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Your first task is to gain access to the ship's wireless room from Officer Morrow, and read Zeitel's coded telegram using the cryptograph in your trunk.


The Wireless Room

At this point you could take a shortcut by ignoring him and going on to the Wireless Room. Attempt to enter it and Officer Morrow intercepts you. It is important that you choose the following lines when talking to him:

"The sea appears calm"
"It’s a clear night, but dark"
"What uproar?"
"You don’t care for burocrats"
"What war was that?"
"No wonder moonless nights make you jumpy"
"Now, may I visit the wireless room?"
After this, he will invite you to do so. Open the door, go in. Click on the table in front of you. Read all the telegrams - one of them is German and contains a number and a code (which changes everytime you play). You take this automatically with you. Get back to your cabin, open the trunk with the key as before and click on the bottom drawer to reveal the decoder. Click on the two wires and flip the switch. Click on the number drums so that the code on the telegram appears on the bottom line. Next, click on the letters you see on the telegram, without any spaces if it specifies 1 word, and then press DECODER. When you get the message, report to Penny Pringle (P.P.) at her cabin.

[N.B. If you have problems with the decoder don’t panic, read what follows].


Talk to the guy who called you, Seidlemann. Agree to go with him and you meet Zeitel and Haderlitz. Converse with them until they all go, then click on the table to the right to get Zeitel’s pipe. Examine the Cafe for a bit of fun. Leave and you’ll meet Daisy Cashmore, you gives you a lot of info and asks a favour of you. Go upstairs and to the Smoking Room to meet Seidelmann, who will introduce you to Riviera. You can have a few games of Blackjack, if you like. Leave and go to the Great Staircase in A Deck and talk to Trask. Show him the pipe; he suggests you go to the Turkish Bath. Do so. Inside, click on the fountain, click on the spout and leave the water running. Go to the mirror and click on it. You get a message. This is identical to the message if you take the telegram to the decoding machine. There is no need to do both.

2006-06-25 13:41:33 · answer #1 · answered by thematrixhazu36 5 · 0 0

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