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Since Bush and his hooligans were appointed in 2000 it seems that republicans have now decided that murder, torture, and genocide is ok as long as bush says its ok. Shouldnt we as Americans stand up to this extremist cult they call republicans and defend America from these criminals? Republicans believe it is OK to spy on americans email, telephone calls and websites visited.
Republicans seem to believe its ok to imprison American Citizens without due process and a fair trial
*Republicans believe its ok to kill 40 innocent civilians just to kill a militant.
*Republicans believe its ok to interfere with a womans body and tell her how to manage her body when Roe V Wade gave women the legal right to chose
*Republicans support making Americas Government a Right Wing Christian Government that is no different than foreign dictatorships
*Republicans seem to believe its ok to monitor Americans on camera wherever they are
Republicans basically have destroyed American liberty

2006-06-25 14:17:30 · 15 answers · asked by ast5792 1 in Politics & Government Politics

15 answers

Why do are you asking dumb question. Think it out, calmly type and use spell check.

Do you really believe the stuff that comes out of your brain?

2006-06-25 14:25:09 · answer #1 · answered by Huevos Rancheros 6 · 2 1

But of course I agree! Wholeheartedly! But answer me this, why do so many vote for people like Bush while others stay home and don't vote. Democrats...they too have been corrupted by the ultraconservative extreme right wing movement that once took over the republicans, made the 1908's into a return to Victorian principal decade, and is now moving into the Democratic answer. Me, I've stayed away from all that for awhile. I helped with the Ralph Nadar campaign and the Green Party...that is our only hope, friend.
OH one other thing besides the right wing, our government is also corporate ruled...another dictatorship..so Bush is thoroughly bought and paid for by 2 very powerful sources. Democracy has been thrown away !

2006-06-25 14:25:29 · answer #2 · answered by Greanwitch 3 · 0 0

Most of them are so wealthy huh? Most of the wealth in the world is controlled by the richest 5%, and they are equally divided between republican & democrat in this country, but that aside, how do we end up with 50/50 elections among 300million people when republicans by your definition could only be what 10% of the population on the absolute outside. You don't understand what republicans believe of why they believe it, and your stereotypes only make you more disconnected from mid-American voters. Okay, now that's out of the way...

I’d be happy to answer your points, but this isn’t looking for a Republican answer, it’s more of the kind of thing you say at a convention to fire up your base. I’d caution you though that it appears a little cynical, a little to hard line, a little to close to the edge where you remember the rhetoric but not the facts as they played out later. I think your base is adequately motivated. This may be the kind of thing that does it for you, but if you want to reach out to swing voters, you need to slow down, take a step back, and do some serious self-examination. There’s a reason you haven’t won a national election in the last 12 years, and it isn’t republicans stealing elections. Deep down you know that’s true, and if you don’t then we’ll take another gimme election from you if you’re offering.

2006-06-25 15:40:39 · answer #3 · answered by djack 5 · 1 0

Mostly Iink you are witnessing a new form of advanced fascims that had its roots or infancy when coporations sponsored the rise of fascism( Hitler, Mussolini) in the 1930s against the rise of socialism in europe..

As your human rights erodes , it would seem that corporate power
will have a greater control on your governments and your beliefs..
American journalist Paul Street launched a discussion in this regard below.. Pay special attention to the 3 last posts from anonymous , yearwood and victor whom nail the issue right on!


3 last posts:

Facism, as per state and industry
Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 2006-06-24 11:47.

It does not describe the US system. Facism does not correspond to the petro-industrial-informational-military system of commerce. Facism, ( in one state ), is a much smaller phenomenon. A developing child, so to speak, when compared with this mother. A few of the crudely efficient methods of facism are discarded as well.
» reply
Submitted by Victor on Sat, 2006-06-24 13:57.

Perhaps cancerous is a better term. The Corporate State is a cancer upon government, human civilisation and the world environment. It cannot stop itself from spreading and it cannot be stopped by others short of excisement. Which is precisely what should be done about it.
» reply
Western minimal democracies cont'd
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2006-06-25 12:42.

Posted by Kelvin Yearwood:

Just to add a further perspective on this excellent blog from the US pillion passenger on the road to terrorist state rogueism, the new conservative leader charming the UK press at the moment, Cameron, has stated that he would cut the UK's obligation to the Human Rights Act when he comes to power, and replace it with a B ill of Rights, a Human Rights Act with 'common sense'. In other words, there would be loopholes whenever US/uk foreign policiy demanded it.

Consequently, we will be faced at the next election by the possible choice (where choice actually counts) between a rogue terrorist government (possibly led by Gordon Brown); the scurge of human rights, Cameron; or a Lib-Dem party which, to their great credit, did, under Kennedy, oppose the Iraq war, but have gone curiously silent on the issue since their leadership changed. Non of these parties oppose global corporate power, of course; they just disagree, minimally, on how that power is expressed.

What Westminster, Whitehall and British intelligence continue to know is the lesson that has long been passed onto the US elite agencies, that pro-business interests fascism is a good thing, forcibly curbing domestic human rights and demands, all for the benefit of capital. Ideally, of course, as much of this culture of fascism as is possible is expressed at home as well. An intelligent and universal perception of the Human Rights Act in the UK isn't the point; let's get rid of it and debunk it in the press as not British and quite 'common sense'.

2006-06-25 14:33:10 · answer #4 · answered by cyranoyebo 3 · 0 0

Every group thinks that is operates for the common good of the group. They villianize anyone who doesn't agree with them and thus you have opposing groups who are just as dedicated to what they see as the common good.

I doubt that if you asked the average Republican that they would agree to what you have posted... but as a group they may take actions that lead to these results.

2006-06-25 14:24:14 · answer #5 · answered by neoliminal 2 · 0 0

It's har d to say the pledge of allegience now that the Constitiution has become a dusty old piece of paper

2006-06-25 14:36:07 · answer #6 · answered by Goddess of the Triple Moon 1 · 1 0

genocide, murder, human right abuses? You mean liberals. Abortion kills well over 1.2 million babies every year, since roe v. wade was passed over 48 million babies have been slaughtered because of your wonderful abortion. Liberals praise abortion. Its genocide, murder and an abuse of human rights. Stop being a hypocrite and start protecting life not destroying it.

2006-06-25 15:07:13 · answer #7 · answered by flyguy03 3 · 0 1

Get a grip an stop the lies.
Can you back up a thing you say?
Come on I dare you to try.

2006-06-25 14:38:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The erosion of Constitutional rights was (and is) a bipartisan deed.

2006-06-25 14:37:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

why don't you just do something more than asking questions about the freaks you described?your republicans have spied on our cell phones in greece as well

2006-06-25 14:26:35 · answer #10 · answered by mpcagk 4 · 1 0

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