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i took very good care of my mother until she passed away in 2000.im 60 yrs old. we got along great. i have nothing but bad dreams of her.in the dreams, she is alway throwing me out and i cant make it on my own and this scares me so bad.wont talk to me and treats me badly in the dreams and i hurt from this alday long.she was a great person and i dont understand these dreams. i have had them for 6 years now. can anyone explain this .

2006-06-25 11:57:57 · 14 answers · asked by cletus_fraley 2 in Health General Health Care Other - General Health Care

14 answers

I do have the answer to your dream. It seems that you spend your whole life taking care of other people. Now, you're sixty. You are being told, by the figure of your mother, to take care of yourself. The reason that it's your mother who is pushing you, kicking you out, is because it would be easier for you to understand. It's not that your mother did not love you or your mother is hurting you now because she cannot hurt you from where she is. If you understand what I just said and start taking care of yourself, the dreams should stop.

2006-06-25 12:50:44 · answer #1 · answered by newchenel 2 · 0 0

The meaning of dreams are very personal. Only you will truly be able to decipher your dream. Here are some thoughts though:
It sounds to me like you may be feeling abandoned and/or rejected by your mother's passing. It also sounds like you may have felt dependent upon your mother for a sense of purpose in your life, especially since you took care of her for so long. Do you feel like you failed her? Do you feel like you failed yourself when she died? Were there things you wanted to communicate to your mother, but didn't/ couldn't? Did you feel that she withheld things from you? I'm sure your mother was a great person. I'm sure you are a great person too. Given your dreams, I wonder if there weren't some deeper issues going on. It almost sounds to me like you are trying to protect your mother from judgment, either from others or from yourself. Try journaling your dreams, or writing a letter to your mother, and imagining what she might say in reasons to your letter. You can even create a sort of dialog, writing down a question, and then "answering" it based on what your mother might have said. This can be very helpful in finding out what is at the base of these issues. Whatever you do, know that you are not the reason your mother died. Death comes to all of us. Try seeking out the help of a counselor with experience in the grieving process. Best wishes!

2006-06-25 19:25:46 · answer #2 · answered by miztenacioust 2 · 0 0

Dreams have no true meaning. They are just random chemical releases while you sleep that generate images. While no, dreams aren't sent because you need them, they are usually about what you were thinking just before you fell asleep. They may not be given to you for a reason, but that doesn't mean you can't learn from them. In this case, it is showing you what might have happened if you and your mother hadn't gotten along. You could try to be nicer to everyone you know, and to stop them, I would recomend concentrating on something else before you sleep. That shold help stop the dreams.

2006-06-25 19:03:34 · answer #3 · answered by bobsanderson92 2 · 0 0

There is no set translation for dreams. The question is "what does it mean to you?" Perhaps you had a deep fear of not making your mother happy, or of failing her in some way. Even if you are financially secure, maybe you feel insufficient in some way. This would be symbolized by your not making it on your own. This might be entirely wrong, but I bet if you look closely enough, and look for hidden meanings, you could find some symbolism in your dreams.

2006-06-25 19:02:28 · answer #4 · answered by hug_a_surfer 2 · 0 0

I suggest you go to your local bookstore or library and skim through some dream interpretation books. Just from my own interpretation, it sounds like you feel helpless without her and you feel like it is her fault that she passed away, which left you empty-handed hence your dream. You might also want to check up with a psychiatrist/psychologist to see if this is anything deeper. Just for daily remedial purposes, take time daily to reminisce of your mother. Think of the good times you two have shared, and think of what a great person she is and how she has affected you.

Hope this helps!

2006-06-25 19:24:02 · answer #5 · answered by dozerness 2 · 0 0

It sound like you have some unresolved issues with your Mother. The dreams are a way of your subconscious bring these issues to light in your conscious. I suggest you sit down and write your mother a letter. Start by telling her about the dreams. I have feeling the issues will surface in the letter. It could be you haven't accepted her death yet. Hey, don't laugh, or snicker, my beloved soul mate/husband died almost 7 years ago. It takes time to accept death, especially the death of a loved one. Good Luck

2006-06-25 19:03:32 · answer #6 · answered by crazycat.lady 2 · 0 0

Hmmmmmmmmm...... well I am very sorry for your mothers death. Some people say yes and others say no. Mayb what is going on is you worried so much for her that you let it go to ur head-that s not good. But the devil is trying to scare you that is not of god! God wants you to b happy! I do belive that dreams have meanings but i think you shouldn't over think these dreams but... I also think you should see a sicoligist!

happ Dreams! :D

2006-06-25 19:07:21 · answer #7 · answered by -PERSON-ON-YAHOO- 1 · 0 0

Well it could be one of two things... or a little of both...its hard for me to say, because my opinion could be slightly biais from being a bit spiritual... I think, its ethier, you feeling guilty for something that you did to her, or something that she said to you, leading up to the years in the past, it could be unconcious too [for example if nothing really happend between you two negatively it could just be your subconcious mind feeling what you don't bring to the surface] It could also be her ghost [I know,..a little extreme] haunting your dreams, she could have felt negative towards you, maybe if you prey for her a little the dreams will go away... Try to do something that would be meaningful to her, find a way to show a last respect.

2006-06-25 19:03:10 · answer #8 · answered by The Great Pretender 2 · 0 0

Yes, dreams can offer us warnings of impending danger, etc. The way you describe your dream, it seems as though you are sub-consciously viewing her death as abandonment. That is normal and many people do feel abandoned by loved ones who have passed away. Since it has obviously affected you to have these recurring dreams, I would mention them to my doctor and see if he can give you something to get a more restful sleep.

2006-06-25 19:13:21 · answer #9 · answered by lavenderbluememories 5 · 0 0

Of course Dreams of mine came true

2006-06-25 18:59:40 · answer #10 · answered by Katie S 1 · 0 0

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