being said, here's what Wikipedia says about it...

is the measurable change in the heritable traits (allele frequency) of a population over successive generations. Evolution is ultimately the source of the vast diversity of the biological world. Over time, it may result in the origin of new species (speciation). Contemporary species are related to each other through common descent, products of evolution and speciation over billions of years. The phylogenetic tree on the right represents these relationships for the three major domains of life.

The modern understanding of evolution is based on the theory of natural selection, which was first set out in a joint 1858 paper by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace and popularized in Darwin's 1859 book The Origin of Species.

... You can read the remainder of this article here...


2006-06-25 21:32:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, evolution is a theory just as gravity is a theory. And it is a theory that explains a lot of geologic and environmental data, most notably the gradual shifts in fossils through time and the growing complexity of life on earth through time. We are able to observe evolution in the cycles of viruses and bacteria whose simple biology allow them to evolve quickly to environmental changes. It is the evolution of the flu virus that requires us to develop a new flu vaccine each year. It is the evolution of various bacteria in hospitals where they where they are bombarded with antibiotics that has created resistant bacterial strains.

Evolution says that there is gradual drift in the biology of a population such that it adapts to changes in the environment. If the climate is getting warmer through time the individuals of any species better adapted to warmer climate will survive better than those adapted to cold climates and a population will slowly move toward the warm adaptations as the individuals appropriately adapted to the environment are more likely to survive and breed. For example, melanin in human skin is good protection from the sun. If you live on the equator you need melanin protection to prevent you from getting a variety of skin diseases, including skin cancer. On the other hand, melanin slows the production of vitamin D and people with high melanin have negative health issues (i.e. poor bone density) at higher latitudes. When we look at the human population we can see that populations more isolated for milenia at the equator tend to have higher skin melanin while those isolated near the poles have lower skin melanin and the populations in between have intermediate melanin levels. Too much information?

2006-06-25 21:46:28 · answer #3 · answered by Runs with Scissors 2 · 0 0

Evolution is a fact. We do evolve... maybe not from monkeys, but we have evolved over the years. Christians do not necessarily believe this fact because they like to believe that God made us the way we are now and no evolution took place. Some scientists believe human evolution from monkeys. I on the other hand believe God made us to evolve around our environment. That is why eskimos have thicker skin than someone in Florida. They evolved over the years to be able to accept the cold better than someone near the equator.

2006-06-25 21:38:07 · answer #4 · answered by maniaajo 3 · 0 0

Yes. But it would take months, years even. It takes a LONG TIME and a LOT of training and a LOT of classes to fully understand evolutionary theory. There is a lot of knowledge and a lot of understanding there to master. That's why hardly anybody understands it. I teach science. Odds are your high school science teacher doesn't really, fully understand it. So.....pretty much, unless you're willing to go to college in science all the way through a Master's degree or Ph.D. then you're pretty much stuck with either believing in it or not believing in it. You won't have enough knowledge to make a truly informed decision based on how life systems and the earth work.

2006-06-25 21:38:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I wouldn't bother learning it, If I were you!!!

It's old hat and now defunct and archaic anyway!
It will soon be placed in the waste paper basket as just an old "Adult Fairytale"

It just so happens that you've hit the very person who recently disproved it scientifically!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have recently shown that snakes and Man are opposites in virtually every single detail and characteristic!!
Arriving at such an outcome, via 'evolution', becomes a genetic and mutational impossibility - even moreso that they co-exist in such state at the very same time in earth's [supposed] millions/billions of years in history!!!!

I call this study:
because it also simultaneously supplies Powerful evidence of the Biblical account of Adam and Eve, wherein it was the snake who opposed God and Adam's obedience to Him.

Apparently, God has obviously represented that opposition when he cursed them, via Man and snake's opposites of behaviour and anatomy now!!

2006-06-25 22:50:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The theory of evolution states that more complex organisms, such as people, developed from much simpler organisms, such as a bacteria, over million and millions of years by adapting to their environment.

2006-06-25 22:41:13 · answer #7 · answered by Professor Armitage 7 · 0 0

Evolution = "scientific theory" Religion = "personal belief"

Who is usually right science or religion??

Well science of-course
Never seen a prayer heal the sick, like a good ol' dose of antibiotic.


2006-06-25 21:35:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When cells divide, they usually copy gene information perfectly, but sometimes a mutation occurs (e.g. due to radiation or aged cells).

Mutated genes survive and spread if they help the organism to get food, avoid predators and attract opposite gender for mating.

Since survival depends on terrain, climate, neighboring species and other factors, after millions of years we get quite a variety of species.

There is plenty of evidence in the form of bones of ancient creatures, DNA analysis of modern species, bacteria developing resistance to drugs.

Nonetheless, you are free to ignore this evidence, and base your view of the world on belief rather than reason.

2006-06-25 21:30:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

charles darwin himself said," evolution is a controversial and incomplete THEORY"
evolution is not true and has never been proven true

2006-06-25 21:33:27 · answer #10 · answered by fify 2 · 0 0

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