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...as a test of your loyalty, told you that they wanted their ex back (knowing that this is a weak spot), stood you up many times over 40+ minutes at a time, made up another other half and told you that he'd gotten her pregnant, made her out to be all the good things that you aren't and then asked you to marry him and told you that all of the aforementioned was just his way of finding out whether or not you were going to stick by him?

2006-06-25 12:41:42 · 32 answers · asked by kissshot85 3 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

32 answers

The guy is a NUTBALL!! A control-freak nutball. A marriage to someone who would play games like would be a marriage ruled by insecurity and submission. Don't do it! For your sanity's sake!

2006-06-25 12:53:22 · answer #1 · answered by Bapboy 4 · 2 1

Move on girl. Love is not some game, and if he loved you, he wouldn't have to test you. Trust is one of the most important things you can have with another human being. Having to "test" you is the antithesis of trust. I think this guy needs some serious help! You are not the one to give it to him. The thing is, you LET him do these things to you! You have to DEMAND respect, in order to get it. Some people just have no respect for others, so don't waste your time. I was once in a similar relationship, and it was SO HARD to break free and move on. It was a very painful time in my life, but I stuck to my guns, and eventually my mind was finally free of him. The beautiful thing, is that once you've come out of a situation like that, you gain a more profound sense of self-love and when you do start looking seriously for another partner, you won't "settle". Get out there and enjoy life and cut loose all the ties that don't make you feel like the beautiful, intelligent, and fabulous woman that you are. Life is too short. Find something that makes you smile, and let it lead you to other things that will make you smile. You are only a victim if you allow yourself to be. Go with the flow, girl. Peace.

2006-06-27 03:11:55 · answer #2 · answered by DiscoGoddess 3 · 0 0

That's a test? And you still want to be with him? I'd say no way! I think he needs some help. He sounds way too insecure.

Picture yourself 10 years from now, married to him, with a child in the picture... Do you see him still "testing" you? What I picture is exactly that. Still putting you to the test.

It's also a measure of control. If he can keep you with him out of what he considers loyalty, then he can control you. And a form of mental abuse.

2006-06-25 12:53:42 · answer #3 · answered by truthseeker909 2 · 0 0


I think this guy is a lunatic. Think about it...he basically sh**s on you to determine how much he can sh** on you after you get married. How crazy is that? Yes, it is reasonable to expect the other partner to be committed, be able to fight about things without it necessarily ending in divorce, but come on!

Is he planning on the possibility of getting a girl pregnant outside of your marriage? Sure, we're all late for a date, or even forget an appointment, but I think he went over the top. Basically, his test was not a test of your love, but a test of how much he can screw up and not have you bail on the relationship.

Get a tazer...you know, the stun gun? Shoot him in the scrotum. Tell him you intend to do this every time he screws up. When he complains, just tell him it is a test to see how much suffering he can endure. That's about as normal as what he did.

If you want to see a nutcase, go to a homeless shelter. You don't have to marry one. I promise you, you will regret marrying this dude.


2006-06-25 12:54:23 · answer #4 · answered by chuck_jax 3 · 0 0

Get out of the relationship now while it's early days, because it will only get harder to leave, as he'll take all your confidence and self worth making you feel like you need and depend on him. A man who truly loves you should know that the feeling is mutual and not need to test especially by hurting you in the process.

Sounds like he's been very childish playing silly games or what he told you was true and he realised once he told you that he should've kept it to himself and is now covering it up by saying it was for the good of your 'relationship'.

Good luck, hope all goes well. xx

2006-06-25 19:45:13 · answer #5 · answered by kl1 2 · 0 0

If you fell for all that then I have some swamp land in Texas for sell. Hun that man is playing you like a fiddle and your thinking about taking him back. Are you crazy or just like to be used and abused.I hear some women do like that I my self don't. I know i"m worth more than that. I'm sure you are also. Good luck with your decision and so that it is very to any one No i would not take a man back that treated me like sh--t. You get treated like that because you let him treat you that way. People treat you how you let them. So if that's what you want go for it.

2006-06-25 13:56:46 · answer #6 · answered by Kat 2 · 0 0

This person has some serious issues, and should seek counseling. You need to go on with your life, and find someone that is not into playing head games. If they are doing this now, imagine the mind jobs they would try after you married them.
Sticking by them, would be condoning their actions.
Do yourself a favor, find someone that can trust you just by getting to know you.

2006-06-25 12:51:16 · answer #7 · answered by jimmy h 3 · 0 0

I like what kill_yr_tele... said test his loyalty and see how he handles it. I am willing to bet he is very insecure or he is lying about something else and trying to disguise it as "a test". 99% chance that not going back to him is the right choice.

2006-06-25 12:55:44 · answer #8 · answered by clydesdale1981 3 · 0 0

no i wouldnt thats not a test of your loyalty he is being ajerk you should move on so he can see what you wont put up with he is testing your weaknesses and you are to pretty for that baby girl dont let him do that to you any more,leave him and be free to find your one true love

2006-06-25 12:54:31 · answer #9 · answered by treatau 6 · 0 0

no id tell this person to go to toys r us if they wnt to play games. You know if a person is going to stick by you by going through real life trial, and beleive me life as enough of them to where you dont have to make them up. This kind of testing causes emotional turmoil no mattter what . I would have to decline the offer of marriage to save myself from being a love puppet.

2006-06-25 12:49:12 · answer #10 · answered by imaganae 2 · 0 0

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